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Sony Brings In Another Internal Team To Finish Last Guardian?

Looks like Sony has enlisted the help of another development team to help bring The Last Guardian 's development to a close.

During a recent PS Nation Podcast , Just Add Water's Stewart Gilray said it's "certain" that a certain software team and "the guy's team who worked on the architecture of the PS Vita and PS4" are now assisting. Host Glenn Percival added that he's heard something similar, that a new team has been brought on.

Now, Mark Cerny is a name that leaps readily to mind. He was a big part of the Vita and PS4 design team and he also helped deliver Knack , a PS4 launch title (that didn't fare so well, unfortunately). Now, if Guardian has to be adapted to PS4 after being in development for PS3 for so many years, maybe Cerny and Co. should indeed be involved.

Of course, we still don't expect to see the game at E3. We've been hoping for five years and each time, we've been disappointed.

Related Game(s): The Last Guardian

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9 years ago

Change the name to The Last Frankenstein

9 years ago

I want this game to release but I know it isn't going to be what Fumita Ueda envisioned.

ICO and SOTC were amazing games, he is a perfectionist and both games were in development for 5 years and he had to be threatened to release them.

I wish he could find a way to strike a balance because he is up there as one of the most creative devs in recent times. I am okay with 5 year development cycles but you have to have a gameplan and not just redo things over and over again. I remember reading he took 1 or 2 years to get the horse physics for Agro to how he wanted them. And restarted a bunch of times.

Being a perfectionist is alright in theory but most of the time it is detrimental to the creative process.

I do think this game will release eventually but I'm not sure if it is going to be the masterpiece that it could have been.

9 years ago

At this point I don't see how anyone can even care anymore. I doubt the game is even in active development anymore, and even if it is, all we ever got was some non-gameplay concept footage that offered no solid information on what the game would even be like. By this point everyone who's wanted the game has built up their own unique expectations, and almost every single one of them (including my own) is bound to be hilariously off base.

9 years ago

they are building some 3 minute showcase for E3, then forget for the next 3 years…

9 years ago

Wait, this game is still in development?

9 years ago

this is right up there with Agent. games i wanted but have no faith in ever being released or being good

9 years ago

Oh dear, not The Lost Guardian again…

9 years ago

… at this point, I'm just hoping TLG doesn't cross over to vaporware land …

9 years ago

It's been vaporware for years.

9 years ago

this wouldn't surprise me in the slightest aye and if my cerny is on the team i think that would be a really good thing for the last guardian

happy gaming

5 years ago

Wait, this game is still in development?

5 years ago

Change the name to The Last Frankenstein

5 years ago

It&#39s been vaporware for years.

5 years ago

… at this point, I&#39m just hoping TLG doesn&#39t cross over to vaporware land …

5 years ago

this wouldn&#39t surprise me in the slightest aye and if my cerny is on the team i think that would be a really good thing for the last guardian

happy gaming

5 years ago

Oh dear, not The Lost Guardian again…

5 years ago

this is right up there with Agent. games i wanted but have no faith in ever being released or being good

5 years ago

At this point I don&#39t see how anyone can even care anymore. I doubt the game is even in active development anymore, and even if it is, all we ever got was some non-gameplay concept footage that offered no solid information on what the game would even be like. By this point everyone who&#39s wanted the game has built up their own unique expectations, and almost every single one of them (including my own) is bound to be hilariously off base.

5 years ago

they are building some 3 minute showcase for E3, then forget for the next 3 years…

5 years ago

I want this game to release but I know it isn&#39t going to be what Fumita Ueda envisioned.

ICO and SOTC were amazing games, he is a perfectionist and both games were in development for 5 years and he had to be threatened to release them.

I wish he could find a way to strike a balance because he is up there as one of the most creative devs in recent times. I am okay with 5 year development cycles but you have to have a gameplan and not just redo things over and over again. I remember reading he took 1 or 2 years to get the horse physics for Agro to how he wanted them. And restarted a bunch of times.

Being a perfectionist is alright in theory but most of the time it is detrimental to the creative process.

I do think this game will release eventually but I&#39m not sure if it is going to be the masterpiece that it could have been.

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