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Can Someone Explain The Appeal Of “Critics” Like Angry Joe?

I'm well aware that nobody reads. Well, more specifically, nobody reads on the Internet. With the digital directive always being "less text, more media" from every single producer on earth, and places like BuzzFeed and YouTube ruling the world, this much is obvious.

But there's one thing I will never understand.

And that is why people like Angry Joe are popular, or even relevant. Now, I'm certain that at some point, text reviews for video games (and for just about anything when intended for the digital audience) will disappear. It's very difficult to get anybody to read them now and the trend is clear. But I don't really have a problem with critics standing before a camera and issuing their analysis that way. It gives the consumer more to look at and they can match the comments with the game. It's great for the would-be consumer.

That is a logical progression, I suppose. But I have never understood the fascination with people having meltdowns. I've seen several of Angry Joe's "reviews" and as far as I can tell, his lone claim to fame is getting pissed off and yelling at a game. He's obviously no journalist – can he write at all? – and I don't even understand what qualifies him to review video games. There's virtually no insight or intelligent commentary; it's just a mess. How is this entertaining? How is it even informative?

Various industry people have already come down hard on this guy, including Dave Jaffe and most recently, a DICE developer who basically accused Angry Joe of flat-out lying in regards to the Star Wars: Battlefront beta. I have also heard this guy state things that are completely untrue, so it's not like we can trust his analysis in the first place.

Of course, he doesn't have to be a journalist or even a qualified critic. I suppose if he just had a personality that didn't resemble a train wreck and he offered some interesting commentary on various products, it would make sense. But this…why? After ten seconds of this guy, I feel brain cells dying. Why, why do we bother with him?

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8 years ago

Forgive me but I don't know who that is and from the brief headline in the home page I have no interest in knowing who he is.

8 years ago

Never heard of him, probably a good thing too as it doesn't seem like i am missing much.

Angry Joe's reviews?? You lost me at angry.

8 years ago

You're my missing much by for fairness, I would judge for yourself than to just base it on this article, as for most things. From what I've seen, he mainly gets his "angry" on the bad points of game, but on the good points of the review he does acknowledge it properly. The way this article is written make it seem like he does nothing but rant about video games.

As for rant on battle front, that's not really any different than many gamers that are not fans of season pass like many of you here. We even have a recent article about the dissatisfaction of DLC pass. Whether it's true or not that companies develop their game on a platform of DLC is always up for question.

8 years ago

I don't think people take his reviews all that serious but hey dudes making money off this stuff, hell this article itself is going to probably contribute to a bit of cash for the guy

8 years ago

I thought the trend of Angry game reviews on YouTube died out like 9 years ago. Angry Video Game Nerd is to Angry reviewers on YouTube what Blair Witch Project is to the found film genre.

8 years ago

I think there is one line that hits the nail on the head, of why people like Angry Joe (and other youtubers) are kind of dangerous for the commnunity.

"Of course, he doesn't have to be a journalist or even a qualified critic."

And with that, you realize that the most famous (and most visible) gaming personalities today, the ones who have the most influence on the community, have little to no professional experience, and therefore, learned nothing about professional standards.

Things like FACT CHECKING don't matter to Youtubers.

Just make a few wild statements, get some attention, then move on to your next video. This only spreads false information and rumors, but unfortunately, that's what the gaming community has become.

We really are, a giant bunch of morons. And it pains me to say that, because not too long ago, we were on a great path from geek-dom to social mainstream success.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

"We really are, a giant bunch of morons."

Sadly, we really, really are.

8 years ago

It's the trainwreck people tune in for.

The hope is that covering the most lucrative industry in the world will one day not make you a pariah. The reality is we still have guys like this.

8 years ago

I hate video reviews and I cant stand Angry Joe.

I dont have a lot of time, so I actually prefer to read the review than having to watch a 10 minute video.

I hate this trend.

I must say, I find Honest Trailers to be hilarious

8 years ago

I like quiet a few of his reviews tbh. Not all of his video reviews are nonsense like you say. I don't even watch him regularly but the ones I come across are fine by me, such as his review on Rocket League.

8 years ago

I like when he reviewed The Order 1886 and give it a 4/10… XD

8 years ago

I haven't seen that review but 4/10 for that game isn't too surprising to be honest. Again I don't watch him regularly, but I haven't found him make controversial review that are well below the general consensus like some sites. He just likes to put more emphasis on the negative points, like the bad and ugly points this site does.

8 years ago

that games a 7 at worst

8 years ago

I think Angry Joe is trying too hard, majority of his review is too long and pointless. And I hope he will stop screaming because it's annoying…

8 years ago

I like Angry Joe's videos. It's his YouTube character/persona that rakes in the viewers/subscribers. Yes, it panders to the negative parts of gaming culture, but he's not nearly as bad as his more popular contemporaries, in my opinion. It's almost a guilty pleasure for me, in all honesty.

One point where I'll have to disagree with you is that he doesn't make intelligible commentary. While I do qualify and agree that he does rant, there tends to be rational criticisms and analysis in between the lines, especially for games he's particularly interested in.

Whether or not content was cut or held back in Battlefront is another topic altogether, but what Joe is trying to do is to send a loud message to the community.

8 years ago

The same reason people like watching pwedipie.

8 years ago

He himself is an annoying figure. All that attention seeking behavior doesn't vibe with my personality. He's pretty irritating…but that's subjective. Other's like him so. As for video reviews, I love them. I like the "buy it rent it sat away" reviews and "the good bad ugly" reviews that go into detail om youtube. Video reviews from Gamespot and IGN are trash and gametrailers use to be good pre 2011 now they are trash as well.

8 years ago

I've seen way too many comments saying "I'll wait for Angry Joes review to make a decision"….whyyyyyyyyyy

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
8 years ago

His videos show up in my youtube suggestion pool all the time. If you're going to shove your face into a tiny little thumbnail and have an obnoxious expression then I'm never going to click on it. It's just such a turn off. I've never watched any of his videos and after this article don't plan on it any time soon.

Just give us interesting quality content and maybe some humor now and then, and maybe lay off the yelling.

8 years ago

I've never heard of him. Sorry.

8 years ago

He has some really good reviews, and some really bad ones, that while I wouldn't say are dishonest they just reflect his experience with the game.

He does have a good opinion on DLC, and will make it loud and clear which games are ripping you off for it, Evolve being one of them.

But he reviewed the Witcher 3 really well, and goes through all of the good points and the bad points with good detail.

I personally don't like sitting through his 30 minute video reviews anymore, and don't not buy a game because of him. But I think he is one of the more reasonably youtube reviewers to be honest even if I don't always agree with him.

8 years ago

Well, I for one was a viewer for Angry Joe and other reviewers like RadBrad. The latter more someone like me who just gives their opinion as they progress through a game, whether enjoying it or not… and less angry. 🙂

Admittedly I do not watch his videos as much as it has become the same old same, but that's his schtick. Whether one likes it or not and makes him popular.
For me in the end I realized its just another form of entertainment, watching vids of game reviewers. I don'yt take their reviews solely on their own, but just a way to take a superficial look at a game and someones personal opinion.

Maybe I am one of few who actually digs deeper into finding out if a game is for me or not and not rely on just someone like Angry Joe. I am sure he would agree.

Pewdiepie has made a fortune doing something similar, less angrily. For me I find him completely annoying and do not watch his work at all after seeing his vids a few times. I think he is a nice guy, I could probably be friends with him… but his vids are just annoying.

Hey,to each his own. If you can make a living doing it… all the best. Wish I could find a gimmick to do the same, within reason and not crossing a line. :/

Keep playing!

8 years ago

I want to see more PSXE vid's, they used to be great!

8 years ago

gimme money ill make em 🙂

8 years ago

I would love to do a kickstarter so we can get a production crew together!

8 years ago

Hell I'd kick!

8 years ago

"I'm well aware that nobody reads. Well, more specifically, nobody reads on the Internet." Yup, having this read to me by someone else right now. Nobody on the internet could possibly have that patience.

Anyways, some people like him -because- he acts like a wreck. They find him entertaining, nothing wrong with that.

8 years ago

Wow, I for one am a fan of angry Joe and I disagree on all of your points.
First the initial point to make clear is the "Angry" moniker is a way to stand out in the crowded house we call the internet. No different then the Angry video game nerd.
Ive seen many many review shows and unfortunately watched over the "top tier" personalities such as Markiplier and Pewdiepie and christ their videos are borderline unwatchable due to the constant hamming it up ridiculous persona placating to the viewing audience.

As far as I've been able to discern Angry Joe started very much this same way however,
as of late the more recent reviews (2014-present) besides production quality greatly improving I've noticed the "angry" persona has been toned down and delegated for when it is most appropriate – eg: bashing EA for cashing in on DLC that should have been included in a $60 game.

I suppose what I'm getting at here is you can't judge a youtube personality by title alone.
Very much like this website. There are a plethora of PS news reviews but I've settled on using this site as my source for all things Playstation related.
The internet is a vast place and once I find an outlet I like I tend to stick with it.

I use this example also in regard to the Angry Joe show. Beneath the veneer of an "irate gamer" is someone who not only do I respect his opinion but is also very succinct in what he has to say.
Whether it be game reviews or movies I respect this person's opinion and sometimes I find that opinion mirrors my own.

It's easy to disregard when somebody will obviously get upset for mere reactions and expectations that follow but that is the internet landscape.
Editorials and written reviews still hold a place in this world [I for one will always prefer reading]
but there's so much over-saturation of media you are forced to either adapt or die, The tonight show w/ Jimmyfallon is a perfect example of this.

Angry Joe is somebody who as far as I can tell wants to protect the gaming industry for inevitable cash grabs gouging the gaming community such as his 10 minute review on star wars battlefront.
I don't care about battlefront but I also reject the idea that a company such as Electronic Arts can sell their content to unwittingly (unfortunately) naive people who will pay $120 for a few extra skins and 4 playable worlds yet to be announced at launch.

As for his Battlefront beta opinion? Great sound, great visuals, unbalanced weapons/combat, horrible spawning locations, no single player campaign, and the absence of a link or form to submit one's written feedback (it is a beta afterall..)

Exposing games and those subsequent companies business models who consistently rush under developed inferior quality products to the unsuspecting gaming audience
priced in full [market value] $60 –
hurts the overall industry more than cultivates it
-we all know this-
this is what this guy is doing and as far as I can tell there isn't a lot people out there who are calling shenanigans on the gaming community as a whole for being too passive, willing to accept mediocrity.

-oh, most important doing it in an entertaining kind of way.

If you'd care enough to reconsider putting judgement aside I'd recommend watching:
Angry Joe Aliens colonel marines review
Angry Joe Godzilla review
Angry Joe Jurassic World movie review
the kinect reviews are amusing

Legendary Minja
Legendary Minja
8 years ago

I agree with you. He does get "Angry" but he's basically voicing the anger within a good amount of people that also want to voice their dislike for microtransactions, dlc, etc. It's not like he bashes on every game for having said microtransactions and such but he's kind of like the face of all of us that don't have tons of viewers but want someone to relay our concerns/anger about practices that we don't like or want to get bigger.
He's not for everyone and I'm not gonna try to prove otherwise why you should watch.

"Peace, love, and headshots!"

5 years ago

I hate video reviews and I cant stand Angry Joe.

I dont have a lot of time, so I actually prefer to read the review than having to watch a 10 minute video.

I hate this trend.

I must say, I find Honest Trailers to be hilarious

5 years ago

I thought the trend of Angry game reviews on YouTube died out like 9 years ago. Angry Video Game Nerd is to Angry reviewers on YouTube what Blair Witch Project is to the found film genre.

Legendary Minja
Legendary Minja
5 years ago

I agree with you. He does get "Angry" but he&#39s basically voicing the anger within a good amount of people that also want to voice their dislike for microtransactions, dlc, etc. It&#39s not like he bashes on every game for having said microtransactions and such but he&#39s kind of like the face of all of us that don&#39t have tons of viewers but want someone to relay our concerns/anger about practices that we don&#39t like or want to get bigger.
He&#39s not for everyone and I&#39m not gonna try to prove otherwise why you should watch.

"Peace, love, and headshots!"

5 years ago

I&#39ve never heard of him. Sorry.

5 years ago

I would love to do a kickstarter so we can get a production crew together!

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
5 years ago

His videos show up in my youtube suggestion pool all the time. If you&#39re going to shove your face into a tiny little thumbnail and have an obnoxious expression then I&#39m never going to click on it. It&#39s just such a turn off. I&#39ve never watched any of his videos and after this article don&#39t plan on it any time soon.

Just give us interesting quality content and maybe some humor now and then, and maybe lay off the yelling.

5 years ago

Hell I&#39d kick!

5 years ago

I don&#39t think people take his reviews all that serious but hey dudes making money off this stuff, hell this article itself is going to probably contribute to a bit of cash for the guy

5 years ago

Forgive me but I don&#39t know who that is and from the brief headline in the home page I have no interest in knowing who he is.

5 years ago

It&#39s the trainwreck people tune in for.

The hope is that covering the most lucrative industry in the world will one day not make you a pariah. The reality is we still have guys like this.

5 years ago

You&#39re my missing much by for fairness, I would judge for yourself than to just base it on this article, as for most things. From what I&#39ve seen, he mainly gets his "angry" on the bad points of game, but on the good points of the review he does acknowledge it properly. The way this article is written make it seem like he does nothing but rant about video games.

As for rant on battle front, that&#39s not really any different than many gamers that are not fans of season pass like many of you here. We even have a recent article about the dissatisfaction of DLC pass. Whether it&#39s true or not that companies develop their game on a platform of DLC is always up for question.

5 years ago

I want to see more PSXE vid&#39s, they used to be great!

5 years ago

"I&#39m well aware that nobody reads. Well, more specifically, nobody reads on the Internet." Yup, having this read to me by someone else right now. Nobody on the internet could possibly have that patience.

Anyways, some people like him -because- he acts like a wreck. They find him entertaining, nothing wrong with that.

5 years ago

I think Angry Joe is trying too hard, majority of his review is too long and pointless. And I hope he will stop screaming because it&#39s annoying…

5 years ago

Wow, I for one am a fan of angry Joe and I disagree on all of your points.
First the initial point to make clear is the "Angry" moniker is a way to stand out in the crowded house we call the internet. No different then the Angry video game nerd.
Ive seen many many review shows and unfortunately watched over the "top tier" personalities such as Markiplier and Pewdiepie and christ their videos are borderline unwatchable due to the constant hamming it up ridiculous persona placating to the viewing audience.

As far as I&#39ve been able to discern Angry Joe started very much this same way however,
as of late the more recent reviews (2014-present) besides production quality greatly improving I&#39ve noticed the "angry" persona has been toned down and delegated for when it is most appropriate – eg: bashing EA for cashing in on DLC that should have been included in a $60 game.

I suppose what I&#39m getting at here is you can&#39t judge a youtube personality by title alone.
Very much like this website. There are a plethora of PS news reviews but I&#39ve settled on using this site as my source for all things Playstation related.
The internet is a vast place and once I find an outlet I like I tend to stick with it.

I use this example also in regard to the Angry Joe show. Beneath the veneer of an "irate gamer" is someone who not only do I respect his opinion but is also very succinct in what he has to say.
Whether it be game reviews or movies I respect this person&#39s opinion and sometimes I find that opinion mirrors my own.

It&#39s easy to disregard when somebody will obviously get upset for mere reactions and expectations that follow but that is the internet landscape.
Editorials and written reviews still hold a place in this world [I for one will always prefer reading]
but there&#39s so much over-saturation of media you are forced to either adapt or die, The tonight show w/ Jimmyfallon is a perfect example of this.

Angry Joe is somebody who as far as I can tell wants to protect the gaming industry for inevitable cash grabs gouging the gaming community such as his 10 minute review on star wars battlefront.
I don&#39t care about battlefront but I also reject the idea that a company such as Electronic Arts can sell their content to unwittingly (unfortunately) naive people who will pay $120 for a few extra skins and 4 playable worlds yet to be announced at launch.

As for his Battlefront beta opinion? Great sound, great visuals, unbalanced weapons/combat, horrible spawning locations, no single player campaign, and the absence of a link or form to submit one&#39s written feedback (it is a beta afterall..)

Exposing games and those subsequent companies business models who consistently rush under developed inferior quality products to the unsuspecting gaming audience
priced in full [market value] $60 –
hurts the overall industry more than cultivates it
-we all know this-
this is what this guy is doing and as far as I can tell there isn&#39t a lot people out there who are calling shenanigans on the gaming community as a whole for being too passive, willing to accept mediocrity.

-oh, most important doing it in an entertaining kind of way.

If you&#39d care enough to reconsider putting judgement aside I&#39d recommend watching:
Angry Joe Aliens colonel marines review
Angry Joe Godzilla review
Angry Joe Jurassic World movie review
the kinect reviews are amusing

5 years ago

I like quiet a few of his reviews tbh. Not all of his video reviews are nonsense like you say. I don&#39t even watch him regularly but the ones I come across are fine by me, such as his review on Rocket League.

5 years ago

Never heard of him, probably a good thing too as it doesn&#39t seem like i am missing much.

Angry Joe&#39s reviews?? You lost me at angry.

5 years ago

I think there is one line that hits the nail on the head, of why people like Angry Joe (and other youtubers) are kind of dangerous for the commnunity.

"Of course, he doesn&#39t have to be a journalist or even a qualified critic."

And with that, you realize that the most famous (and most visible) gaming personalities today, the ones who have the most influence on the community, have little to no professional experience, and therefore, learned nothing about professional standards.

Things like FACT CHECKING don&#39t matter to Youtubers.

Just make a few wild statements, get some attention, then move on to your next video. This only spreads false information and rumors, but unfortunately, that&#39s what the gaming community has become.

We really are, a giant bunch of morons. And it pains me to say that, because not too long ago, we were on a great path from geek-dom to social mainstream success.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

"We really are, a giant bunch of morons."

Sadly, we really, really are.

5 years ago

He himself is an annoying figure. All that attention seeking behavior doesn&#39t vibe with my personality. He&#39s pretty irritating…but that&#39s subjective. Other&#39s like him so. As for video reviews, I love them. I like the "buy it rent it sat away" reviews and "the good bad ugly" reviews that go into detail om youtube. Video reviews from Gamespot and IGN are trash and gametrailers use to be good pre 2011 now they are trash as well.

5 years ago

I like when he reviewed The Order 1886 and give it a 4/10… XD

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