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Even Feminists Can Have Fun Playing Grand Theft Auto V

Despite its obvious over-the-top violence and highly suggestible (okay, even downright offensive) material, Grand Theft Auto V is fun.

Even those predisposed to hate it have to admit that.

One of the latest BuzzFeed videos shows feminists playing GTAV and although a few have the kind of indignant replies you'd expect, many admit to enjoying their time with the game. In regards to visiting one of the virtual strip clubs, one girl said- "If you were going through your formative years and this was your only experience with women, it would be really damaging and weird."

And yeah, the game lacks a strong female character as well. But aside from that, there are quite a few smiles here, which is nice to see. Besides, it all depends on your definition of "feminist," right? My mother would've called herself one back in the '60s but these days, she spends most of her time just rolling her eyes at the more militant feminists out there.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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9 years ago

Most non-gamers don't take the time to understand GTA and understand that it's satire and making fun of people who are actually offensive.

9 years ago

"If this was your formative experience…"
Irrelevant, as it's an M rated game. Any parent that let's a preteen or young child play this game has some questionable parenting to explain.
I'm all for equality, but most feminists these days are just attention seekers who go out of their way to be offended.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

People really do go out of their way like that.

9 years ago

Totally agree on the ratings issue. As an observation, she's totally correct, of course. So perhaps not "irrelevant". If anything, it's an insightful comment that should serve as advice to teach parents (who do not do their research) that they shouldn't let minors play the game.

But yeah, like you, I don't agree that it shouldn't be in there because kids might play it. It straight up shouldn't be accessible to them. And yeah. Parents are to blame.

9 years ago

"Even Feminists Can Have Fun Playing Grand Theft Auto V" gunning down nothing but men and teabagging their corpse right?

9 years ago

Is there another way to enjoy GTA?

9 years ago

Feminists and Fun shouldn't be in the same sentence, who funds these useless bit**es?

9 years ago

you're one to talk..

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

"Let's solicit a prostitue! Ooooh, I killed her! Huh, no wait get up!"
Bet It's the first time a feminist ever said that.

Also, did that girl say she was wondering if that "was a pretty woman situation" because they weren't kissing on the mouth? Did the fact of her being a prostitue completely escape her? Or would she makeout with someone who sucks D all day?

They should have showed them the parts with Franklins aunt to get their reactions to the games parody of feminism.

Last edited by mk ultra on 4/26/2015 8:46:48 PM

9 years ago

yeah thats totally typical of feminists but they probably didn't actually play that much so they don't get the whole picture of what the game is like

happy gaming

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