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Where Will Final Fantasy XV Rank On The All-Time FF List?

There's one thing all veteran Final Fantasy fans love to argue about: The rankings.

Of course, I'm referring to how a fan ranks the FF titles in terms of quality. Well, some just go by their favorites; quality be damned.

What I'm wondering is where Final Fantasy XV will rank on these lists. I think it goes without saying that most games in the FFXIII trilogy rank pretty low on a long-time fan's list, so can FFXV represent a resurgence? I mean, as far as I'm concerned, Lightning Returns was so freakin' terrible that it shouldn't even be included on the same list with games like FFVI, VII, VIII, IX, X, etc. But it'll be difficult to compare FFXV to the older games, and not just because it's vastly superior from a technical standpoint.

No, it'll also be the first FF that's truly open-world, or so it seems. And if that's the case, comparing and contrasting to previous entries could be very complicated. But anyway, what are your expectations?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XV

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9 years ago

Just going off of what has been shown and also what the creative team have said I'll be shocked if it's better than XIII.

9 years ago

despite that it addresses EVERY thing ppl complain about in FF13?

Its not linear, its not using the same old "archaic" battle system that JRPGs have been using since the 80s etc etc…

Its seems to be doing everything everyone else wasnt it to be so by that reason alone it should be praised:

everyone wanted a non linear, openworld, non turn based JRPG (cause everything that an RPG "has" to be like witcher, dragon age, fallout or elder scrolls now or its old/outdated) so when we get just that if ppl still complain and bash it SE can say:

"Well you guys wanted this, we gave it to you and you still complained. So we'll go back to making those old archaic games you dont like and as soon as one of you *****es about it we'll say "Well we tried that already and you didn't like it sooooo here ya go"

9 years ago

Oh please. I'll take those old battle systems over the crap paradigm system that was in XIII.

9 years ago

Ummm you DO know no one was defending 13 right?

9 years ago

Duomaxwell: I can assure you that most Final Fantasy fans do not want "a non linear, openworld, non turn based JRPG".

And the last time I checked no one from the FF community asked for Final Fantasy to become an action game, which is what FFXV appears to be.

Last edited by kokoro on 3/3/2015 1:17:53 AM

9 years ago

duo is a fool. If it was any other poster (besides blank) I would assume they're drunk and can't possibly believe the things they've written.

9 years ago

I never said thats what he FF fans wanted… but thats what the majority wanted and right now the majority vastly outnumbers FF fans (or JRPG fans in general) as for no one wanting an action game… ummm weve known it was gonna be an action game since 2006 (it just had a different title) if no one wanted it they shoulda been complaining about it for the last 9 years… why wait til the current 12 months?

Last but not least no one may have WANTED an action game buuutttt last i checked plenty of FF fans like kingdom hearts sooo yeah…. speaking of KH i also thought an SE games with disney and FF characters sounded extremely stupid when it was first mentioned…. the game came out i played it, liked it and had to eat those words… point being play the game first THEN you may do all the whining you please.

9 years ago

There was a time where everyone thought ffvsxiii was the ff game to wait for after discovering the disappointment that was ffxiii. In 2011, se released the first trailer since 2006, showing full action real time gameplay and everybody wanted to know more about it. Everybody was dying for updates and news about it. Nothing has change since 2006, except the name change and now it's the worst ff game ever, even than xiii? We're talking about being worst than a super repetitive ff game with no towns, exploring, shops, shallow weapon and game mechanic, pathetic side quests, mediocre story (objective), absence of iconic airship travel, and freaking auto heal after battle. Worst than all this and shocked if ffxv will do better?

9 years ago

I second Korkoro's comment, and remark on the utter sexiness of my teacher Quistis.

Squall in the romantic spot with her, just being a bonehead. Ahhhg! you idiot!

9 years ago

Squall makes me hate VIII. Boohoo, you're attractive and have a nice penis, booohooooo.

9 years ago

FF13 was the worst FF game I think I have ever played. It was complete garbage from the terrible characters to the hand holding combat.

This game is probably going to be a great game, regardless if it is what people think a Final Fantasy should or shouldn't be.

9 years ago

Sexy? Me? Oh you shouldn't.

You always were my favourite Squall.

Now be sure to assemble outside the garden at 0900 hours. We've got an overgrown fiery fiend that needs a slaying in the cave near by.

Quistis Out.

Last edited by kokoro on 3/3/2015 10:20:45 PM

9 years ago

First I need to see the demo, but I'm 100% sure it gonna be better than all the XIII Saga at least xD

9 years ago

Its a bit premature to consider this don't ya think? Neither the game nor the demo has been released. Its like judging a book by its cover. A book that has been in the works since 2006.

9 years ago

Indeed. But it won't stop the current lot of S-E and post 90's FF haters from doing their usual song, dance and tear shedding.

9 years ago

Lol! Kid you make me laugh…

9 years ago

Have suffered longer than that for books! Thought we would never get the end of wheel of time after robert jordan passed away. That was well worth the wait.

Don't know if it me just being optimistic but still looking forward to XV.

9 years ago

For sure above FFXIII… well it better…

9 years ago

I wont say itll be what FF7 was to the PS1 but itll definitely be what FFX was to the PS2

9 years ago

Open world final Fantasy game sound good to me…

9 years ago

Who knows? Keeping an open mind. Can't be worse than XIII.

9 years ago

Yeah good point, although it is SE we're talking about here….

9 years ago

Yea but most of this game was developed by their best guys. I'm not counting on it being the best FF ever made but I'm thankful it's not being made by that idiot who was obsessed with making FFXIII a trilogy.

9 years ago

I think that is what a lot of people forget, this game is being made by a talented group within Square.

I don't doubt this will be a fantastic game, the problem is fans want Final Fantasy to be something and different fans have different ideas on what an FF should be.

I personally don't think turn based is what made a Final Fantasy game feel like a Final Fantasy game.

9 years ago

im still trying to understand this "truly open world" concept. can anyone give me some examples of games?

i think for this being the first next gen ff, its prolly going to be good, like someone said earlier like the way ff10 was on ps2. im honestly not thrilled about the battle concept, it kinda kills the turn based strategy for an rpg (am i allowed to call this an rpg?)

i dont think itll do bad, but i def feel like it wont be one of the great ones either. itll just be good. one reason is every time i see the clip of the dudes rolling in their car, i keep thinking of the gif that was made to represent the zoolander jeep scene. can we please not kill this game like the way people murdered the order. i feel as if this game is starting to be overhyped and judged before we see anything.

all i know is im looking forward to this game and hopefully itll be out this year.

9 years ago

Grand theft auto v. It's one connected world. In ffx12, while it was open world, it wasn't really connected. Some place would have sand, then next thing you know, you're in a tropical area.

9 years ago

I'm gonna hope for the best.

9 years ago

They should just stop naming their games 'Final Fantasy'.
Problem solved.

9 years ago

It can't possibly be worse than the stupidity that was FF13 (the first FF I've tried) so as far as I am concerned this might be pretty decent. 🙂

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Oh 13 was your first. Explains everything.

9 years ago

Have you played any of the classical PS1 Final Fantasy games, beam?

9 years ago

Banky: At least it explains why I'm not that particularly emotionally tied to jrpgs. 🙂

Kotoro: Nope, the PS3 were my first console. So anything you guys talk about that was exclusive to consoles pre-ps3 is a complete, black void in my mind. I've heard the names, at best.

The only thing I ever saw on a PS2 were guitar hero and Buzz.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/3/2015 7:45:02 AM

9 years ago

You should try the FFX remaster… FFX is one of the best of the series, and It looks sooo pretty on the PS3 (and Vita).

9 years ago

How old are you beamy-pooh? No PS1, no PS2?!

9 years ago

LV: Hehe – it's always so fun to tell people around here that the PS3 was my first console. Everyone seem to gasp, like console gaming is the only gaming there is.

I'm 45 and my first computer were an Oric-1. That's where I first learnt about the principles of programming. Then I got my Amiga 500 – gaming nirvana of the time. The Amiga introduced me to composing music on a computer, and turned computing into a general purpose hobby platform in my life. The A500 were with me for *many* years.

Then a fellow student showed me Doom, and not too long after I purchased my first PC, I think it was a 486/33. Then in the late 90s I was introduced to Linux, and a new world opened up for me.

So computing has been my hobby since my early teen, and gaming has always just been one of many activities on it and for long periods only played a minor role.

Consoles never interested me much since all it could do was play games and had a very casual profile (sorry…). But after GTA San Andreas my GTA fan level was on peak level, and I just could not stand waiting for the PC version of GTA4. So I got me a PS3.

Ad the rest is, as they say, history. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/3/2015 1:16:03 PM

9 years ago

No one thinks console gaming is all there is.

But it should be!

9 years ago

If it's good, it'll probably end up somewhere in the middle due to our nostalgia for the earlier titles. With that said, I think FFXIII should have been more like Dragon Age: Inquisition with its battle system in that you could micro manage when you wanted to. I think that would have helped greatly with swallowing that pill.

9 years ago

I've already had to adjust what I look for in games since what I used to like isn't made anymore at a AAA level.

Which is fine, I guess. Move with the times and all that.

What it has done, however, is made Final Fantasy no longer on my list of games I want to play. Which says a lot as a franchise that was my all-time favorite for 2 decades or so.

9 years ago

I've had to do the same. And while I've found other games/franchises to fill the void it still sucks to not have the opportunity to be excited and then rewarded with a new FF title every few years.

9 years ago

As I learned harshly with Final Fantasy XII it is not wise to build up expectations prior to the experience. Will it reach the peak of the series VI – X…? probably not. I 'm not building up such hope of on it, but I am sure it is going to be a thrilling experience. I have felt much more positive about the production since Tabata has taken over, we're getting much more coverage and I feel the game is progressing nicely. But if it will be amongst the FF greats, only time will tell. But I recommend that people who didn't enjoy XIII (Me no being one, I still regards XIII-1 as one of my best PS3 experiences) to not view it so harshly. Yes XIII had production problems and arugably 2 spin-offs no one wanted. but I am hoping with XV S-E can move beyond that and create a fantastic game with the spirit of adventure running high – Much like how Xenoblade: Chronicles simply delivered everything I could have ever wanted from a JRPG.

9 years ago

Here's one thing we know — at least the soundtrack will be good >_>

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 3/3/2015 9:06:31 AM

9 years ago

Cant argue with this. I love XIII's soundtrack.

9 years ago

Its being composed by a completely different person, however this person is in my opinion way better than the FF13 composer.

I'm of course talking about the one and only Yoko Shimomura. Her music is absolutely breath taking.

9 years ago

I didn't enjoy FFXIII's soundtrack.

I mean, what was there was good. But a majority of it was the same song set to different tempos and instruments depending on the mood.

9 years ago

I'm hopeful, but will have to see the demo first (gonna get it either way cause I'm super stoked for Type-0). What worries me is what Ben said in another post, when you go open world, you tend to sacrifice the story (like what happened with XII, still my most disliked FF game to date).

The action thing doesn't bother me, but IMO what truly defines a FF game is the story. Mechanics, even graphics are second to that. If the story and characters are good, or at least the characters are good then I'll have no problem with it.

9 years ago

Ffxiii was pretty linear and I thought the story lacked. I've played through ffxii twice for a total of over 300 hours. I thought the story was lacking but I don't believe it was because it was more open world. It may or may not have to do with it but bottom line, the story just wasn't interesting to me. Everyone there was cut scenes, I wasn't as engaged as previous ff. Regardless, I enjoyed the gameplay.

Now with ffxv, the story is already pretty interesting to me. On top of that, it's the first attempt in the ff franchise where it's going to feel pretty close to reality more so than fantasy, so I'm interested to see how that unfolds. It's pretty clear to me that story is a big emphasis on the game. I personally believe if the story is interesting, with interesting characters, it wouldn't matter if it was open world or not.

Like you say, there's so much more to final fantasy than just turn based gameplay. I can't believe some would down right call it pathetic and dismiss the game solely because of this, even though se has already proven that action jrpg can work from what we know from kingdom hearts. On top of that, many of them from that game is working on it, along with final fantasys best team. To praise kingdom hearts and dismissing this game is just weird imo. It's more weird that nothing has changed since freaking 2006 and it's just recently since e3 that many are ******** about this game with some serious passion. Like the order 1886, can we just leave this game alone till release?

9 years ago

I hope the story is good, like those of old, but if it's like XIII where there really was only the illusion of a story then all the fun gameplay in the world won't make me love it.

9 years ago

I thought FFXII had a thick enough plot for a really solid overall story. The problem is the lack of real focus on the characters. In all of the best (movies, games, books, theatre, whatever) presentations of a story, what makes them spectacular (think best dramas of all time, books, etc.) is the characters. A great example is Forrest Gump. There were a lot of incredible plot points, but what really made it special were the characters, how they develop and grow, and how they affected one another.

FFXII did not have strong characters to interact with the story. As a result, we got a very well-thought out plot, but it was all about politics, and ultimately, we didn't really cling to any character… except Balthier… but that's cause he's cool. Even he wasn't used well enough.

9 years ago

I think it won't be considered since no sensible person considers it an actual Final Fantasy main number entry. We all know it wasn't supposed to be.

Even if it's a great game, fans can only hope that it doesn't mark the direction of the franchise's future.

I expect low to medium sales after the franchise name has been destroyed and gamers no longer want Japanese cultural styles and anime heroes. It may though win some people for being open world, and also the "new" FF fans should come along.

Alas, the millions who are still waiting on a real entry are shut out again for reasons that make no sense.

9 years ago

Hopefully it becomes the RE6 of the FF franchise. Kinda like how XIII was RE5 (at least to me). There was a ton of things I hated about XIII but there were also things I really enjoyed. I'm not saying I want it to be a bad game but if it does turn out to be an action game and a final fantasy game only by name than I sure as hell hope it does poorly. Then I can get my XII HD release and SE will fall back on what has made FF such a great series when they get around to FFXVI.

Then again, I doubt Capcom learned anything from RE6 and we're all doomed in both franchise.

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