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Ubisoft: Team-Killers In Rainbow Six Siege Won’t Be Tolerated

With Rainbow Six Siege hitting store shelves tomorrow, anticipatory gamers have questions.

When will the servers go live? How will the developers deal with trolls who like to drop members of their own team?

Thankfully, Ubisoft has answers to these questions, as posted on the official Twitter page. First up, they confirmed the servers will go live for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC at 12:01 a.m. EST on December 1. Well, you know, provided they're working ; the open beta had its fair share of problems .

One of the complaints from that beta was that team killing was just too prominent, so one player wanted to to know if Ubisoft planned to deal with people who thought it funny to eliminate their allies. As they replied on Twitter :

Rainbow Six Siege , a third-person tactical shooter that requires players work together, is online-centric and scheduled to launch tomorrow, December 1.

Related Game(s): Rainbow Six Siege

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8 years ago

I played the beta and I must say that words cannot describe how bored I was.

8 years ago

On the fence with this one. We tried it and liked it, but I am not sure if I will have the time for the game.

8 years ago

This game doesn't even feel like Rainbow 6. Vegas and Vegas 2 were departures from the tried and true R6:3 formula and most people hated the more arcade like feel it had.

I liked Vegas 1 and 2 I thought both werent as arcadey as people complained about.

This game however is Rainbow only in name. It felt so terrible to play this on my PC, I don't know what audience they are going for. CoD players will hate it, PC gamers will stick with Counter Strike, and Rainbow 6 fans will hate it….I just don't know who this game is for.

I have a feeling this game is going to fail very hard.

8 years ago

And it's without a single player mode too, right?

8 years ago

right, just terrorist hunt i think.

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