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We Can’t Blame Cowherd For Being Just Another Dumb Jock

See what I did there, Colin? In case you didn't know, it's called stereotyping or rather, marginalizing an entire community about which you know nothing.

In point of fact, my headline is ignorant. I don't know this guy and yet, I'm assuming he's dumb because he's a sportscaster and presumably, an aging jock.

But maybe he isn't. Perhaps he was actually one of the nerdy kids in school (which I'd be surprised to learn, considering his decidedly anti-geek tirade ). Maybe he simply got into journalism and it didn't specifically involve sports. In short, maybe he's really the antithesis of the harshly stereotypical term, "dumb jock." Therefore, me saying something like, "Somebody lock the basement door and don't let him out" should be met with a round of derision. Actually, intelligent people should dismiss it immediately.

Which is precisely what I'm compelled to do concerning Cowherd's rant against competitive gaming. It's an ignorant man shooting off at the mouth because he gets paid to shoot off at the mouth. He knows nothing. Why should we pay any attention to him at all when it comes to eSports or pro gaming? We're not supposed to listen to clueless people who stand atop a soapbox and yell as loudly as they can, desperately trying to convince themselves they belong on that soapbox.

Hey, as I said in that previous article, Cowherd isn't wrong. I can't watch competitive gaming, either, and no, it isn't a sport. It doesn't belong on ESPN. What galls me is simply the manner in which he made these claims, which implies a deep-rooted ignorance. Based on his words, I'm sure he wouldn't predict my response; I'm sure he'd think I'd defend competitive gaming to the death, that I was indeed a friendless nerd, that I have the speed and hand-eye coordination of a medicated sloth. He doesn't know that if he stepped into the ring with me, he'd probably be in serious trouble.

He's just doing his job. I get it. But I have just one question: For those who remember the days of being a social outcast (yes, there are plenty of gamers out there who were, and perhaps still are), I'm betting Cowherd's words bring back some painful memories. They sound an awful lot like those "dumb jocks" who tortured you in school, don't they? How is it even remotely professional to sound like you're a 12-year-old bully in a schoolyard? I usually have great respect for ESPN anchors but this guy…

At any rate, can we say, "lesson learned," Colin? Or are you going to take this mess to the next level and make a bigger fool of yourself?

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9 years ago

I can't read his last name without pronouncing it "Coward," which also seems appropriate.

9 years ago

Cow herd pictures come out when i tried to Google image him…

Last edited by FAREEZ on 4/29/2015 2:06:16 AM

9 years ago

Maybe he was once a geek in school and after being bullied one too many times, he tore off his Zelda t-shirt and threw his Street Fighter lunchbox in the ditch and muttered, "…never. again."

Now, while gaming has gotten more mainstream and people are able to outwardly enjoy the hobby, that little Mario-loving boy inside him is crying out wanting to be acknowledged!

"Let's play Colin!" the boy says. "We used to have so much fun!"


Unable to go back due to painful memories, he instead lashes out with bitterness and contempt at the gaming community! Why are they able to enjoy gaming without the shameful teasing from the "cool" kids but he wasn't?! It's not fair! When alone at night, he falls to the floor with a tear-stricken face and let's loose painful sobs.

"It should be me playing in those DOTA championships! IT SHOULD BE MEEEEEEEE!"

That's how I imagine him, at least.

Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 4/29/2015 12:40:23 AM

9 years ago

When nerds and losers rage… Crap like this makes Cowherd seem absolutely right about what he said

9 years ago


9 years ago

Maybe the comment you're raging about wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

9 years ago

Apparently this guy has covered video games and he's masquerading like he hasn't.
To make good on his on claim he should've quit a while ago.

9 years ago

You're right, Ben. Cowherd is just doing his job, which happens to be spouting off incendiary crap just to get people talking about what he said. I'm convinced that there's no way he can possibly believe half the crap he says. But what he says sounds good to his core audience and totally pisses off whoever happens to be in his crosshairs.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

9 years ago

Kieth Olbermann for the win.

9 years ago

I've never heard of him before this. Guess his mission is accomplished.

9 years ago

i guess i can say i get it and i don't and my reasons are the whole think ignorance thing thats what i will always have a problem cos there will be people like that but the part that i get is the its your job but you should go so low with your commentary though cos nobody lies people that go with the low shot so to speak anyways thats my 2 cents here

happy gaming

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