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Take-Two CEO: No, Devs Haven’t Maxed Out PS4, Xbox One

Despite developer CD Projekt Red saying The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt pushed the current consoles to their limits, one industry executive believes we've got a long way to go.

Take-Two Interactive CEO Strauss Zelnick, in speaking at the recent Technology, Media & Telecom Conference, said designers haven't come close to maxing out the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One:

"We have yet to see entirely what the technology can allow. We've had a couple releases for new-gen, but I don't think we remotely have seen what can be done, and that's super exciting. And that speaks to many of our titles; hopefully all of our titles, ultimately."

This follows PlayStation president Andrew House's comments from earlier in the week, when he said he expects E3 2015 to show off some true next-gen experiences. And if those new games don't take full advantage of the PS4, they'll still "take a lot more advantage than we've seen before."

What have you been most impressed with so far this generation? The recently released RPG, The Witcher 3 ? The PS4 exclusive Bloodborne ?

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9 years ago

On a technical and visual level The Order 1886 is clearly the most impressive title yet, Witcher 3 is definitely impressive in terms of size and scope but the level of glitches and being multi platform definitely limited its ability to take advantage of the the PS4 fully. Bloodborne was pretty but not really mind blowing…plus it could've used a bit more variety.

9 years ago

I think Bloodborne look great tho, I like the art style in that game. But I don't play bloodborne for the graphic anyway…

9 years ago

The reason The Order looked so great was because they did the black bar cinema presentation which made the actual game nowhere near 1080p it's a little trick I think may become popular with the new consoles.

Not saying The Order doesn't look phenomenal just HIGHLY doubt they could have had it running at true 1080p and a stable FPS.

9 years ago

I aware of the technique of using the black bar, Beyond Two Souls used it on the PS3 and Resident Evil 4 used it on the Gamecube, that doesn't change the fact that it looks phenomenal. It is still 1080, just as a film that is shot in 2:40:1 ratio versus the 16:9 ratio ratio is still 1080.

9 years ago

The black bar doesn't make it look as good as it did, the character models and environs did. And those were the best to date.

9 years ago

That logic don't work Squirrel, The vertical resolution cannot be 1080 as it does not take up the whole screen, and the format does not allow for a horizontal resolution >1920. It's gotta be either cropped or masked frame.

9 years ago

Actually Cesar it does make sense the 2:40:1 ratio still provides you with the max pixel count that your television is capable of in that area of the screen, it's an artistic choice that happens to also provide a technical advantage for rendering. As I said before it is just as HD as a 2:40:1 or 2:35:1 film. Lots of films are shot this way because it provides a wider field of view and matches human beings field of vision. Last time I check our eyes are side by side not on top of each other.

Whenever someone makes an argument about 2:40:1 ratio I have to laugh as I remember the days when people with standard television 4:3 thought they were getting cheated by dvd's and vhs that were widescreen only, when in reality they were getting cheated by the "fullscreen" ratio which was actually cutting off the image and complete lost the artistic quality of the shots.

Last edited by Squirreleatsman on 6/1/2015 8:50:00 PM

9 years ago

I know that squirrel. My point is that technically it isn't 1080 since the image is cropped.

9 years ago

Well I don't care if they max out or not, i just want game that free from bug and glitch, that's it…

9 years ago

You'll be waiting a long time, virtually no games meet that criteria.

9 years ago

No kidding.

9 years ago

E3 2015

9 years ago

Couldn't agree more, wait till GTAVI comes out, that's what will truly max out the PS4 and X1.

9 years ago

i think we certainly going in the right direction and yeah i think there is a ways to before we completely use up all of the currently avalible hardware, i still think 1080p and 60fps should be the benchmark for the ps4/xb1 gen but we may not get there as quickly as we would like the devs and games too

hppy gaming

9 years ago

This conversation always happens, once again it's up to the way the programmers use the power that matters. In that way "maxing" them out isn't like a finish line it's just a nebulous pseudo-goal.

If Take Two is gonna run their mouth though, they better come to E3 with a new Bioshock, Duke Nukem, and Manhunt.

9 years ago

Yep. It's like a broken record every gen. Context is the big thing here.
Some people get that, others don't.

9 years ago

It's about how they take advantage of the power, not how much power it's used.

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