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If The Order: 1886 Flops, PS4 Will Suffer

2015 is an important year for PlayStation 4 and if the system doesn't want to struggle until the holidays, it needs Ready at Dawn to deliver.

Thing is, I believe in "momentum games." I think there are hugely anticipated titles that can turn the tide of a console war simply by being great. One wonders where the PS3 would've ended up without Uncharted , for example.

The Order: 1886 is just that for PS4, in my estimation: It's either a momentum-builder or a momentum-killer. PS4 needs a top-notch exclusive, that's for sure, but it also needs a resurgence of positive headlines. Lately, all we've been seeing is questions like "where are the games?" and annoying as that is, it's partially accurate. The first-party exclusives haven't blown us away just yet and that could finally happen in 2015. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and Bloodborne are on tap and these games could really help drive hardware sales.

But in order for PS4 to be in the driver's seat this year, I really think it's critical that The Order: 1886 turn out extremely well. Actually, I think critical acclaim is just as important as sales, because word-of-mouth can – and does – have a big impact in this industry. Right now, PS4 could use better word-of-mouth and it all seems to hinge on The Order .

That's all I'm saying.

Related Game(s): The Order: 1886

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9 years ago

Nah, the multiplats will carry it. Nothing to worry.

9 years ago

How can anyone disagree? The numbers don't lie. Best selling PS4 games and titles that boosted the most unit sales are multiplats.

Last edited by n/a on 2/10/2015 3:27:06 AM

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
9 years ago

If the game is great, then its great.Despite what the critics will say. Gamers are the ones who will or will not make the impact that will determine its success. Just look at Dying Light for example. A game that has had not great reviews did nothing to hamper its sells. Gamers spoke and the verdict is millions have shown DL is great.

9 years ago

Don't worry, we have uncharted 4 to save us…

9 years ago

Jeez man, I think with all the criticizing this game is getting before release, it might just fail no matter what. 🙁 Can't we play it first?

9 years ago

yeah pretty much, self fulfilling prophecy right?

9 years ago

I predict it will score well and flop in sales. But PS will be okay because Xbox One momentum ended months ago with Titanfall and didn't get any real boost out of that one insomniac game, I forget what it was called. Sunrise Overcoat something.

9 years ago

Sunrise Overcoat? Ugh. Ridiculous. No shame in running these things past a few focus groups before you lay them on us, my man. You've done better.

Everything else you said is 100 percent. As great as the game is it failed to make a ripple on the One. Blame falls on the dopey userbase.

9 years ago

My focus group is a black labrador, a cat of unidentified genetics and origin, and the voices in my head.

9 years ago


9 years ago

I don't think The Order will do to the PS4 what Uncharted did to the PS3.

I have a feeling that The Order will be this generation's Heavenly Sword: great game, great fun, and slashed by the critics for not being "original"

Last edited by pavlovic on 2/9/2015 11:45:25 PM

9 years ago

nailed it. but maybe a tad better than heavenly sword.

9 years ago

Don't think it will be an issue. If it is Bloodborne will make up for it a month later. Uncharted is a holiday release so it will build more momentum.

9 years ago

Seems to me this game is bound to fail at this point. Everyone continues to write it off and put a tons of pressure on it. It's a game for cryin' out loud. The developers just want us to have something to enjoy. I doubt their bucket list included being the Uncharted of the PS4. Give the game a break.

9 years ago

Not really the case though, it's not like KZ, Knack and Driveclub were GOTY materials so even if this fail there's no harm done.
But I don't blame anyone for all the negativity.
The announcement trailer back in E3 2013 featured the Knights facing off against the half breeds which made everyone thought this game might be something like human versus monsters and stuff.
And yet a year and a half later we've been shown more footage of them fighting human enemies instead.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 2/10/2015 2:34:16 AM

9 years ago

What I see is a Sony that puts a lot of trust in the multiplats this generation. It's everywhere, from the very hardware core of the console to the openness to indie devs to the marketing and everything else.

That, in addition to the recent closing/selling of studios and core personell leaving them leads me to believe that they simply will not invest as much in the 1st party productions as they have in the past.

We shall see, but I would not be surprised if the picture will *completely* be reversed this generation compared with the last. It already is well on the way of being so.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/10/2015 4:57:21 AM

9 years ago

yeah um i guess so i think its critical acclaim is going to be important cos that will turn the skeptics on side and will drive sales and the success of things atleast thats the way i see it atm, going on what i know to be peoples opinion atm

happy gaming

9 years ago

Have to agree that the multiplatform titles will help keep SONY afloat. That said, I agree that The Order needs to be a huge success to significantly change the tides in SONY's favour.

9 years ago

i think just bc we saw the order being a ps4 exclusive, the public ended up running with it and claiming it to be the next ps great. so the public did a great job on putting this game on a high horse and expectations are pretty much through the roof at this point to where we want the game to fail so we, the public, can say, told you so.

from the beginning i always said this game will be okay, nothing amazing. well find out soon though.

9 years ago

also…the ps4 will not suffer bc of this game. i know the games been really hyped up, but the ps4 is not holding this game as a backbone or something for people to turn to right away and expect this to be a killer game. uncharted is likely going to be a better candidate, heck even gt7 will be a better contender even though we wont see it til 2016.

9 years ago

I don't know if ANY poor reception is a good thing or one of neutrality in balance. That said, the order is placed in a very demanding slot of shooters and the end of the console exclusivity drought.

The way I look at it, any splash will draw attention,so long as it's some good attention. I don't think it matters if it falls short of 10/10. I do think anything lower than a 8.5/10 average will have it eaten alive by critics as mundane alternative to other games.

Here's why I don't see it coming in lower than 8.5. It's graphically driven for a next gen experience. That's important to people trying to fulfill their next gen itch. It offers a lot of dorks some pretty AMAZING tools. The weaponry the game offers is just so bad ass by looks alone! The idea of having advanced weapons in a era-correct treatment is all so significant. The story is a mash-up of incredible geniuses and science fiction.

I don't know. The whole "it's not original" argument seems like a opinionated view of one who was looking for a different experience; not of one who's looking for THIS experience. Calling it unoriginal is quite a statement to make considering how much has been tailored to fit the era and story.

Last edited by DemonNeno on 2/10/2015 10:47:13 AM

9 years ago

Always a risk when it comes to new IP games but that's life I guess in the gaming world, how do u know if u have potential if u don't risk anything.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 2/10/2015 12:44:05 PM

9 years ago

Urgh, wha? (Lifts head) I'm not even done with Driveclub yet and there's ANOTHER exclusive coming this month!? Wha? And one the following month? Sheeeze. Gonna have to get playing…

It's like you wait ages for one, then three come along at once 😉

9 years ago

I'd love if people didn't worry about a console 'war' and stop calling it out as such.

This is a general statement rather than being targeted at Ben. I get why he uses the description and it's hard to disagree when you see some crap on forums and comment sections all over the internet.

But I was really hoping that this generation no one would worry about sales (with the exception maybe of the actual console makers) and we'd all just enjoy that competition is good and that when some critics thought that console gaming was dead, the birth of the new consoles from both MS and Sony breathed new life into our beloved hobby.

Sure I'd like to see The Order doing well but I don't think we need to worry if it doesn't. There's tonnes of great stuff still to come.

What we should worry about is the quality, or lack thereof, that we're getting from developers not testing their games before they reach us and then the consoles taking the brunt of the bad press because one version is less glitchy than the other glitchy version. That to me is way more damaging.

I didn't buy my PS4 for The Order and I doubt that it's a system seller for many, though it may be for some.

9 years ago

I think that the conventional method of debugging and testing is what's at fault for the glitches (edit: generally speaking. Assassin's Creed Unity was just flat out ridiculous off the bat). Even a closed beta of 100 people or so isn't as effective with some of the bigger games. It's not that 100 people is too small of a focus, but more of a concern as to whether or not they're actually sending in feedback. That's what plagued the PC betas for years and feel like it's an issue with the console gamers.

I'm not sure how console beta games work as I haven't participated in any. Unless there's a report feature built into the pause menu, I'm highly skeptical that most will remember what they're trying to report even if they have the best of intentions.

Last edited by DemonNeno on 2/10/2015 4:12:28 PM

9 years ago

Console beta's are no more than selling points for early access to games rather than of actual benefit to a game. Or at least that's my experience with them.

9 years ago

Well when I first saw the Game I thought it was Hunters hunting lycans… And was hoping other creatures as well… But after a while now we see trailers that show its humans that made a pact with lycans to destroy the order, or something along those lines… And even though it's not exactly what I expected it still looks good and I am still willing to give a shot

Last edited by Deathb4Dishonor on 2/10/2015 6:26:54 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

To those who think multiplats carry ANY system, I have just one question:

What exactly would entice someone to buy a PlayStation 4 for a game they could play on any other major system? The system costs more, the PSN is no longer free, and in fact, that PSN has had significant PR problems lately.

Where would the original Xbox have gone without Halo? Seriously? Where would Nintendo be without its famous mascots? Unless people would like to claim Sony is the only company that hasn't relied on its exclusives in the past…which would be just downright absurd.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/10/2015 7:43:16 PM

9 years ago

Not sure if this was directed at me too, but: I agree with what you say. Great exclusives will sell a system. I am merely describing what I see from Sony thus far. I see a Sony who seem to put their reliance on multiplats to a significantly higher degree than before.

9 years ago

This was a nice N4G click bait article.

The Orders success won't affect the PS4 at all. Unless it does great that is. Just like the failure or success of all games released in the past year and a half hasn't affected the ps4 at all.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Call it whatever you want. The only reason "click bait" exists at all is because of GAMERS, not journalists.

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