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Ubisoft Recognizes Unity Issues, Says It Makes Them Stronger

It's sort of a good-news, bad-news situation.

Ubisoft is indeed creating a new Assassin's Creed entry for 2015 and the bad news is that it'll use the same technology and engine that powered last year's Unity .

As we all know, the game had significant problems when it first launched. But the good news is that Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot believes the major issues are behind them :

"When you [build a new engine and tools], it's painful for all the group, and everything has to be recalibrated. And with [Unity], a few things were not perfect when the game was launched."

Guillemot added that the "steps are sometimes painful" but they'll ultimately allow the team to improve the overall quality of the production. He's confident that thanks to the lessons learned last year, they'll be able to take the once-revered series to the next level. And he thanks the fans for being passionate:

"At launch, the game had suffered from framerate issues and bugs which have had a strong resonance among the community," he said. "We are blessed to have such passionate and committed fans, and we will always strive to earn their trust and support. We took that situation very seriously, and our teams have been working relentlessly since launch and have provided constant and direct progress updates to our fans."

The rumor is that this year's AC will take place in Victorian Era London and if they fix the problems, it should be downright awesome.

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9 years ago

Is it safe to just wait for this year's AC? Or is AC:Unity worth trying it out?

9 years ago

i'm not sure good question

9 years ago

Unity is a fun game. The story isn't superb, but it makes everything work. The coop missions are surprisingly fun. The city is bigger, but like many have noted, the scope itself is smaller which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but even AC3 felt more well rounded. ACU reminds me of a more detailed and fluid Brotherhood which is my favorite entry. I like the focus on stealth compared to compared to past entries. Controls are still wonky though.

I'd say don't skip it. I borrowed it from a friend after the patch and loved it. I plsn on buying it from him at a friends friendly discount 😉

9 years ago

Here's a tissue for yer issue, when a patch is almost the size of the actual game ya done goof'd

9 years ago

also good point

9 years ago

Is there a reason why these issues were not recognized before launch? Oh yeah they had to meet there yearly release.

Spare me the BS and do what's right for the game and consumers. Releasing patches 1/3 the size of the game shows a lot.

9 years ago

yeah pritty much

9 years ago


9 years ago

cut the BS and make something tha works righ of the bat and,

well thats nice and all but give a game that works properly day 1 and maybe we might be a bit nicer to you thats all ubisoft a game that works

happy gaming

9 years ago

What issues with unity i havent had a single issue

9 years ago

I think releasing their next game without significant issues is better than any PR. Especially in gaming. They're a well known title people will buy whether it's good or not at least for a little while. So if the next one is AAA and solid, Unity will just be a blip.

Going forward… a good game is a good game is a good game. That is all that's needed for them to get back on the horse.

9 years ago

"And with [Unity], a few things were not perfect when the game was launched."

It's a joke. Unity is full of bugs, in every moment. It's a complete mess.

9 years ago

Haha whatever.
If they truly strived for such a thing they would've completed the game before it shipped.

9 years ago

I find it amusing when peeps try to defend a crap game or the PR reps say stuff like he's saying. UNITY is sitting collecting dust at 29.99 at game stop for a new copy… how is that making Ubisoft stronger? I also want to congratulate my fellow gamers on not buying this piece of crap, that's the only way these publishers are going to learn to not force a games release for a profit while screwing thier cuetomers.

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