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25 Million PS4s In Less Than 1.5 Years: Is That PS2-Like?

PlayStation 4 got out of the gate so well, it immediately drew comparisons to the all-time console king, PlayStation 2.

Even Sony was saying PS4 is closer in line to PS2 success than they might've initially believed and now, according to the latest update , 25.3 million PS4 units have been shipped as of the end of the first fiscal quarter in 2015.

For the record, they shipped 3 million during the quarter, up from 2.4 million in the previous year. That's significant because the first quarter in 2014 represented three of the first four months the console was available. But is that 25 million comparable to PS2 numbers after the same amount of time at market?

Well, almost, but you have to bear in mind that the latest update is units shipped as opposed to sold. Even so, according to the PS2 sales history , PS2 had sold 28.68 million units after the first fiscal quarter in 2002 (the system launched in October 2000, while PS4 launched in November of 2013, so the period is about the same).

A few things to consider:

According to VGChartz , the PS4 sales total is approaching 24 million, so the shipped and sold number should be pretty similar as of now. Also, don't forget the PS2 launched in March of 2000, well ahead of other markets, while the PS4 didn't hit Japan until after it landed in North America and Europe. That means PS4 is very close to PS2 even with having almost a full year less time in the Japanese markets, comparatively speaking. Also, PS2 had virtually no competition in 2001; not only was it an amazing year software-wise, but Xbox and GameCube didn't launch until the end of the year (and Dreamcast didn't prove to be a tough competitor). PS4 has been battling Xbox One and Wii U from the start.

Of course, PS2 sales continued to go nuts for some years after this point, and some say it's unlikely PS4 will maintain that sell-through rate. 25 million is one thing but 155 million is just nuts .

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8 years ago

From what I understand, both the XB1 and the PS4 are selling much better then the 360 and PS3 respectively.

That fact makes what the PS4 did in QTR 1 even more impressive when you see the PS4 alone was at a 2-1 margin against the XB1 and 360 combined!

Can you imagine once the PS4 gets the "big" exclusives and a price drop? WOW.

8 years ago

I think it's safe to say Sony learned from their PS3 mistakes. Also while the PS4 did benefit from a massive marketing blunder and disastrous E3 conference for the XB1, I still think it would be well ahead of the XB1 anyways. MS' neglect of the gaming community was evident with the lack of quality first party exclusives for the 360, while Sony's first party support only got better as the generation went along. I know many people who were planning on converting to PS4 anyways and MS' hilariously failed E3 conference just confirmed that they weren't going to change anytime soon. And I know Sony's first party software hasn't been as good as we've wanted so far, but the next couple years look very promising.

8 years ago

Good news to hear, PS dominance means a better gaming ecosystem for everyone.

Now if XboxOne went the way of the Dreamcast cuz MS is not making any money in gaming then you'd see the kind of sales PS2 eventually reached.

8 years ago

Especially since Sony is proving that putting gaming first is the most profitable business strategy.

8 years ago

Glad they sold so many ps4's. Means they have money to invest in tech people who can solve this damn CE-34878-0 error. Damn ps4 can't read or play GTAV anymore although everything else plays fine. PS4 era has been plagued with issues and this just adds to it mightily. Both of my PS3's ran fine until one died 5 yrs in. Totally different thsn all these bugs, defects, and glitches in my 1st yr of ownership.

Rant over! Lol

8 years ago

That disappointing brother. I get an occasional error code here and there, but all things have been good with the three PS4's we have at my house.

8 years ago

Glad to hear that. Hopefully Rockstar or Sony issues an update!

8 years ago

Sony is like what? 12 years as the undisputed champ in consoles now?

8 years ago

Sony continues to soundly dominate the gaming industry generation after generation (minor hiccups here and there)…..

Just please dont get complacent, Sony

8 years ago

yeah idk its pritty crazy aye hard to say how this will turn out in the next few years but you gotta say its certainly trending there now but things can change very quickly so idk… i really don't know, its way to hard to call at this point even with the ps4 doing this well its just too hard to call atm.

happy gaming

5 years ago

That disappointing brother. I get an occasional error code here and there, but all things have been good with the three PS4&#39s we have at my house.

5 years ago

Sony is like what? 12 years as the undisputed champ in consoles now?

5 years ago

Glad they sold so many ps4&#39s. Means they have money to invest in tech people who can solve this damn CE-34878-0 error. Damn ps4 can&#39t read or play GTAV anymore although everything else plays fine. PS4 era has been plagued with issues and this just adds to it mightily. Both of my PS3&#39s ran fine until one died 5 yrs in. Totally different thsn all these bugs, defects, and glitches in my 1st yr of ownership.

Rant over! Lol

5 years ago

Sony continues to soundly dominate the gaming industry generation after generation (minor hiccups here and there)…..

Just please dont get complacent, Sony

5 years ago

From what I understand, both the XB1 and the PS4 are selling much better then the 360 and PS3 respectively.

That fact makes what the PS4 did in QTR 1 even more impressive when you see the PS4 alone was at a 2-1 margin against the XB1 and 360 combined!

Can you imagine once the PS4 gets the "big" exclusives and a price drop? WOW.

5 years ago

Especially since Sony is proving that putting gaming first is the most profitable business strategy.

5 years ago

yeah idk its pritty crazy aye hard to say how this will turn out in the next few years but you gotta say its certainly trending there now but things can change very quickly so idk… i really don&#39t know, its way to hard to call at this point even with the ps4 doing this well its just too hard to call atm.

happy gaming

5 years ago

Good news to hear, PS dominance means a better gaming ecosystem for everyone.

Now if XboxOne went the way of the Dreamcast cuz MS is not making any money in gaming then you&#39d see the kind of sales PS2 eventually reached.

5 years ago

Glad to hear that. Hopefully Rockstar or Sony issues an update!

5 years ago

I think it&#39s safe to say Sony learned from their PS3 mistakes. Also while the PS4 did benefit from a massive marketing blunder and disastrous E3 conference for the XB1, I still think it would be well ahead of the XB1 anyways. MS&#39 neglect of the gaming community was evident with the lack of quality first party exclusives for the 360, while Sony&#39s first party support only got better as the generation went along. I know many people who were planning on converting to PS4 anyways and MS&#39 hilariously failed E3 conference just confirmed that they weren&#39t going to change anytime soon. And I know Sony&#39s first party software hasn&#39t been as good as we&#39ve wanted so far, but the next couple years look very promising.

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