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Bungie’s Destiny: Everything You’ve Seen Is “Work In Progress”

It's easily one of the most anticipated titles of the next generation, but the developer is a long ways from done.

During a Mail Sack feature at Bungie's website, we find out that "there's still a lot of work to be done" on the upcoming Destiny , which is set for the PS4 and presumably the new Xbox.

The designers were asked if what we've seen in the previews thus far was finished. Are the graphics, character models and the world in general complete? Bungie's answer was pretty simple and tells us we'll have to be patient:

"No, no, and no. And, no. Everything you've seen so far is work in progress. There is still a lot of work to be done. This is why you are made to wait, friends. Not because we like to tease you. Not because we know that you can take it. It’s because we’re still working."

So far, we've seen a little of Destiny during Sony's PlayStation 4 unveiling in February, but that's about it. Supposedly, PS4 owners will receive special exclusive content when the game arrives some time next year. We've also seen a bunch of cool concept art. However, as it's not slated until 2014, it certainly won't be a PS4 launch title, as Sony's new console is scheduled to launch later this year.

This really isn't my thing but it should end up being a top-quality production.

Related Game(s): Destiny

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11 years ago

I love Bungie… well the original crew going all the back to playing Marathon…. and original Halo, which was Marathon on steroids at the time.

Even if its a work-in-progress I have not see anything overly exciting. Just generic although I guess how the game is being implemented might be interesting. In that will it work or even succeed in the market. Its an ambitious approach and not really knowing how much they have dumped financially on this project, I wonder what the stakes are for them. If its a make or break scenario.

Regardless, if I am not there to be involved in its launch and gameplay, I hope they succeed in the market. Right now I am more looking forward to Beyond Two Souls this fall and others.

Keep Playing!

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Am I the only one that doesn't care for Destiny?

11 years ago


11 years ago

Well, you and B.D.

11 years ago

The success of this game is really going to come down to gameplay! Sure what we've seen so far is "Oooo shiny, pretty!"
But we still don't know enough about the actual "game" part!
I've been keeping a lazy eye on this one. Kinda that thing in the corner I'm waiting to see move, just so I know it's really there and warrants further investigation!

11 years ago

I think it will be more than that. Games like Bioshock have proven that gameplay isn't the only thing that sells games.

Destiny is pitching a huge world, with a story spanning 10 years, that can be played as an MMO or single player. That is massive, and never been done before.

11 years ago

so theres still time to totally redesign the game right?
im sorry, but a bungie MMO is about as point full as a 8 thousand dollar budget ferrari!
bungie were made famous because of the epic stories they created for the halo series, and now there going and creating a MMO, the complete opposite for what everyone loves them for!
gotta love it how they said were leaving M$ because were bored, we want to try something different.
but then go and create the exact same game all over again!
sometimes i wonder if zombies are controlling developers mouths, because they ALWAYS do the complete opposite to what they say!
were sick of SCIFI we want to try something different, so hey heres our new game its SCIFI!

11 years ago

They wanted to try something different in the scifi realm. You literally just said it yourself. They went from making epic FPS's to what amounts to an MMO. That would be called "making something different." A different genre of gameplay is different, no matter if its still scifi or not. Plus, they never said they were trying to reinvent the wheel, now did they?

Things to think about as you type your posts about this game next time blankey.

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