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Think We’ll Ever See Dishonored 2?

In my opinion, far too many people have forgotten about this game.

Dishonored not only received an exceedingly rare review score at PSXE, it also won our prestigious Game of the Year Award for 2012. There's a reason.

It's still one of the best games of the past decade, as far as I'm concerned, as it was an intoxicating blend of genres and gameplay elements that really hit home. Am I the only one who wants a sequel this badly? I can't be. There are lots of people who really loved Dishonored and they're disappointed that we haven't heard a peep from developer Arkane Studios. What are they doing over there?

I just hope publisher Bethesda told them they'd be willing to put out a sequel. Sales should've been good enough for Dishonored to warrant a follow-up effort. Besides, I want it more than a new Fallout or a new Elder Scrolls and I bet I'm not the only one. Think we'll hear about Dishonored 2 at E3? Or is that a one-and-done IP?

Related Game(s): Dishonored

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9 years ago

Dishonored: Definitive Edition is pretty much confirmed since it was rated for PS4 and Xbox One.

And on release three years ago, Bethesda said Dishonored "exceeded sales expectations" (wow, a great SINGLE-PLAYER game made money?! What are the odds! Start paying attention, publishers!!)–239407.phtml

So, yeah. I think Dishonored 2 will definitely be a thing.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Bless you Azimuth.

9 years ago

Its a thing. Just be patient.

9 years ago

I love Dishonored, please make MOAR!!!

9 years ago

I was just telling a friend who had never heard of it he should totally buy it the other day.
Such a great game, just hope they make getting the good ending a lot easier………..

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
9 years ago

It's been forgotten for a reason. It was good at first but then once you're done, that's it (for most people).

I, for one, didn't like it. I tried to play it but a lot of things turned me off that game. Not my thing, I guess.

9 years ago

Doesn't pretty much any game that causes a hint of rings on the gaming-surface get a sequel these days?

9 years ago

i'd be and i know alot of my friends and my brothers would be keen for a dishourned 2 that weould be pritty cool i think and yeah another fall out of elder scrolls game would be great but this game definately deserves a sequal it was a great game

happy gaming

9 years ago

One of the best games I've played in recent memory. We definitely need a sequel!

9 years ago

Wasn't impressed with Dishonored. Whether it gets a sequel or not I don't know. It probably deserves one based on its following. But it had one of the worst combat mechanics I've ever played. Clunky and inaccurate, left me more frustrated than anything.

9 years ago

i wouldnt play it. wasnt a fan after beating the first one, just didnt stick to me.

9 years ago

I really liked the first one except for the fact that if you use the tools they give you in the game to diversify your playing experience, you are punished for it narratively, and for really lame reasons.

You can acquire the power to instantly turn people into ash, or have rats devour their corpse, meaning no one ever knows they died, but if you do either, you create "high chaos" and get the shitty ending. To get the good one, you have to play with a very narrow set of skills which are easily the least interesting in the game.

If they keep the narrative in the sequel tied to narrative choices the player makes, and not gameplay choices, the way Human Revolution did, I'm on board.

9 years ago

That was my only complaint I think i read you can only afford 2 or 3 kills in the entire game, not including the main villains which I believe instantly screw you over, to get the good ending. =

9 years ago

I loved the first, I wouldn't mind a sequel, I believe I got the good ending cause I finished the game first in low chaos.

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