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Tekken 7 Key Theft Might Mean The Game Skips US Events

Okay now, repeat after me: "Bunch of savages in this town."

MadCatz has been bringing the anticipated Tekken 7 to certain events throughout the United States. The latest stop was the Northwest Majors in Seattle, but Community & Sponsorship Manager Mark Julio ran into trouble.

As detailed at DualShockers , Julio's car was broken into and the thieves snagged the keys to the game. Julio also lost some personal and work-related items, and he has since seen some of those items appear on Craigslist.

He apologized to Game Director Katsuhiro Harada on Twitter, saying the arcade boards are safe but he needs new keys. Unfortunately, Harada confirmed that new keys won't work with the existing boards, so they all need to be replaced. The other bad news is that because of this incident, Tekken 7 might skip other events:

Seriously. Savages.

Related Game(s): Tekken 7

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9 years ago

Savages! Savages! hardly even human! Savages! Savages! Killers at the core!

9 years ago

haha! I can't read that without singing the song! 🙂 Good stuff, Temjin!

9 years ago

yea, I couldn't help myself

9 years ago

So excuse my ignorance, but what are these keys they speak of? What does it mean?

Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 4/29/2015 12:18:44 AM

9 years ago

it's the key to run the T7 dev kit, it's stolen within 10 minutes when they got back to the car, and already on craiglist the next day, it's reported to seattle PD but they prolly busying writing parking tickets elsewhere

9 years ago

yeah that makes perfect sense…. because i you get jacked in one place that means its gonna happen in EVERY other place in the US too.

So if im crossing the street and get hit by a car… I should never cross a street again in fear that itll happen again… you know…. despite the fact that prior to that incident it never happened the first 30 million times I crossed a street.

If you lived your life afraid of "what if" Youd never accomplish or get ANYTHING done… I mean why take a bath if I might drown? lol

9 years ago

You clearly understood NOTHING explained in this article.

The Tekken 7 hardware (the circuit boards that run the arcade or developer version of the game) require a key. Specifically, I think the storage device containing the software has a security chip that needs to be unlocked to load the software. The key is an electronic security dongle that plugs into the board to unlock the software with a decryption code…

With the keys gone, the software won't load onto eh machines. They are very expensive paperweights now. Worse, new keys are not compatible with the old boards, cause they'd need a new decryption code, meaning all new boards have to be made with matched keys… The time to do that means that the chances of Tekken 7 appearing at US gaming events is not likely.

Last edited by richfiles on 4/29/2015 8:51:08 PM

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