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Watch Dogs Hits All Platforms, Including PS4, On November 19

Time to mark the calendar.

Today, Ubisoft has announced that their highly anticipated Watch Dogs has landed a release date: It will launch in North America for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PS4 on November 19. Hate to jump ahead here, but could that also be the launch date for Sony's new console?

In the new gameplay trailer, protagonist Aiden Pearce visits a never-before-seen district of Chicago and encounters new characters, all the while attempting to reconcile the events of his past. If you're psyched for this one (and a great many are), you can pre-order at GameStop, which will net you an exclusive poster designed by famous comic book artist, Alex Ross. This poster is the inspiration behind the game's box art and "captures the essence of Aiden Pearce, a modern-day vigilante who must rely as much on brains as brawn to take down threats in our increasingly connected world."

Seems like November is gonna be a big month.

Related Game(s): Watch Dogs

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11 years ago

This game looks freakin amazing! If it really is as open as it seems (based off what we've seen so far) then I can see it sucking a whole lot of my life away!
The PS4 is shaping up to have a stellar launch line-up! I imagine that people will be buying games for it before they even get the system!

11 years ago

And if not Nov 19, maybe a few weeks sooner but at least i know it wont be after Nov 19 which is Good IMO.

11 years ago

It could be after the 19th. Vita games were in stores a couple weeks before the Vita itself, as I recall.

11 years ago

Well Assasins Creed IV has a release date of October 31. That is for the PS4 edition as well.

I contacted Ubisoft and asked them if the release date of the PS4 version is correct, and they said yes.

11 years ago

Definitely grabbing this on PS4 when I pick one up. If I don't have a PS4 by this Fall then I'll rent it on PS3 with Gamefly and pick it up later. Looks amazing!

I just hope it doesn't become so successful that Ubisoft makes it an annual release series though…

11 years ago

"You Screw around, then you'll get people hurt."
"Or worse."

"They think I'm a man out of control, but I've never had so much control."

One of the most anticipated games ever? While i don't think it's yet in the same league as with the likes of GTA5, the trailer does seem pretty kewl.

11 years ago

If PS4 launches before Nov 19th with Watch Dogs then PS4 is going to be sold out

11 years ago

This game doesn't look interesting at all…

11 years ago

I read somewhere that Ubisoft stated that Watch Dogs will be a launch PS4 game With that date i'm pretty anxious now hoping that they just gave away PS4's launch date

It's funny because my supervisor asked what days i'd like off I guessed the PS4 was going to launch a week before thanksgiving holiday So i asked for the 19th – 22nd lol

11 years ago

This game from what I've seen so far is where I wanted the GTA series to head. If they did I would stll be a fan of GTAs, but they are just stale in my opinion. Now we are getting a game that really looks like a fun open world game that doesn't stress blowing s**t up and I cannot wait for it to get here.

Uh-oh I said bad things about GTA, gotta put my head in between my legs as the thumbs down come flying in.

11 years ago

Nah, I said bad things about it in the 'most hated games thread' with no repercussions 😀

11 years ago

Other articles said the release date is only confirmed for current gen consoles (and wii U).

But I also heard that the game would be a launch title for the ps4, so who know! (And if that's true the ps4 probably wont come out before November 19th)

11 years ago

cross gen means it won't be much of a leap so I'll wait.

11 years ago

Hmm you remember over the last 10 years or more, all those movie trailers that looked awesome and then when you went to see the film, you realized all those snippets were the best and only the best parts, leaving nothing else.

Not bursting anyones bubble, but lets wait and see what the game actually looks like… complete. A trailer alone does not make me want to buy a new console, a console with a price that has not been confirmed yet.

Of course I am not buying PS4 day one anyway, but I will say this, in as much as the lineup of games, both multi-platform and exclusive, are starting to add up and its only the end of April….. the excitement is building up. I think I am just going to sit back and watch the whole thing unfold, both Sony and Microsoft, and see what they do to influence me to want to buy now or later.

This is not only going to be interesting… but I think its going to fun. 🙂

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

We've seen gameplay footage too though.

11 years ago

Yep, but possibly only the best part, and who is to say that will be in the game. :/

That said, keeping optimistic is not a bad thing.

11 years ago

Where are you getting that this is also the PS4 launch date? Quote from Nick Schmidt of Ubisoft on the Playstation Blog: "We’re also happy to announce that Watch_Dogs now has an official launch date — the game will be available on PS3 starting November 19th. (We’ll be back to talk about the PS4 version and its release timing at a later date.)" Could you cite a source for this also being the PS4 release date? The implication is that it's different.

Last edited by Siris86 on 4/29/2013 10:00:09 PM

11 years ago

The rumours were that the PS4 would release in October..

If the PS4 releases in Oct, then maybe Watch Dogs will be a launch title for the PS4, but then launch a little later for the rest of the consoles?

11 years ago

Re-reading my post, I can see that my wording was pretty vague, but I was talking about the date of the PS4 version of Watch Dogs, not the system itself. I agree with you, it seems like Watch Dogs will have an earlier release on next-gen systems. I just didn't see where the author was relating the November 19th date to the PS4 version, as that idea is not presented at all by Ubisoft.

11 years ago

so the ps4 is getting a more or less worldwide launch!
mid november is a bit late to be releasing a new system, especially since M$ is going to be releasing theirs this just gives them a chance to jump ahead.
wish it would release in october, so it can have BF4, AC4 at the same time as its counterparts.

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