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Warner Bros. Gathering Feedback For New Shadow Of Mordor?

It wouldn't surprise anyone if it got a sequel. In fact, it would make lots of gamers happy.

It seems publisher Warner Bros. is looking for feedback concerning your experience with Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor . This implies a sequel, no?

Short Pause notes a survey that was sent to former and current players of the award-winning game. They do ask questions pertaining to other franchises but for the most part, it's Middle-earth -oriented. There's also a bunch of questions concerning DLC practices, which is bound to get a response from avid gamers.

What would you like to see in a Shadow of Mordor follow-up?

Related Game(s): Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

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9 years ago

Better to try a full scale Middle Earth Trilogy of epic quality then waste that tech and gameplay on another roll in the mud of old mordor.

9 years ago

I half agree, the second area you get to in Mordor is really nice looking.

But I would love love LOVE for that tech to be used to explore some really lush pretty places in middle earth. They could do a lot of cool things.

9 years ago

How about not another assassins creed clone knock off of a game. I wanted to like this game, but in the end it was bad. The combat was a joke. My advice for them would be to hang this one up and make a decent LOTR game based more on adventure like the trilogy of movies did. We have a whole middle earth to explore, let's bring it.

9 years ago

REALLY?! You didn't like it 🙁 Here I thought we had similar tastes what with you liking the Order and all.

I loved this game, but I haven't played an Assassins Creed game since AC3 because I was sick of them.

9 years ago

Lol, Xenris that made me laugh. I don't know what it was about that game. I seriously tried it and wanted to like it since I love the Lord of the Rings. Maybe I just burned myself out with all the Assassin's Creed games prior. It just felt like I was playing in familiar territory and it got stale to quickly for me.

9 years ago

I Def enjoyed this game… Especially the whole system they had to Elimitate the captains and how you can control them to help you when fighting the leaders… The controls were easy and the combat was fun… Sure they could've done more in terms of side missions and diffrent territories but the game was fun overall… For me anyways

9 years ago

Yeah I can see if you played a lot of the AC games how the game might have felt sort of meh. I just hadn't played an action game in a long time and it scratched that itch real good.

9 years ago

looks good thats one new IP/game that could get another one i just hope its as good or better than the 1st one thats all you can ever ask

happy gaming

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