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Previous ESO Players Can Get A Discount On Tamriel Unlimited

Okay, so let's say you purchased The Elder Scrolls Online for PC or Mac, but now you want to bring the experience into the living room.

Well, as seen at the game's support website , you might be eligible for a discount.

If you bought and registered a copy of ESO on PC or Mac by no later than June 30, 2014, you can snag a digital copy of the upcoming console version for only $20 ((€14.99 or £12.99). This offer is good through May 9; look for " The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited for Console with account copy" when you go to start the process. The version you receive will be the same as the one others get for $60 so the savings is substantial.

Your account will also transfer over to the console version. The account details will be copied over, which means you can also keep playing on PC/Mac if you so chose. However, any progress you make will be saved to the specific version you're playing.

Tamriel Unlimited comes out on June 9 for PS4 and Xbox One. Click here for a closer look.

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls Online

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9 years ago

Also heads up anyone who played the PC Beta or Alpha even if you did not end up purchasing the full PC game you may be eligible for a free welcome back weekend from this Thursday to I believe Monday or Tuesday. All progress made will able to be transferred to the console version when it is released.

You DO NOT have to buy the current $60 game to play they didn't make it super easy to find but if you go to the TESO website and go to support then search for "Welcome Back Weekend" the first result should have a link to download a free version of the client which can be upgraded should you decide to purchase the game afterwards.

The client is a whopping 80GB so if anyone is interested you may want to get on it now ahead of time. You will need a code to play most Alpha and Beta accounts should have had it applied automatically without you needing to do anything but double check your registered email if not.

Last edited by Shauneepeak on 4/13/2015 3:25:19 AM

9 years ago

right so thats its just for peoplw switching over to console from PC that get discounts i mean i suppose that makes sense but while your at it you could nock the console price down a little bit just to be nice

happy gaming

9 years ago

In a perfect world no game would cost $60.

9 years ago

I suspect it'll hit $30 fairly quickly.
FFXIV was and still is FAR more popular, even with its monthly fee, and it didn't stay at full price very long. It can now easily be found for around $20 I suspect TESO will be the same.

Last edited by Shauneepeak on 4/13/2015 1:00:39 PM

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