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Can PS4’s Price Drop Compete With Xbox One’s Exclusives?

The PlayStation 4 has received a price drop in every major region, including the U.S. and Canada .

But it must survive the holiday season with no heavy-hitting AAA exclusive titles, as the hugely anticipated Uncharted 4: A Thief's End got pushed into 2016.

So, with Xbox One coming hard with Halo 5: Guardians , Rise of the Tomb Raider and Forza 6 , can PS4 maintain its hot performance thanks to the lowered price tag? Of course, Sony's system is now the same price as Xbox One, as Microsoft permanently cut the price of their console earlier this year. They kinda had to, because it just wasn't selling very well. Even after the price drop, however, it couldn't manage to outsell PS4 in this country (with the exception of one month, I believe).

Now, you've got two consoles that are the same price and one has the obvious edge in terms of exclusives. And it seems like Xbox One is leaving its poor reputation behind, so perhaps Microsoft has what it takes to land a big win this holiday season. On the other hand, if PS4 was still winning even as the more expensive machine, this price drop – effective in Japan, Australia, most of North America and European territories – might be huge for Sony.


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8 years ago

Lol Xbone exclusives.

8 years ago

aw c'mon, Master Chief (at the very least) deserves some good 'ol praises, can't deny that. xD

8 years ago

Meh, halo hasn't been fun since the first one.

8 years ago

That lineup isn't really that strong per se, so Sony shouldn't have any problems.

Forza was/is only popular because it's the only thing close to a simulator the console has. GT 6 sold more copies than Forza 5 and it released for a console that was being over shadowed by the release of the PS4. Forza doesn't move consoles is the point.

Halo is on a downward trend since 2 and more significantly since Bungie is gone. This one might be good but I think it's funny a lot of people are associating it with Destiny because of the "Guardians" name. That could actually help…

Tomb Raider is probably the consoles best bet, but considering the reboot sold less between both the Xbox One and 360 than the PS3 version alone tells me it's not a popular game for Xbox owners or to be Xbox One owners. It's not going to move systems except for the select few who just can't wait.

There are far better choices that are releasing for both consoles coming out. These 3 will be over shadowed by those games and ultimately more consoles will be sold because of them than any of those 3 mentioned. Which console is the only question. Considering you have a choice, it probably won't matter to most consumers. Looking ahead I'm sure the educated will see more appeal to the PS4.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/25/2015 10:54:10 PM

8 years ago

"Can PS4's Price Drop Compete With Xbox One's Exclusives?"
To find this headline here now is is like the twilight zone, the *complete* opposite of last generation.
People laughed when I right after the transition to the new generation said that we might indeed see the exact oppposite this time, that it might be the Xbox that invest most in exclusives, simply cause they are now the underdog.
Perfectly logical reasoning, but met with disbelief, "This is SONY we talk about here, they've ALWAYS put top effort into exclusives.".
Well – maybe because they had to. Now the tables are turned.

8 years ago

Xbox isn't really doing that though. What "incredible" first part exclusives are there, exactly? New ones that didn't exist the previous 2 generations?

There aren't any, really. Not AAA, anyways.

8 years ago

It's definitely more fun to be a fan of an underdog platform, as it was last gen.

But MS's lineup this holiday isn't some work of genius.
Forza has turned into an annually released franchise, alternating between Horizon and a numbered entry.
TR was bought out to compete with Uncharted. ND requested more time so they missed the holidays.
Then there's Halo. Okay they've got another Halo game. They win. I guess.

Next year Sony will have an unanswered Street Fighter V and Uncharted 4, plus the hype of a new Ratchet movie and relaunched game.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/26/2015 9:27:48 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

Nothing has changed, Beam.

Xbox has had Halo and Forza for two generations now; there's nothing new there. And Rise of the Tomb Raider was just yet another purchased timed exclusive (and we all know PS4 will end up with the better version this time next year). Other than the standard big three – Halo, Gears, Forza – Microsoft still doesn't have any new exclusive franchise, or even a big new IP, they can actually call their own.

And this is because Sony first-party studios have always greatly outstripped Microsoft's. When this generation is said and done, once again, it won't even be close in the exclusive department. 2016 will see Uncharted 4, Gran Turismo 7, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and we can still look forward to another God of War and whatever new IP Quantic Dream continues to work on.

It has undeniably taken longer for the PlayStation brand to get their exclusives really rolling this generation, but we've already seen huge new exclusive IPs like Bloodborne. What has Xbox One had? Sunset Overdrive, I suppose. Beyond that, you've got the three this holiday season and as I said above, one is not Microsoft's at all and isn't a full exclusive and the other two are the same ol' same ol'.

Microsoft has changed nothing in their approach to exclusives: stick with the same exact franchises and buy the occasional timed exclusive. The only difference is that it has taken Sony longer to get going in this department this generation.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/26/2015 10:54:53 AM

8 years ago

Gonna have to disagree with you too beam. I don't mean to repeat the other guys, but I don't think Sony is lacking exclusives at this point simply because they're in the lead if that's what you're implying. The only difference is MS is churning out their top dogs faster, but that doesn't necessarily mean MS needs to and Sony doesn't. It may be a role reversal but also note the differences.

Just compare the upcoming exclusives and even DLC exclusives, and how they stack. I still believe Sony is ahead in this department since there is no indication at all that MS will be more dedicated for major exclusives than Sony is. When they release becomes irrelevant in the corporates need for such exclusives.

Coming up?

Dragonquest XI
Gran Turismo 7
Street Fighter V
Dream or whatever media molecule game is
Last Guardian

Quantum Break
Gears (has it come out yet?)
Sorry if I miss some

Just looking at Xbone , three of those are mainly shooting games. Not only does Sony show more, but also better variety. Don't forget the VR exclusives or Indy games. I've yet to see any clear plan for xbone regarding VR.

8 years ago

Currently i see that halo 5 gaurdians has a metacritic score of 87 based on 41 critic review, i really thought it would be higher than that, but then again i've only played the first halo an i did'nt really like that.

8 years ago

Meh, Sony is still plugging away at their best first party exclusives far and above Xbox who had to actually buy one.

8 years ago

Especially if the comparison is to a "role reversal" of last gen.

In it's first year, PS3 gave us Resistance, Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, and Folklore if I just name it's notable new exclusive IPs.

Year 2 gave us Uncharted, Valkyria Chronicles (Console exclusive… also on Steam, actually), Haze, Buzz, and Little Big Planet for it's more notable new IP exclusives.

You don't see that kind of brand new IP exclusives coming from Microsoft… not even close. And if we were to look forward to what MS has planned for the coming year, in the first few months of the PS3's third year, we got Demon Souls, Infamous, and Flower.

I just really see no evidence of Microsoft pulling that kind of performance off.

Keep in mind, I'm not even mentioning IP's from former generations that were exclusive, like Metal Gear Solid 4 or Killzone 2 nor am I mentioning the new IP's that scored lowly or weren't popular, like White Knight Chronicles or Lair.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 10/26/2015 1:58:32 PM

8 years ago

Lol Sony indie exclusives. Though i have both the Ps4 and Xbox1 i've seem to play on the Ps4 the most. I enjoy DriveClub over Forza 6 and the rest of my games i play on the Ps4. Though im considering getting Fallout 4 for Xbox1 for two reasons mods first on Xbox1 and Fallout 3 free with backwards compatibility. Cant wait for Rise of the Tomb Raider too.

8 years ago

I think the only exclusive i'll be getting on xbox one is rise of the tomb raider , not interested in the rest.

8 years ago

I don't really see that though…

8 years ago

MS stated a few days ago that not only will Halo 5 be making a PC release sometime, they are also halting on developing more xbox one consoles and sell the rest of whatevers made, and focus on xbox live and its features.

They want to focus on their already installed user base, which means they give up. pre=orders for their exclusives are down and much more. Even the massive corp that is MS can only bleed money for so long I guess. They're not going anywhere mind you, but they just don't have faith in beating PS4 anymore. How could you when even when your consoles cheaper, the ps4 still sells almost as much. And even now, the ps4 has the holiday hype, while Halo 5 is being swept under the rug for Black Ops 3.

Also, Halo 5 is terrible. I can't believe what they've done to Master Chief and the overall universes lore. Gameplay wise its fun and all though. I summon like a 7 for Halo 5.

Generalizing though, there isn't enough buzz for xbox one's exclusives to make a dent in the holiday season. The internets had Halo 5 for almost 2 weeks and it hasn't blown up the way other games have.

8 years ago

Let's forget about Forza. Just because it's exclusive doesn't mean it holds any candle to the effect GT has on the ps4. The game has been out for over a month, yet the Xbox still lost the month, and that's before the ps4 price drop.

Tomb Raider? No need to repeat.

Halo is really the only one worth talking about, even if the impact may not be as huge as it had been. Honestly, I think MS will win the month of Halo, but that's it.

Besides talking about exclusives, let's also talk about how games just simply perform better, even if slightly on the ps4. Multipat games become a factor when performance can be different just like how it affected Sony early on the ps3s life when multipats simply perform worst than the rival 360. Don't forget about Activision siding with Sony this time.

It's simply a switch situation, only this time Sony is doing it with a higher price system and fewer exclusives. Sony has yet to unleash their top exclusives while MS only have Halo left. MS is at Sonys mercy and at this point, I don't see any recovery. It's not like Sony will start to just lack exclusives so in the long run I don't see MS out doing Sony in exclusives.. They're also ahead in the virtual reality race.

8 years ago

I saw that FM6 didn't even crack the top 10 for the NPD, so I have to agree with you on that.

8 years ago

"Of course, Sony's system is now the same price as Xbox One, as Microsoft permanently cut the price of their console earlier this year. They kinda had to, because it just wasn't selling very well. "

Both consoles are selling incredibly well. It's just that the Xbox is lagging behind the PS4.

It seems like Microsofts strategy this generation is to win the holiday season. I believe it'll be their bundles that help them more than th exclusives though.

8 years ago

A lot of gamers still need to experience the Nathan Drake Collection. It just happens that this is a holiday where Sony's big boys aren't ready. I would have held and polished Until Dawn and released it with a huge campaign. Bump the japanese exclusives for the geeks. And keep talking about how Fallout 4 and others will run better on PS4.

8 years ago

decided to go for it?

While I would've preferred a ND conversion (which may have meant more meaningful added content), the BluePoint team did a fine job porting it over.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/26/2015 10:39:40 PM

5 years ago

Meh, halo hasn&#39t been fun since the first one.

5 years ago

Gonna have to disagree with you too beam. I don&#39t mean to repeat the other guys, but I don&#39t think Sony is lacking exclusives at this point simply because they&#39re in the lead if that&#39s what you&#39re implying. The only difference is MS is churning out their top dogs faster, but that doesn&#39t necessarily mean MS needs to and Sony doesn&#39t. It may be a role reversal but also note the differences.

Just compare the upcoming exclusives and even DLC exclusives, and how they stack. I still believe Sony is ahead in this department since there is no indication at all that MS will be more dedicated for major exclusives than Sony is. When they release becomes irrelevant in the corporates need for such exclusives.

Coming up?

Dragonquest XI
Gran Turismo 7
Street Fighter V
Dream or whatever media molecule game is
Last Guardian

Quantum Break
Gears (has it come out yet?)
Sorry if I miss some

Just looking at Xbone , three of those are mainly shooting games. Not only does Sony show more, but also better variety. Don&#39t forget the VR exclusives or Indy games. I&#39ve yet to see any clear plan for xbone regarding VR.

5 years ago

aw c&#39mon, Master Chief (at the very least) deserves some good &#39ol praises, can&#39t deny that. xD

5 years ago

Lol Xbone exclusives.

5 years ago

"Can PS4&#39s Price Drop Compete With Xbox One&#39s Exclusives?"
To find this headline here now is is like the twilight zone, the *complete* opposite of last generation.
People laughed when I right after the transition to the new generation said that we might indeed see the exact oppposite this time, that it might be the Xbox that invest most in exclusives, simply cause they are now the underdog.
Perfectly logical reasoning, but met with disbelief, "This is SONY we talk about here, they&#39ve ALWAYS put top effort into exclusives.".
Well – maybe because they had to. Now the tables are turned.

5 years ago

A lot of gamers still need to experience the Nathan Drake Collection. It just happens that this is a holiday where Sony&#39s big boys aren&#39t ready. I would have held and polished Until Dawn and released it with a huge campaign. Bump the japanese exclusives for the geeks. And keep talking about how Fallout 4 and others will run better on PS4.

5 years ago

Especially if the comparison is to a "role reversal" of last gen.

In it&#39s first year, PS3 gave us Resistance, Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, and Folklore if I just name it&#39s notable new exclusive IPs.

Year 2 gave us Uncharted, Valkyria Chronicles (Console exclusive… also on Steam, actually), Haze, Buzz, and Little Big Planet for it&#39s more notable new IP exclusives.

You don&#39t see that kind of brand new IP exclusives coming from Microsoft… not even close. And if we were to look forward to what MS has planned for the coming year, in the first few months of the PS3&#39s third year, we got Demon Souls, Infamous, and Flower.

I just really see no evidence of Microsoft pulling that kind of performance off.

Keep in mind, I&#39m not even mentioning IP&#39s from former generations that were exclusive, like Metal Gear Solid 4 or Killzone 2 nor am I mentioning the new IP&#39s that scored lowly or weren&#39t popular, like White Knight Chronicles or Lair.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 10/26/2015 1:58:32 PM

5 years ago

Currently i see that halo 5 gaurdians has a metacritic score of 87 based on 41 critic review, i really thought it would be higher than that, but then again i&#39ve only played the first halo an i did&#39nt really like that.

5 years ago

That lineup isn&#39t really that strong per se, so Sony shouldn&#39t have any problems.

Forza was/is only popular because it&#39s the only thing close to a simulator the console has. GT 6 sold more copies than Forza 5 and it released for a console that was being over shadowed by the release of the PS4. Forza doesn&#39t move consoles is the point.

Halo is on a downward trend since 2 and more significantly since Bungie is gone. This one might be good but I think it&#39s funny a lot of people are associating it with Destiny because of the "Guardians" name. That could actually help…

Tomb Raider is probably the consoles best bet, but considering the reboot sold less between both the Xbox One and 360 than the PS3 version alone tells me it&#39s not a popular game for Xbox owners or to be Xbox One owners. It&#39s not going to move systems except for the select few who just can&#39t wait.

There are far better choices that are releasing for both consoles coming out. These 3 will be over shadowed by those games and ultimately more consoles will be sold because of them than any of those 3 mentioned. Which console is the only question. Considering you have a choice, it probably won&#39t matter to most consumers. Looking ahead I&#39m sure the educated will see more appeal to the PS4.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/25/2015 10:54:10 PM

5 years ago

Meh, Sony is still plugging away at their best first party exclusives far and above Xbox who had to actually buy one.

5 years ago

Let&#39s forget about Forza. Just because it&#39s exclusive doesn&#39t mean it holds any candle to the effect GT has on the ps4. The game has been out for over a month, yet the Xbox still lost the month, and that&#39s before the ps4 price drop.

Tomb Raider? No need to repeat.

Halo is really the only one worth talking about, even if the impact may not be as huge as it had been. Honestly, I think MS will win the month of Halo, but that&#39s it.

Besides talking about exclusives, let&#39s also talk about how games just simply perform better, even if slightly on the ps4. Multipat games become a factor when performance can be different just like how it affected Sony early on the ps3s life when multipats simply perform worst than the rival 360. Don&#39t forget about Activision siding with Sony this time.

It&#39s simply a switch situation, only this time Sony is doing it with a higher price system and fewer exclusives. Sony has yet to unleash their top exclusives while MS only have Halo left. MS is at Sonys mercy and at this point, I don&#39t see any recovery. It&#39s not like Sony will start to just lack exclusives so in the long run I don&#39t see MS out doing Sony in exclusives.. They&#39re also ahead in the virtual reality race.

5 years ago

Lol Sony indie exclusives. Though i have both the Ps4 and Xbox1 i&#39ve seem to play on the Ps4 the most. I enjoy DriveClub over Forza 6 and the rest of my games i play on the Ps4. Though im considering getting Fallout 4 for Xbox1 for two reasons mods first on Xbox1 and Fallout 3 free with backwards compatibility. Cant wait for Rise of the Tomb Raider too.

5 years ago

I don&#39t really see that though…

5 years ago

MS stated a few days ago that not only will Halo 5 be making a PC release sometime, they are also halting on developing more xbox one consoles and sell the rest of whatevers made, and focus on xbox live and its features.

They want to focus on their already installed user base, which means they give up. pre=orders for their exclusives are down and much more. Even the massive corp that is MS can only bleed money for so long I guess. They&#39re not going anywhere mind you, but they just don&#39t have faith in beating PS4 anymore. How could you when even when your consoles cheaper, the ps4 still sells almost as much. And even now, the ps4 has the holiday hype, while Halo 5 is being swept under the rug for Black Ops 3.

Also, Halo 5 is terrible. I can&#39t believe what they&#39ve done to Master Chief and the overall universes lore. Gameplay wise its fun and all though. I summon like a 7 for Halo 5.

Generalizing though, there isn&#39t enough buzz for xbox one&#39s exclusives to make a dent in the holiday season. The internets had Halo 5 for almost 2 weeks and it hasn&#39t blown up the way other games have.

5 years ago

I saw that FM6 didn&#39t even crack the top 10 for the NPD, so I have to agree with you on that.

5 years ago

I think the only exclusive i&#39ll be getting on xbox one is rise of the tomb raider , not interested in the rest.

5 years ago

It&#39s definitely more fun to be a fan of an underdog platform, as it was last gen.

But MS&#39s lineup this holiday isn&#39t some work of genius.
Forza has turned into an annually released franchise, alternating between Horizon and a numbered entry.
TR was bought out to compete with Uncharted. ND requested more time so they missed the holidays.
Then there&#39s Halo. Okay they&#39ve got another Halo game. They win. I guess.

Next year Sony will have an unanswered Street Fighter V and Uncharted 4, plus the hype of a new Ratchet movie and relaunched game.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/26/2015 9:27:48 AM

5 years ago

Xbox isn&#39t really doing that though. What "incredible" first part exclusives are there, exactly? New ones that didn&#39t exist the previous 2 generations?

There aren&#39t any, really. Not AAA, anyways.

5 years ago

decided to go for it?

While I would&#39ve preferred a ND conversion (which may have meant more meaningful added content), the BluePoint team did a fine job porting it over.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/26/2015 10:39:40 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

Nothing has changed, Beam.

Xbox has had Halo and Forza for two generations now; there&#39s nothing new there. And Rise of the Tomb Raider was just yet another purchased timed exclusive (and we all know PS4 will end up with the better version this time next year). Other than the standard big three – Halo, Gears, Forza – Microsoft still doesn&#39t have any new exclusive franchise, or even a big new IP, they can actually call their own.

And this is because Sony first-party studios have always greatly outstripped Microsoft&#39s. When this generation is said and done, once again, it won&#39t even be close in the exclusive department. 2016 will see Uncharted 4, Gran Turismo 7, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and we can still look forward to another God of War and whatever new IP Quantic Dream continues to work on.

It has undeniably taken longer for the PlayStation brand to get their exclusives really rolling this generation, but we&#39ve already seen huge new exclusive IPs like Bloodborne. What has Xbox One had? Sunset Overdrive, I suppose. Beyond that, you&#39ve got the three this holiday season and as I said above, one is not Microsoft&#39s at all and isn&#39t a full exclusive and the other two are the same ol&#39 same ol&#39.

Microsoft has changed nothing in their approach to exclusives: stick with the same exact franchises and buy the occasional timed exclusive. The only difference is that it has taken Sony longer to get going in this department this generation.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/26/2015 10:54:53 AM

5 years ago

"Of course, Sony&#39s system is now the same price as Xbox One, as Microsoft permanently cut the price of their console earlier this year. They kinda had to, because it just wasn&#39t selling very well. "

Both consoles are selling incredibly well. It&#39s just that the Xbox is lagging behind the PS4.

It seems like Microsofts strategy this generation is to win the holiday season. I believe it&#39ll be their bundles that help them more than th exclusives though.

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