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Sony Announces Two $300 PS4 Bundles For December Rush

Okay, so Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over, but that doesn't mean the deals have stopped.

As announced over at the PlayStation Blog , Sony plans to aggressively promote PlayStation 4 via two attractive hardware bundles.

These two packages will be available in the U.S. between December 6 and December 19 and the price is only $300 for each. First up is a Star Wars: Battlefront PS4 bundle, which features the standard black console and controller, along with a copy of the popular game. You will also receive four classic retro titles: Super Star Wars , Star Wars: Racer Revenge , Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter and Star Wars Bounty Hunter .

Then there's a PS4 package featuring Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection , which is a similar bundle, but don't forget that the Collection includes three amazing games as well as access to the upcoming Uncharted 4: A Thief's End multiplayer beta, which kicks off on December 4.

That Uncharted compilation has found its way into several great PS4 bundle deals; there was this one that also included a copy of Fallout 4 , for example. The deals will keep coming between now and Christmas, that's for sure!

Related Game(s): Star Wars: Battlefront , Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection

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8 years ago

Need to find a $300 bundle with Fallout 4.

8 years ago

You looking for an Xbox one? They're the only ones doing promotional tie-ins with Fallout 4.

8 years ago

I suppose u get a free voucher (up to weeks or months) for PS+ included in the package? If I was going to choose I would wait for a better bundle.

Advent Child
Advent Child
8 years ago

My friend decided not to get a PS4 because he wanted the Star Wars bundle for $300. Guess Sony decided to talk him into it.

8 years ago

I had ordered the$299.99 500GB Uncharted Collection Bundle from BestBuy last Thursday, along with 12 games,an extra blue PS4 controller, & 1T hard-drive go into it & I had already received all those games & accessories.

I even charged up my new beautiful blue controller too in anticipation of playing my new PS4.

Anyways, I was super-anxiously awaiting for UPS to ring my bell with my brand new PS4 & since he never comes before 5PM, I decided to take a short doze at 11AM & got up at 2:45PM to make sure to catch the UPS guy(since my UPS tracker already told me that it was on the truck for today's delivery).

But to my chagrin, shock, dismay, anger, disappointment, total horror, I just happened to look outside my door suddenly saw the "Sorry, we missed you" placard attached to it.

WELL, #^^$&^%#*^$%# dammit to all hell, here I've been$&&%#^^$% waiting for my PS4 for 5 #&%$^^$#% days & I frigging missed the UPS guy.

And what $&%^&%#%^ pisses me off the most, is that that UPS guy "NEVER, EVER" comes before 5 PM & of all $*^*%#%^&%$ day, he pick my PS4 delivery day to sneak up to do a Deus Ex stealth move on my doorbell over 3 damned $&*^$%*^%%$ hours early.

I can't take another $&&%%^%$ 24 hour wait of this sh*t anymore, $*^$^^$ now I gotta go stir-crazy &%#&%##^&$ waiting & another #&^##%&^$$%^ day of chomping at the fu*king bit!!!

$&*^$%^% "Double-damn his $&^%$38 ass $&&$&%%^


#^&%#%^&%$#$$%^ "DAMN HIM TO HELL"!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/2/2015 12:04:17 AM

8 years ago

I wonder if they brought in extra drivers for the season.

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