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Could Fallout 4 Outperform Skyrim? Bethesda Says Yes

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was a huge critical and financial success.

However, developer Bethesda believes such a performance is hardly insurmountable and in fact, they believe the upcoming Fallout 4 could top Skyrim .

In a recent MCV interview with Bethesda vice president of PR and Marketing Pete Hines, the interviewee said quite simply:

"I think [Fallout 4] can top Skyrim. It could be our biggest release ever. But we will see."

Hines added that it's part of his job to "build the megaphone that we hold up to the game" but it's really up to the game to see "just how loud it goes." He said that Skyrim was a "massively big deal" so of course, Fallout 4 will have to do extremely well to outperform the latest single-player Elder Scrolls entry (the Elder Scrolls Online has released since).

If you're wondering, Skyrim sold about 3.5 million copies during its first 48 hours and as of January 2014, it had hit a whopping 20 million. Do you think Fallout 4 can beat that?

Related Game(s): Fallout 4

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8 years ago

I believe it 100% has the potential however there just aren't enough PS4's and X1's in consumer hands at the moment. The PS3 alone had like what 60mil or some number of consoles in consumer hands at the end of 2011 when Skyrim launched. The PS4 and X1 combined don't even come close to that number.

Yes, yes I know Elder Scrolls and Fallout are big PC hitters but even so PC sales never come close to console on popular AAA titles.

So I do not see Fallout 4 overtaking Skyrim however the 3 day sales total is entirely possible.

Last edited by Shauneepeak on 8/21/2015 1:17:10 PM

8 years ago

Let us do the math…

There are approximately 25 million PS4's sold and 13 million XB1's, respectively. When it comes to gaming PC's, I would even know where to start.

So why can't Fallout 4 sell 20 million copies?

8 years ago

That wasn't 20mil total that was 20mil in less than 2 months.

Also again PC sales don't actually make up that much even for Skyrim it only accounted for around 4-5million total.

slow and smart
slow and smart
8 years ago

No,it's 20 jan.2014.
The apocalypse is getting more and more popular,and look what the pre orders for the pip boy edition did,sold out very fast…
I'm guessing that this GOTY will sell more than 20 mil copies in 2 years/2 months…

Last edited by slow and smart on 8/22/2015 3:27:40 AM

8 years ago

The Pipboy edition selling out isn't surprising at all though when Bethesda does a limited edition they really do mean "limited" the Fallout 3 Pipboy edition sold out just as fast and its sales were well behind Skyrim.

slow and smart
slow and smart
8 years ago

Yeah the pipboy edition selling out is not a surprise,but Hines said "I think we did more of these things than we did for any collector's edition we've ever done, ever",they obvious did more than for fallout 3 but still limited that's true.

8 years ago

I would think so. I always thought of the Elder Scrolls games as PC games first, console second. Fallout has always felt better suited to consoles to me.

I'm hoping for a more colourful world in this one than FO3. I can see myself getting into it with the right amount of variety. I enjoyed FO3, it just got too bland after a while and I lost interest. Who's to say I couldn't get into this one?

8 years ago

There's very little difference between the games mechanically to make one more desirable on consoles. In fact both are arguably more suited to consoles as The Elder Scrolls and Fallout have a mechanic that works without needing hot keys or various other benefits to the key board and mouse, that when using a controller doesn't make consoles versions feel dumbed down. Which is crazy considering pre Oblivion and Fallout 3 they were PC franchises. The dedication to consoles owners has proved itself in that regard.

I absolutely agree though that something about the fantasy setting has a more PC appeal.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/21/2015 5:53:46 PM

8 years ago

No. It could never out do it. Sci fi rpgs are no where near as popular in video gaming as fantasy role playing games.

Skyrim was just fracking amazing.

8 years ago

Not what this guy this said!

8 years ago

While I think fantasy rpg's will always be more popular, I think Fallout 4 has one thing going for it: it can be played as an FPS. While of course it's not of that genre, it opens the door for more people because it's a simple mechanic.

With that said I believe it will sell more. In fact I'm surprised Skyrim sold 20 million. Not because it isn't good – it's quality deserves those sales. But because I'm a surprised to see young teens wanting it. The demographic for that game in theory is more attractive to a more mature audience. Yet it was popular among more than that. Fallout as I said has a larger appeal.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/21/2015 4:41:31 PM

8 years ago

i guess on the surface its got as much hype if not more than skyrim so i don't see why not but like everything we'll have to wait and see.

happy gaming

slow and smart
slow and smart
5 years ago

Yeah the pipboy edition selling out is not a surprise,but Hines said "I think we did more of these things than we did for any collector&#39s edition we&#39ve ever done, ever",they obvious did more than for fallout 3 but still limited that&#39s true.

5 years ago

The Pipboy edition selling out isn&#39t surprising at all though when Bethesda does a limited edition they really do mean "limited" the Fallout 3 Pipboy edition sold out just as fast and its sales were well behind Skyrim.

5 years ago

Let us do the math…

There are approximately 25 million PS4&#39s sold and 13 million XB1&#39s, respectively. When it comes to gaming PC&#39s, I would even know where to start.

So why can&#39t Fallout 4 sell 20 million copies?

5 years ago

That wasn&#39t 20mil total that was 20mil in less than 2 months.

Also again PC sales don&#39t actually make up that much even for Skyrim it only accounted for around 4-5million total.

5 years ago

There&#39s very little difference between the games mechanically to make one more desirable on consoles. In fact both are arguably more suited to consoles as The Elder Scrolls and Fallout have a mechanic that works without needing hot keys or various other benefits to the key board and mouse, that when using a controller doesn&#39t make consoles versions feel dumbed down. Which is crazy considering pre Oblivion and Fallout 3 they were PC franchises. The dedication to consoles owners has proved itself in that regard.

I absolutely agree though that something about the fantasy setting has a more PC appeal.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/21/2015 5:53:46 PM

5 years ago

While I think fantasy rpg&#39s will always be more popular, I think Fallout 4 has one thing going for it: it can be played as an FPS. While of course it&#39s not of that genre, it opens the door for more people because it&#39s a simple mechanic.

With that said I believe it will sell more. In fact I&#39m surprised Skyrim sold 20 million. Not because it isn&#39t good – it&#39s quality deserves those sales. But because I&#39m a surprised to see young teens wanting it. The demographic for that game in theory is more attractive to a more mature audience. Yet it was popular among more than that. Fallout as I said has a larger appeal.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/21/2015 4:41:31 PM

5 years ago

I believe it 100% has the potential however there just aren&#39t enough PS4&#39s and X1&#39s in consumer hands at the moment. The PS3 alone had like what 60mil or some number of consoles in consumer hands at the end of 2011 when Skyrim launched. The PS4 and X1 combined don&#39t even come close to that number.

Yes, yes I know Elder Scrolls and Fallout are big PC hitters but even so PC sales never come close to console on popular AAA titles.

So I do not see Fallout 4 overtaking Skyrim however the 3 day sales total is entirely possible.

Last edited by Shauneepeak on 8/21/2015 1:17:10 PM

5 years ago

i guess on the surface its got as much hype if not more than skyrim so i don&#39t see why not but like everything we&#39ll have to wait and see.

happy gaming

slow and smart
slow and smart
5 years ago

No,it&#39s 20 jan.2014.
The apocalypse is getting more and more popular,and look what the pre orders for the pip boy edition did,sold out very fast…
I&#39m guessing that this GOTY will sell more than 20 mil copies in 2 years/2 months…

Last edited by slow and smart on 8/22/2015 3:27:40 AM

5 years ago

I would think so. I always thought of the Elder Scrolls games as PC games first, console second. Fallout has always felt better suited to consoles to me.

I&#39m hoping for a more colourful world in this one than FO3. I can see myself getting into it with the right amount of variety. I enjoyed FO3, it just got too bland after a while and I lost interest. Who&#39s to say I couldn&#39t get into this one?

5 years ago

No. It could never out do it. Sci fi rpgs are no where near as popular in video gaming as fantasy role playing games.

Skyrim was just fracking amazing.

5 years ago

Not what this guy this said!

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