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Designer: PS4 Could Have The Significant Raw Power Edge

A few days ago, we learned from a tech-savvy source that the PlayStation 4 could boast 50% more raw power than the Xbox One.

Now, another significant source has stepped up to say that although the specs of the two systems seem similar on the surface, the truth of the matter is that Sony's console is indeed much more capable.

This time it's acclaimed designer Jonathon Blow, who is the creator of the timed PS4 exclusive, The Witness . He also brought you the award-winning Braid back in 2008. In speaking on Twitter (as referenced by GameChup ), Blow said the PS4 may have a significant advantage over the Xbox One, and Sony's development tools are actually better. Here are some of his comments:

"I have been told, by people in the know, that perf numbers are extremely different between the two devices."

"I think the RAM helps a lot but there are other important hardware+system things happening."

"…you might also get a scenario where games run at 60 on one machine, 30 on the other."

After the apparent debacle that was the unveiling of the Xbox One, this probably isn't the sort of news Microsoft wants to see circulating. But certain people are really interested in the nuts and bolts of electronic hardware, and they're bound to uncover key differences between the two systems. …I'm not one of those people, of course, but there does seem to be an early consensus that the PS4 is simply more capable.

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Troy Powers
Troy Powers
11 years ago

I don't think that bothers MS. They're clearly going after the casual audience which means two things:

1) Their intended audience couldn't care how many giggaflips the ramificator has.

2) They need need to release a product that's cheap. Only gamers spend $500 on a console. The casual audience is only interested in something in the $250 range. Otherwise, they'll stick to playing games on their iPhone/iPad/laptop.

11 years ago

My ramificator pwns your gigamatrix!

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
11 years ago

But what about the frammastat? The kinniblin pin? The four-stage digital imploder?

Damn it, nobody releases good specs anymore.

11 years ago

Would a flex capacitor guarantee backwards compatibility?

11 years ago

*Gimp laughing
Lmao giggaflips, the ramificator, CLASSIC!

11 years ago

I really like the thought of my version running at the full 60fps.

11 years ago


And that's a big sigh of relief. Now we don't have to deal with crappy ports *knock on wood* which is going to be awesome. 🙂

Last edited by Clamedeus on 5/24/2013 3:54:37 PM

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
11 years ago

Will the XBoner have an Any key?

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
11 years ago

When I watched the presentation and they got to the part about the Xbox having 3 operating systems, I thought to myself, "Holy shit! And they're all Windows!" 😀

11 years ago

It's almost too much. It's like the entire console landscape has completely changed overnight. I have to pinch my arm on a daily basis.

So, WiiU died before it could even lift off. Now the Xbone turns out to be something quite different than what anyone expected – including the Xbox fans.

So, what next? Will the Steambox perhaps become to PS4 what the X360 was to the PS3?
Or… Will there be only one real gaming console next gen? I never imagined *this* much could happen with a generation shift.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/24/2013 1:03:27 PM

11 years ago

Dreamcast 2 will release entirely by accident and surprise everyone, including Sega.

11 years ago

I wish you could write a book. I got a feeling you has the potential of becoming the next Douglas Adams.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/24/2013 2:30:55 PM

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
11 years ago

Intellivision Next, baby. Mattel Electronics surges out of nowhere to take all the marbles.

11 years ago

I don't know who that is but I hope to finish my novel this summer 🙂

11 years ago

@world, anybody who's anybody knows that the follow up to the Dreamcast is the Sega Fantasycast.

11 years ago

@World: Then you haven't read A Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.
You should. I don't have words to describe the creativity and insanity displayed in those pages. Classic British comedy in wonderful blend with philosophy and just plain fantastic imagination.

11 years ago

Awesome-possum. I wonder just how much the generalized gamer will notice the difference. I don't mean just the tablet and phone gamers. I know the hardcore, guys like us who hang out on gaming sites, will make PS4 a priority and their own lead gaming platform. But what about all those others people? The guys we see standing in line with a 360 or a PS3 and a copy of CoD BloPs in their hand? The guys who don't know much about 60fps or shaders or compute units. One way or another the Xbox One will be able to produce nicely detailed graphics that look better than this gen.

In terms of overall sales I can't really predict who will come out on top but in terms of the superior, unequivocally-no-doubt-about-it, multiplat or not, platform it's PS4 all the way.

11 years ago

If there is any integrity left in gaming journalism it aught to show up in the reviews.

11 years ago

So no, then.

11 years ago

Hey, first time on this site as former Xbox fanatic (Tuesday was hell for us, please go easy).

Question, where's the best place for info on what benefits the Vita provides to the PS4? If they're significant, I'd like to get one prior to the PS4 launch.

11 years ago

Welcome to the site, Gnestor!

In regards to the Vita: Wait. We know very little yet – and you'll only save dineros by waiting. If the features are cool enough you might even get a good deal with a bundle.
At least, that's my advice.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
11 years ago

Her's a link-

You could watch the PS4 press conference as well. They show the Vita playing PS4 games through remote play. They showed some other shared features between the two devices but I can't remember what they were.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
11 years ago

Welcome! Yeah – wait until E3 for more info on the Vita.

Also – many members here (myself included) owned multiple systems this past gen. I enjoyed Halo and Gears very much! However, at the end of this gen I found myself more and more caught up in PS3 exclusives. If you get a chance, play the Uncharted series – it really made gaming fun for me again!

I guess the point is, although this is a Playstation site, most minds are pretty open. So don't worry about last gen – it's the next one we're all excited for and PS4 looks to be the strong horse (as far as games go) in the upcoming race.

Enjoy the site!

11 years ago

Hey man how's it going.

I totally agree with Beamboom. While the interactive features Sony announced look like they could be very cool, we have to see how it all pans out. I would recommend saving your money for the PS4 for now, then decide how the Vita looks later.

I really don't know where the best place to find info about it now is, sorry.

11 years ago

Hey Gnestor, I've got a Vita, and love it, but if you're looking at it as a PS4 companion, highly recommend waiting – I'd be surprised if there aren't PS4/PSV bundles that'll save you some coin, and as a general rule it's best not to get anything until you need it. If, on the other hand, you want to get some quality handheld gaming on, the Vita is great, but keep in mind it's not enough to keep a hungry gamer satisfied on its own (sounds like you've got a 360 though, so you'll be fine).

Also, my sympathies for the XB1 reveal. I've always been a Playstation fan (although I've got a 360 and PC as well, and had a Wii for a while), but I want all gamers to be happy (plus I think we need healthy competition), and if Sony had done to us what MS did to you guys, I'd be right disappointed. They've still got E3 to turn it around, but best set expectations low so you've got a chance to be pleasantly surprised, than the other way around.

11 years ago

I would recommend waiting for e3 too ( ps3 conference is on june 10 ) , might as well have the big picture before committing to a vita .

11 years ago

yeaaa… but for the sake of profitability, most games will probably match XB1 just to go multiplat.,

11 years ago

They don't need to. That's the beauty of it. They don't need to build their code for two different architectures anymore. They can just crank up the juice on the PS4.

The only reason why multiplat releases would want to be exactly identical on both, would be so not one side feels they get the shorter stick. But to be honest: The platforms as it stands today seem so different anyway, so I don't think this will happen.

11 years ago

Jonathon Blow = Lorne Lanning 2.0 Just worry about making your game, guy. An independent developer touting power? Man these Indie devs have been really put out that MS won't let you patch a game to death free of charge or let them release a deluge of games release on the same day so some are overlooked. Yeah, shame on MS for putting money into a system and having rules and standards to go along with it.

I'm glad the PS4 is boasting so much power. Fingers crossed that we can get the gameplay innovations to match it.

11 years ago

Just show me the system already.

11 years ago

I plan on getting a PS4 myself, and for us hardcore game junkies, the PS4 has seemingly won. However, as much of a success it seems to be for us, the rest of the world measures it in units and $$. M$ knows that parents will buy what's cheaper (generally) for their children if they offer about the same thing. Back in the day… I knew there was no chance I'd ever get a TurboGrafx-16 because of price, so Genesis it was

Last edited by broox9 on 5/24/2013 9:36:36 PM

11 years ago

Hey guys, this is a great article by the lead architect of the PS4. That Cerny dude.

It's a great article, and really goes deep into how the console was customized to increase its performance.

I started this thread about it in the forum:

11 years ago

Yup. That article really makes any other article on the subject obsolete.

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