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New MGO Gameplay Demo Offers A Ton Of Great Details

It's just about everything you wanted to know about MGO, all wrapped up in an awesome new play demo.

Konami has issued a lengthy gameplay demo for Metal Gear Online , the anticipated multiplayer component in the critically acclaimed Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain .

The video details MGO's three distinct player classes: Scout, Enforcer and Infiltrator. We also get a peek at mission types, strategies and various player abilities. As for control, the multiplayer action uses the same mechanic as MGSV and we have access to a lot of the same equipment and techniques. Then there's the possibility of creating an entirely new MGO character from scratch, if you wish.

As for the classes, the Infiltrators are experts at close-quarters combat and are most effective when concealed by stealth camouflage. The Scout is a well-balanced soldier, who specializes in gathering intel and sniper rifles. The Enforcers are "classic deathmatch soldiers;" they're heavily equipped and they pack a mean punch. Finally, for a bunch of new screenshots, click here .

The Metal Gear Online servers will be up on October 6. Will you be participating?