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Report: PS4 To Hold Large Lead Over Xbox One In 2019

With the exception of a few months during the holiday season last year (when Xbox One dropped in price), PlayStation 4 has sold better so far this generation.

And one report says that trend will continue.

According to citing a Strategy Analytics report, Sony will be the "unquestioned leader" over the first five years of the current era in gaming.

The firm's Connected Home Devices Report says PS4 "is on path to reproduce the success of the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Wii." By 2019, they predict Sony will enjoy a worldwide installed userbase of 80 million, which would give them a 40 percent lead over the 57 million Xbox Ones that will be in homes by that time. Furthermore, they note the PS4's first-year sales of 18.5 million mean the system is much closer to the uber-dominant PS2 (20.1 million) as opposed to the PS3, which had a rough start (10.5 million).

As for Xbox One, the 12.4 million sold in the first year outstrips Xbox 360's 10.4 million, but the machine faced similar challenges to PS3. The Wii U's low 5.9 million first-year number is disappointing, but the console has been "staging a modest comeback" thanks to first-party software. Said Strategy Analytics senior analyst Eric Smith:

"Despite reports to the contrary, the game console market is not dead. Core gamers have moved faster to this current generation than in any previous generation. The main difference in this generation is that casual gamers who bought a Wii are remaining largely on the side lines as free-to-play casual games and midcore games on tablets and smartphones have captured this segment of consumers."

Yeah, well, we all knew that, didn't we?

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9 years ago

I just wonder if MS will be okay with that. My take is that they won't be and they'll race to jump start another gen of hardware.

As for Nintendo. My wife and I still want a Wii U but we're holding off for the time being. We decided to allocate that money someplace else.

9 years ago

Thats wazup, just need some quality exclusives to make me feel like less of an ass for jumping in this early in the ps4's lifespan. Hell, I could have waited to the end of this year when uncharted drops to buy one.

9 years ago

This kinda shows how fickle gamers are these days. They buy a system in droves that hardly has any games besides shooters because of the promise of next gen power then dump on a game like crazy that finally showcases that next gen power because it's a short generic shooter.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

What shooters besides Killzone are you talking about? It's the only PS4 exclusive shooter I can think of.

9 years ago

I was speaking generally. Not just exclusives. There aren't many games out now that aren't a shooter in some form or another. Not even realizing it all the games I currently own, the core combat gameplay revolves around gun play. Not necessarily a bad thing. I just find it curious that people are buying a console in large numbers with not much variety other than shooters at the moment based on promises of great things (myself included). Then turn around and completely write off a real next gen game like The Order for being a short generic shooter. It seems to at least attempt to show off next gen system capabilities unlike most of the games we've been playing thus far. Many is not most are cross gen shooters or remakes of shooters. With the exceptions of course.

Last edited by Jawknee on 2/19/2015 5:13:01 PM

9 years ago

I still say the smear campaign against our new shooter was started in MS's basement.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Actually, I don't see this deluge of shooters – either first- or third-person – that everyone seems to think exists.

Sure, we get Destiny, Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc. Those are huge, of course. But the majority of games I review and actually, the majority of games that end up winning most awards each year, aren't even shooters (with the exception of the Uncharted franchise).

Seems to me more games are just going the more open-world action/adventure route, whether they're straight action like Just Cause 3 or an RPG like The Witcher 3. The biggest games of this year are titles like MGSV and FFXV (if it actually makes it in 2015) and we'll get a new Assassin's Creed, of course. Besides, games like Evolve don't get anywhere near enough credit for doing new things with the shooter genre.

It's just way too easy – and often completely inaccurate – to blame the "generic shooter" as having taken over the industry. I don't see that at all. Open-world/sandbox is taking over, not shooters.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/19/2015 6:33:38 PM

9 years ago

Sony themselves have done well to try and produce a diverse portfolio.
Killzone SF
the exclusive deal concerning Transistor
MLB The Show
Drive Club
Order 1886 (while with problems it seems to me it's the least generic shooter in some time)
An exclusive buy out of Street Fighter V
The exclusive deal with No Man's Sky.
Uncharted 4
The Tomorrow Children
Ratchet remake
David Cage is likely not doing something with guns.

I won't include Destiny because DLC/content exclusivity happens all the time.

and hey, nearly none of these are open world games too, other than No Man's Sky or maybe The Tommorow Children.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/19/2015 10:06:09 PM

9 years ago

oh, and we all know God of War is coming.

EDIT: And Gran Turismo 7 =)

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/19/2015 10:13:45 PM

9 years ago

I'm speaking in general. At this current moment many of the games whether they be action, open world third person or whatever, the core combat resolves around shooting mechanics. My point isn't to claim these games are "generic"(just taking the criticism others made of The Order) or that shooters are taking over the market. I'm just pointing out how goofy people are this gen. They buy a $400 console that at the current moment doesn't offer a lot of variety besides the different types of shooting games with the few exceptions. Many of which aren't real next gen. Then when a true next gen titles finally drops and they trash it for being a "generic" shooter that's too short.

@Temji, I'm not speaking of stuff to come. Of course well see a better variety in genres as time goes on. I simply speaking of whats on the shelf right now. Of the 9 games I own, all them, while not straight first person or third person shooters, the combat does consist of shooting guns or magic from your hands(inFamous).

Last edited by Jawknee on 2/19/2015 10:46:00 PM

9 years ago

I can agree, seeing as even with the price drop of the xbone, ps4 still kills it in sales worldwide every month as usual. Sony just needs to kick it in high gear regarding exclusives as it already has third party locked down.

9 years ago

We're now at the 15 month mark following the PS4 release. In past generations, that's been the average sweet spot for when exclusives and other AAA titles start to land.

Sony would benefit immensely from excellent titles becoming a regular norm… basically now would be good. The longer it takes, the less likely they are to overtake a huge lead.

9 years ago

and yet we only have 1 somewhere out there maybe near next year.

9 years ago

I hope Microsoft leaves.

9 years ago

Probably I start using apples MacBook if that happened…

9 years ago

pretty sure he meant the gaming market, while we would all like something to replace microsoft, its not leaving the pc world any time soon

9 years ago

I don't know that some people can see the future…

9 years ago

I wish my job paid me tons of money to predict things so far into the future it doesn't matter if i was right or wrong.

9 years ago

yeah well all know the people who are buy the consoles and who are buying mobile and tablets and their games

as for the trend towards what the sales will be like thats based on things staying constant and thats a pritty big if considering we're only like what 1 and a half years in to the ps4s life

happy gaming

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