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PSXE Poll Update: PS2 Games On PS4? Well…Maybe?

Well, I'd say that's a split-decision.

When Sony revealed that PlayStation 4 would finally get backwards compatibility for PS2 games , most fans were pleased. But according to the results of our latest poll, the response isn't overwhelmingly positive.

Almost an equal number of participants were at the two extremes of the poll: "Love it! Can't wait to get it!" and "Don't care one way or the other." Another large group said they think it's a good idea provided Sony does it right, and others said they'll remain on the fence until they get the details. So, at this point, there's no clear-cut winner. Maybe we're too far along in this generation and the prospect of playing PS2 games continues to wane with time.

This week, two of 2015's biggest games arrive: Just Cause 3 and Rainbow Six Siege . Planning on getting one or the other? Both? Neither? If you need help deciding, you can check out the 400-mile map of JC3 , and don't forget that Siege has had major issues with the open beta , although Ubisoft swears it'll be ready for launch.

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8 years ago

The bigger news after backwards compatibility is Yoshida's announcement that they're working on remote play for PC/Macs.

8 years ago

I think the disparity comes from the lack of more concrete information surrounding this feature. If it was only clear whether or not it actually works for games, or how it actually works, or if we can possibly use PS2 discs, etc., then it would either lean on one side or the other.

8 years ago

That's what i was going to ask, is it going to allow us to play ps2 discs or is it going to be some kind of "now you can rebuy your ps2 titles on the psn" garbage?

8 years ago

Very good point. If it's like MS b/c then blah.

8 years ago

Already have Just Cause 3. It was delivered on Saturday early. Doubt I'm getting Siege with the issues it's had.

On the b/c I'd like to be able to use my discs I'm not buying them again.

Last edited by tlpn99 on 11/30/2015 1:29:00 AM

8 years ago

Just Cause 3 for me

8 years ago

Not surprising, there's two kinds of gamers. Those who never stop loving gaming history, and those who chuck it all in favor of the new.

No Rainbows for me, I go it alone not with a team, and while I don't want to spend any money on yet another massive open world game without much of a point I might put it on my list just cuz I need something new and maybe it'll be fun. I'll get to avoid GTA5 longer.

8 years ago

the grapple, parachute, & the wingsuit….that's one big great FTW!!!!

BTW, I'm all in if the PS4's BC is disc based.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/30/2015 11:02:39 AM

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