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January NPD: PS4 Back On Top, Dying Light #1 Game

Xbox grabbed the holiday season thanks to a price drop but even with that lower price, it couldn't take January.

According to an SCEA statement made to GameSpot , Sony's PlayStation 4 is back on top of the NPD charts:

"PlayStation 4 was the top-selling console in January and remains the cumulative leader in the U.S. according to NPD data. Since launch in November 2013, 18.5 million PS4 units and 81.8 million software units have been sold through to consumers worldwide."

Microsoft claims Xbox One enjoyed a "record January" and "more game sales per console than any other platform," but PS4 still took the #1 overall slot for the month. As for industry sales, hardware was down $54 million but software rose $12.4 million and accessories went up $5.4 million. Said NPD analyst Liam Callahan:

"Hardware sales declined by 23 percent as sales cooled off after the holiday season. Eighth generation console hardware sales were down by 22 percent while seventh generation console hardware sales decreased by 35 percent." However, the silver lining is that "combined hardware install base of PS4 and Xbox One is close to 60 percent higher than the cumulative hardware totals for Xbox 360 and PS3 at the same point in their lifecycles (after 15 months)."

And here were the top 10 games for January; Techland's Dying Light leads the charge.

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Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
9 years ago

Like I said a few days ago the gamers have spoken and they love Dying Light.

9 years ago

Yes Dying light is awesome Loving every minute of this game. Well deserved first spot. Awesome job techland.

9 years ago

I love when gamers stand up to the review machine.

9 years ago

I wasn't going to say this but I will anyway. Gamers enjoyed what critics couldn't, is this a sign of gamers making there own decisions when it comes to what game they purchase and no longer counting on a score based on one persons opinion?

either way I don't wanna spark a war here but I always said NEVER base a purchase on a review, because that game that you might have missed out on because of that score might be a gem.

Last edited by Big_Boss90 on 2/13/2015 12:10:42 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago


I mean, reviewers aren't gamers. Of course not. What a notion. The people hired to do it are never as good at doing that job as the teeming masses, all of whom believe they can do it better. ….real lucid.

And BigBoss, you ban-dodge one more time and I'll just delete everything you post in addition to banning the IP. Go ahead, post one more time.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/13/2015 1:14:54 AM

9 years ago

I don't think anyone said they could do a better job reviewing games than people who do it for a living. At least that's not what I got from what was said.

I think the point is there are people who love certain games despite what reviewers say.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Yeah bruv that's always been the case bigrailer. We all enjoy games that others may not. Legit reviews don't tell people what to buy, we buy what we want.

I don't understand this current problem.

9 years ago

That's what I was trying to say, Railer. Definitely nothing against critics, I just think when you are evaluating a game it's a bit different than playing a game for fun. Kind of like a movie critic..

9 years ago

Dying Light is *not* a game without issues. It would not be right to rate this game sky high. If so, we may just as well ditch any attempt at rating anything and just slap a 10/10 on all releases.

Some love this game like one can love a Skoda or a secondhand bicycle with brakes that usually works unless it rains. But neither are equal to a BMW or a new bike, *objectively* speaking.
And if you on top of that have to pay the same for the alternatives, it is *right* to rate the Skoda and the old bike lower. It just is.
And *that's* where the reviews come into play. To contribute with the nuances.

That doesn't mean you can't – or are not allowed to – love something that is not top notch. But to attack those who point out that your bike don't brake too well when it rains, or that your Skoda just don't give the same driving experience as the BMW, now that is just plain wrong.
Ignore them if you like, but some of us are glad they are there cause at the end of the day, when the first romantic relation to the game has started to fade: They are usually right.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/13/2015 3:58:38 AM

9 years ago

I called this back at review time. It's zombies. Zombies are cool. As long as the game is half-way decent, it'll sell. At the review I said the problems won't matter. Doesn't mean the problems don't exist. Just means it doesn't matter enough.

That being said, I think the bigger crime would be for reviewers to see the problems and -not- report on it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

"Gamers enjoyed what critics couldn't"

That's a clear implication that gamers and critics are somehow two different groups, and one group is obviously inferior. The word "couldn't" says it all.

And BigBoss wasn't banned for anything in this thread. Been ban-dodging for days and now it stops.

9 years ago

I think you are looking to much into that statement. It could easily be said that he's/she's basing that statement on the sales stats in your article. They clearly show, despite what reviewers said it was a popular game. I think that's what he is trying to point out. If review scores relate to sales directly, then in this case maybe they don't?

9 years ago

the Dying Light commercial made it look cool.
I thought it was funny that like the first bullet point flashed to the screen was something like go "anywhere with complete freedom"

9 years ago

I do side with Ben on this debate.

but I do find it interesting. Look at Metacritic's critic score vs it's user score for Dying Light.
Critics: 7.3
Users: 8.0

Then look at AC Unity
Critics: 7.0
Users: 4.6

Then look at Evolve
Critics: 7.8
Users: 4.6

There's clearly something about Dying Light that suggests something more is going on here.

9 years ago

You do what you gotta do Ben as I said I'm not gonna stop having opinion just because you don't like them.I respect what you do even if I don't agree with you 99 percent of the time. And i have not nor will I ever ban dodge. As I said do what you gotta do, there are other websites that I can go to and that I respect far more then this one.

9 years ago

Well deserved dying light.

9 years ago

It wasn't a bad month for MS, though.

Aside from Dying Light and FIFA, the X1 was the console of choice for gamers playing multi-platform titles.

Sony shouldn't rest in its laurels. Not in this market.

9 years ago

eh? "PlayStation 4 was the top-selling console in January…" .. (lolwut)

9 years ago

…what indication do you have that Sony is resting?

9 years ago

To those who replied to me: Whooosh

You completely missed my point.

These are NPD numbers. Look at the history of the Xbox brand in the US market. Now look at the chart from the NPD for this month and see which platform dominated in terms of software (hint: The list that Ben posted doesn't include how each game on that list sold on each platform. But the NPD did released that info. And most multiplat games sold better on the X1.)

The fact is that the X1 is gaining ground. And Sony's focus on this market should never waiver or falter.

Now you know where I was coming from with my original post.

Last edited by Bonampak on 2/13/2015 4:43:22 AM

9 years ago

It only makes sense the XO would have a surge in software shortly following a burst in install base. Those gamers are new to the current gen and they're hungry to try new games.

9 years ago

I read what you wrote, right. And I'm not trying to argue you with you. I was just curious what made you think Sony was going to "rest".

All signs point toward them having a big year.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/13/2015 5:03:15 PM

9 years ago

@bigrailer19 – Again, I was not saying that Sony was actually 'resting' in the sense that that's what they're doing at present. Only making the point that they should never rest or give up an inch to MS. Mainly in the US market. For reasons that should be obvious to anyone who as alive last gen.

9 years ago

Gta v still going strong…

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
9 years ago

Got a real tough guy here.

9 years ago

I knew it.

9 years ago

yeah that think about install base compared to the same time of the ps3/360 thats whats more important here not the decrease

but the games list isn't all that surprising and the ps4 back on top well thats isn't that surprising but it wasn't entirely going happen for sure

happy gaming

9 years ago

Dying light is just another over hype overrated zombie game.

9 years ago

Seems to be an awful lot of zombie things these days. Havent played dying light yet, but from most of the feedback here, I'm likely to try it out soon.

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