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Report: PS4 Boasts 50% More Graphical Ability Than Xbox One

Now that the Xbox One has been officially unveiled, tech buffs everywhere are starting to compare the new system with Sony's PlayStation 4.

One such breakdown can be found over at Eurogamer , where gamers are latching onto one key point: It seems the PS4 will offer 50% more raw power than the Xbox One.

While both systems are based on Radeon GCN architecture, there does appear to be a very big difference, as author Richard Leadbetter noted:

"…through a process of extrapolation from the drip-feed of hard facts, the make-up of the One's GPU is confirmed – 12 compute units each capable of 64 ops/clock gives us the 768 total revealed by Microsoft and thus, by extension, the 1.2 teraflop graphics core.

So that's another tick on the Durango leaked spec that has been transposed across to the final Xbox One architecture and the proof we need that PlayStation 4's 18 CU graphics core has 50 per cent more raw power than the GPU in the new Microsoft console."

Also, Microsoft opted for 8GB of DDR3 RAM early in development to support its goal of generating a "multitsking-rich operating system." Therefore, it's hard to create "complex architecture" that will avoid bottlenecks with the older DDR RAM. Lastly, due to the more straightforward architecture of the PS4 (surprising to hear that about a Sony console, isn't it?), Sony could easily upgrade and match the 8GB of RAM.

If anybody wants to weigh in, feel free. I haven't the slightest idea what this guy is talking about.

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Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Wow. I'm speechless and even more impressed with Sony/PS4 now. This is such great and exciting news.

Great to be a Sony fan, isn't it? 🙂

11 years ago

Even those that tried to be Xbox fans.

Like the creator of Minecraft, Markus Persson. He tweeted:

"I tried to get excited about the Xbox one, but failed. I wanted a game console, not a voice and gesture based tv remote box :/ "

The Xbone also got dissed by prominent developers. Some had to take down their tweets. But what they said is all over the web.

So indeed it is a good time to be a Sony fan… not so an xbox fan.

11 years ago

Yes, guys Leadbetter is good at this stuff. Check back on some of his earlier articles, like with GoW A.
PS4 is going to spank the Xbox One. Really, the defacto standard for console gaming enthusiasts will be PS4. It's like glory days all over again.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/22/2013 10:47:17 PM

11 years ago

"In essence, the internals of the console are very much a PC boiled down to its constituent components – processor, RAM, southbridge – all integrated into the motherboard. There's no daughter die that we could see attached to the processor so the 32MB of ESRAM does appear to be integrated into the AMD processor itself."

Haha, yes, exactly. THe Xbox One very much is an off-the-shelf closed PC box. No developer will refer to it as a PC from the future as they did with PS4.

11 years ago

Whassat? Some sort of bat-man and/or catwoman?

11 years ago

It's a Batman I've been sculpting in Mudbox. I wanted to warm-up with the sculpting thing before I hit my own creations at high detail. My schooling focused on 3dsMax so I'm thinking of taking an online Mudbox training course taught by Sony Santa Monica's Young Choi. He shows a good work flow and tool usage between the two apps.

11 years ago

It gets worse. Xbox One is going to dedicate only 5GB of RAM specifically to games while 3 of them will be used to run the systems OS and multimedia capabilities (y'know, to function like a voice-controlled TV remote?).

So this means that games that are graphically intensive, they will run at 30fps on the Xbone, while on the PS4, they will comfortably run at 60fps.

Microsoft themselves went on record yesterday saying that they didn't want to make the Xbone a powerful game console. Because their focus was to make it into an affordable living-room device that controls your TV…. and that also plays a game or two.

11 years ago

You can pretty much expect EVERY PS4 game, multi-plat or not, to run and perform noticeably better. ANd yah, I'm sure we'll be seeing more multi-plat games running at 60fps on PS4 side.

11 years ago

There's also a rumor that 2GB will be use for the share feature on PS4.

11 years ago


The key to that, will be if the PS4 becomes the lead platform for every game (multiplat or not).

An if devs avoid getting once again involved in MS' scare tactics like during this generation. When MS made them fall in line or risk getting 'boycotted' from releasing games on their system.

So games had to meet the 360's specifications. And this is why many multiplat games had the 360 as the lead platform and also why the PS3 got relatively lousy (i.e. Bethesda) ports that never came close to using its max capabilities.

With MS focus on casuals and them turning their backs to indie devs and placing everything behind a very high pay wall (including used games), the Xbone could became irrelevant within its first fiscal year. And when the PS4 takes off BIG TIME, not even MS' deep pockets will be able to save the X1.

And when that happens…. I apologize if this sounds like I'm boasting, but when that happens… we will truly enjoy a new PLAYSTATION golden age.


You said it, rumors. And that would be entirely optional even if true.

While it is confirmed that the Xbone will dedicated 3GB to its complicated OS and multimedia capabilities that have almost nothing to do with games.

Last edited by Bonampak on 5/22/2013 11:44:45 PM

11 years ago

No the key is in the PS4's design. It being easily anamorphic to anything the Xbox One does. This isn't anything like the PS3 and 360 scenario. There were massive differences there in design, specifically in memory and PS3's asynchronous architecture. PS3 eventually got lead platform last gen because it was much easier to map the 360 to how the PS3 needed to handle it's memory rather than the other way around. The situation here with PS4 will be the PS4 is both more powerful and more tangible for developers. It's a slam dunk scenario for the gaming market and Sony.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/23/2013 12:19:33 AM

11 years ago

the video processing used for sharing/video capture is handled within hardware specially put in. Memory doesn't come into it. No where near 2 gig anyway, that's trolling.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

But didn't Microsoft said that with their cloud service that the Xbox One will get more powerful over time? How will that work?

11 years ago

It's bull crap. There's plenty of strings attached to that statement. DOn't be fooled. Besides, Sony really is already in the better position to stream content with their tech in place.

11 years ago

Even if true, that would mean you always have to be "ONLINE" to receive its benefits. In other words, MS really did want you to be always connected, and they've tried their best to twist that around to make it more compelling.

11 years ago

I've never doubted that Sony would just make a glorified PC in the PS4. While the PS4 is a lot similar in someways, I knew it would have that Sony "touch" to it. I just hope this doesn't mean a more expensive console. Any edge the Xbone has over the PS4 is a bad thing.

Last edited by SayWord on 5/22/2013 11:28:34 PM

11 years ago

Here's a great read with Cerny himself. He explains why the PS4 isn't just a PC closed up with their name on the face. Major adjustments were made to the PS4's design that aren't typical of any standard PC.

11 years ago

I doubt xbox one will be cheap since kinect is not an option but a necessity .

11 years ago

Yeah, and the Kinect is a high tech one at that, with the ability to produce 1080p streams as well alongside an array of complicated sensors, so it will definitely add a lot to the cost.

11 years ago

So Sony didn't have to work hard to make the most powerful console this time.

That extra power is where we will see the exclusives shine.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Does'nt the PS4 already have 8 gig of the faster DDR5 RAM ?

11 years ago

Ya , the end of the article confused me too .

11 years ago

Yeah, that part made NO sense. "easily upgrade and match the 8GB of RAM"???

11 years ago

Maybe that info came out when the Sony dev kits were still using 4?

11 years ago

^yep your right.

11 years ago

Might as well put another 4, would nt mind paying extra for that .The dev would go crazy with 12 .

Last edited by berserk on 5/23/2013 3:54:16 AM

11 years ago

It made sense to me. If I'm right, it's saying that Sony may have put in 8GB to matched the Xbox's rumored amount. Rumors have stated that Sony may be going with 4GB, but with the ease of architecture and straightforwardness of it, it was easy for Sony to make the change from 4GB to 8GB.

11 years ago

What Leadbetter was saying is that Sony could switch the current RAM modules for the higher capacity ones without making any Motherboard changes because it was already designed to work with DDR5 RAM. The chipset had 16 RAM modules, each expected to hold 256MB RAM. 16×256 = 4GB. Well, it came to pass that Sony could aquire 512MB modules, probably for a good deal, so they went with that instead. It was a simple matter of using higher density modules. 16X512 = 8GB.

MS's original Xbox One design was built for the memory addressing and speed and latency of DDR3. They couldn't just switch out modules like SOny could.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/23/2013 1:36:46 PM

11 years ago

how would sony "match" Xbox Ones RAM when sony already has more to begin with? I mean xbox is 8gig DDR3 sony is 8gig DDR5 doesnt that mean sony's ram surpasses Xbox's already thus "matching" xbox's ram would be going backwards not forward would it not?

11 years ago

"it say early in development.." early in development PS4 had only 2gb GDDR5 of ram as availability of module were very limited.. but due their implementation of unified memory architecture sony had the advantage to upgrade the memory module (512mb) based on their availability. which MS cant as they have already opted for 8gb ddr3 since the beginning of development.

For Sony it was initially 2 gig, then updated to 4 gigs and the last moment Sony was confident that they can secure higher memory modules (2gb) so went with 8 gigs

11 years ago

hows that 50% more?
$ony revealed the ps4 has 1.8, last time i checked 1.2 is not half of 1.8.
plus dont forget the azure cloud gaming servers, exactly why next gen systems are not as powerful as they should be.
simply because they dont need to be!

11 years ago

1.2 plus 50% is 1.8

11 years ago

Errrr….. 1.8 is a 50% increase from 1.2

I get the feeling you are leaning more towards the Xbone this time around.

Your reaction to the Xbone announcement was vastly different to the PS4 one.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 5/23/2013 8:46:46 AM

11 years ago

its not as simple as that, the ps4 only has slightly more GPU shaders than the xbox one, and the xbox one had move hardware accellarators and esRAM which are used for compression and decompression and ensuring high bandwidth ensuring the APU is constantly fed to try limit the hang time the systems today constantly suffer.
biggest problem with PC gaming ATM is GPUs, CPUs, are SO powerful but the interface between them is so slow, so there constantly waiting for new tasks to be issued so there sitting there idle.
think of it your finished your work, but your waiting at a fax machine for the next document to print before you can move onto your next task.
thats why the one does not need GDDR5 RAM, they have solved the problem by adding FAR cheaper and more effective dedicated chips.

and i aint leaning towards either.
not until i have enough information to know what each will offer, and we wont have that till probably gamescom or even TGS.
i liked the ones reveal more because the WHOLE point of these things was to announce the CONSOLE!
not to announce games, not to show off all the developers working with you, thats what E3, gamescom, TGS, PAX, is for.
they created these personal reveal events to reveal the systems and show off the system, and its features.
$ont system was nowhere to be seen, and its features were few and far between!
M$, the WHOLE event was dedicated to the features of the system, which it should of been!

this whole attack that M$ has abandoned gamers is just RIDICULOUS!
$ony will be doing the exact same thing, hell they HAVE done the exact same thing!
the days where you could just put out a box and have games on it is over, you need many more features to bring in extra audiences and more $$$$$$$.

go to major nelsons blog and watch the architecture panel they have on there, a very interesting 45 minutes!

11 years ago

To put it more simply, the Xbox One's GPU has 12 CU (768 total threads) while the PS4 has 18 CU (1,152 threads), thus 50% more. Add that to the PS4's advantage in RAM power, I think it's pretty clear on which the better hardware for gaming.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
11 years ago


No matter how you try to spin this the Xbox One will be 50% less powerful in graphics. The fact that the X1 will have more steps to it's processing procedure than the PS4 is a negative thing. The one thing we learned from the PS3 and 360 is that simplest, not the most powerful, technology ended up with the better multi-platform products. Except this time the simplest console is also the most powerful. The simplicity of the architecture in the PS4 combined with the extra horsepower it has over the X1 are relevant, and give it a decent edge.

As far as Major Nelson goes. That guy is a corporate puppet that constantly talks from his ass!

11 years ago

the 360 had a WAY faster GPU than the ps3, how did that end?

we still dont know the specs for either of the CPUs.
for all we know the one might have a more powerful CPU, and look what happened this gen with that.
but why do i bother, its just in one ear, and out the other.

the MOVE engines are going to make all the difference for the xbox one.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
11 years ago


Dude, both systems use an eight core AMD CPU. How much different can they be? There is no cutting edge tech being hidden by AMD. This is not the Cell vs PowerPC. It's quite clear these units are pretty much the same. The deciding factor will be in RAM and data transfer size/speeds.
By the way, the faster GPU and unified memory did workout for the 360. The 360 had the better running and smoother multiplatorm titles. Go buy an Xbox One and enjoy. What does it matter if it's the most powerful console if you're happy with it. Do you have to convince yourself it is to be happy? Because no matter how you spin this, the Xbox One is not as capable as the PS4. Just buy what you want and be happy with your purchase.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 5/24/2013 1:36:38 PM

11 years ago


So… when you say that the PS4 only has "slightly more GPU shaders than the Xbox One", you meant to say that the PS4 has 50% more GPU shaders than the Xbox One, right?

The Xbox One has 768 shader cores housed within 12 compute units in its GPU, while the PS4 has 1152 shader cores housed within 18 compute units in its GPU, which when you crunch the numbers happens to be… WHAT?!?!? 50% more compute units and individual shader cores??? That math stuff sure is a tricky beast to tame, I know.

Not to mention that Microsoft went the more complicated route for developers by adding 32MB of eSRAM to its APU die in an effort to bring back up their overall memory bandwidth close to, but still short of the memory bandwidth offered by the 8GB of GDDR5 RAM in the PS4.

Last edited by JROD0823 on 5/24/2013 5:37:36 PM

11 years ago

right, so there both AMD 8 core APUs, so that means they have to be exactly the same.
the clocks have to be the same, the cache has to be the same, the L2 die has to be the same.
i give up, id have better luck talking the stripes out of a zebra!

11 years ago

Since when better graphics ( ya it means more then just that but you get my point i m sure ) = better game ?

It s all about the better exclusive ( i guess which console are the multiplatform games are going to perform better on too ) once it s all said and done .

11 years ago

in terms of GPU raw computional performance PS4 gpu can perform 50% more computation from its 18CU and 32 ROP compared to XBone's 12CU with 18rop.
And yes both the company has a staggering advantage of cloud computing, I believe we havent even seen the tip of what these company will bring to the table via cloud.

11 years ago

I don't think cloud computing will be as much of an advantage as people think.

Not in a world where internet services aren't as fast as they should be. When you have games like Call of Duty and Killzone, where there is literally thousands of things happening at once on-screen, it would be hard for most of the world to use the cloud for computation in those situations.

This is no Simcity.

11 years ago

and well, Simcity is no Simcity either, all that talk about Simcity's computations going on in the cloud was all a lie to make it sound like the "always online requirement" was not just another DRM.

11 years ago

This is a little off subject but here is another couple of sentences in the Eurogamer article that is interesting: "Behind the cooler we have a standard 2.5-inch hard drive. Microsoft says that it's not user-replaceable, meaning that 500GB is your lot in terms of internal storage.". I wonder if the PS4 will have a swappable hard drive again? I hope so as that will be another plus for Sony.

11 years ago

doesn't Microsoft insist multiplatform titles cannot be better on other consoles or they cannot release on the xbox? bullyboy BS like that will hold back 3rd party titles on the PS4

11 years ago

MS really only got that power because of the XB360's user in North America. If the current backlash fallows through to launch MS is going to be in trouble and if the XBO under performs it'll be easier developers/publishers to tell MS to go **** themselves. Especially if the PS4 doesn't bomb and/or does significantly better. On the other hand I have a feeling Sony is going to do something stupid that's going to squander most of the momentum they've gained.

11 years ago

Wow "fallows"…

11 years ago

sweet lol sony is taking over and will definately win in the end XD ..and this all thanks to nintendo screwing them over in the early 90's… wow..
in any case what are they talking about sony could up ther RAM to 8gb easy or whatever? huh? i thot it was confirmed we already have8gb of ram and its DDR5 <fu*&%King FIVE… the fast fast RAM from what i understand.. yyea were in good hands with sony

11 years ago

Sooooo once again the Xbone(love that nickname cause I have a feeling they are going to bone ever Xbot still out there…) is going to hold back the Playstation platform when it comes to multi-platform games… Great, just great… I SO hope the PS4 becomes lead dev console on multi-plats and does it QUICK…

Last edited by Caanimal on 5/28/2013 3:17:41 AM

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