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Which Major Franchise Gets The Best New Installment In 2015?

2015 could end up being a banner year for the video game industry, and it could be largely due to hugely successful new franchise entries.

Sure, we've got several promising new IPs ( Bloodborne , Evolve , The Order: 1886 , No Man's Sky , etc.) but perhaps the most anticipated titles are the fresh installments in established franchises.

The question here is, which one will stand out? Will it be Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain ? The formula has been drastically revamped when compared with the rest of the series, but provided Kojima and Co. produce a gem that still feels like MGS, I'm pretty sure the fans will love it. And what about Final Fantasy XV ? I have serious doubt that it'll even release this year but if it does, could it rekindle waning love in the legendary RPG franchise?

We get Batman: Arkham Knight , Battlefield: Hardline , Halo: Guardians , and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt as well. All of them have a huge amount of potential. But we can't forget the likes of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End , Mortal Kombat X , and maybe even the new Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed titles. There are lots of games on tap for this year that could be amazing, but which will do the most credit for its series?

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9 years ago

Easy question, Ben.


9 years ago

In this day I don't think any of those other names mentioned could stand up to Metal Gear.

9 years ago

Wholeheartedly agree. Not just because it's another entry in my favourite franchise (tie with FF) but because they seems to be making such huge strides in the diversity of gameplay in The Phantom Pain. The open world structure, seems more focused than most sandbox games, where I often end up getting bored of just finding collectables. But it looks like it has the potential to be the peak of the series, something I wasn't expecting to say after I thought the story as over with mgs4. So, so eager for this and I can't wait to embrace it.

As for Final Fantasy XV, I am eager too, but I can't see it being a 2015 release…. Though ever since Tabata, as took the lead it has been making huge leaps in development. So never say never. Can't wait to play the demo next month, that teaser trailer with them sneaking by the Behemoth under the rubble just looked so intense.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
9 years ago

"The only thing that could stand up to Metal Gear is of course, another metal gear"

9 years ago

Man, I hope that they're all so fricking amazing that 2015 goes down as one of the best years in gaming history. So much so that we have a Co-Game Of The Year award. The industry is in dire need of a comeback from the disappointment that was 2014. Each one of these titles in its own way needs to showcase the potential of the PS4. That's how I hope it goes down. It most likely won't even come close to playing out like that, but a guy can dream right? But if I had to choose just one, I'd have to agree with MRSUCCESS. MGS5 should reign supreme. With UC4 & Batman at a close second and third respectively.

9 years ago


Kotaku played a lengthy hands on build of Wild Hunt a couple weeks back, complete with video and dual commentary and the main guy who played it more or less made is clear despite dev claims of it being some kind of linear/open world wonder that it is in fact just an open world Rpg. His tone was disappointed sounding.

9 years ago

I'm up for an open world RPG anyway, with a real world instead of DA's set pieces. Even if it doesn't redefine gaming.

I wish they (devs) wouldn't make these claims of being brand new gaming experiences (Destiny) cuz it just never comes true. They end up doing the same things every other game did anyway.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Dragon Ball Xenoverse.

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
9 years ago


9 years ago

Metal Gear 5 hands down.

9 years ago

MGS5 has the potential for more advancement and fresh feel than the other established franchises imo. UC4 will be great but atm I can't seem to think of how it'll bring the franchise to new heights apart from better graphics and technical achievements.

FFXV is also attempting a very fresh approach. Looking forward to it.

Halo may bring Xbox to dominance in US, and Forza 6 may pressure GT7 to come out of hiding.

Mortal Kombat, Assassin Creed, CoD, I'm not even going to bother.

9 years ago

MGS5 all the way with another great story and gameplay.
Followed by U4 and Batman.

9 years ago

The title that will rake in most 90+ scores will be Uncharted 4 – of that there can't be much doubt?! I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is, if anyone wants to do a bet with me.
Let's make it interesting, shall we? 🙂

MGS5 looks promising, but I'm unsure how well that franchise will transform into an open-world setting. Also, there's so, SO many open-world competitors now, it's a real danger of drowning amongst them.

9 years ago

I'll take that bet. One PS4 game?

9 years ago

Oooh – you think Arkham will gain a higher metascore than Uncharted 4?

Well yeah, I am willing to put a bet on that. Let's make it a ps4 title, sure, but one that is on sale. Not full price. Ok?

9 years ago

No, not a specific game. I'm betting with your original statement that UC4 will have more 90s than any established franchise this year. To be fair I will keep it strictly Xbox One and PS4. And The bet is for any game, full price or sale. The bet isn't officially decided until the end of this year and the deadline is March 2016. Reasonable, yes? Let's do it.

9 years ago

No I did of course mean releases for the PS4. Not other platforms. This article discuss PS4 releases.

But regarding odds, it's a 1:1 if you come up with a concrete title too. If not, it's a 1:5 bet, with me winning a fullprice major release, while you win a budget/indie release.
You say you're going for Arkham getting the best scores. Time to show some balls behind your claims too. :p

9 years ago

We're getting off track here, Brother Beam. You made the claim that Uncharted 4 will rake in the most 90's and were prepared to back up that claim with a bet. I answered that. If you say " I bet it won't rain tomorrow" I dont then have to offer a counter form of precipitation to make a valid bet. Either it rains or it doesnt. . I don't have to show balls for my claim because I claimed ( like the arcticle above) merely that Knight will the best installment of the franchise not the highest praised game of the year. Also, Halo 5 is listed above so it's not an article exclusively dealing with the PS4, but I'm willing to deal with just PS4

So, come on. No more penny ante. You boasted and made an open challenge for an interesting bet. Nothing more interesting to me than a free game on you. Fingers crossed the new God of War drops by March. lol.

Last edited by n/a on 2/10/2015 10:52:49 AM

9 years ago

I didn't specify the premises for my bet in my first post.
My offer still stands. Tell me what title will earn a higher metascore, and we got a 1:1 deal.
Or, bet against U4 being the highest rated release for PS4 this year, and it's a budget title against a full price title.

Problem is, I don't really want it to be a full price title. It's too costly. This is just for fun anyway.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/10/2015 2:52:49 PM

9 years ago

No. My payout won't be less than yours, man. That's pretty dirty considering how sure you were of Uncharted's ratings dominance. Even with the conditions being in your favor with it being an exclusive of the highest regard on the hottest system from one of gaming's most respected developers, you try to weasel and give yourself a cheap back door.

How about this: the bet is if Uncharted will end the year with most 90 and up scores than any other sequel on the PS4 this year or not. And it's for a friendly "you were right, ______" on the final Week in Review of the year. Surely, you can afford that, right? 😉

9 years ago

lol – dude, it's getting harder and harder to keep this conversation going.

You're a funny guy. Why don't you become a rare specie too: A LINUX gamer! And start hanging on #gamingonlinux on freenode. Then we can do these deals live. 🙂

But the bet is really not "dirty" and not an attempt to "weasel out", and definitely not a back door at all. It really is how bets are done on uneven terms. I pit ONE title against every single other release for that platform this entire year – including surprises and titles not even on the radar today. That is statistically not balanced.

Your argument is valid though, about the strength of it being the flagship of this platform. It is, that's true. So I could enter a negotiation about the details. I could even agree on a deal with a better payout for you than me if you won with a specific other title. Like the underdog in a horse race. I bet on the favourite, so yeah, that's negotiable.

I'm certain of Uncharteds dominance. But the bet must be sound. If jokers are to be part of the bet then the payout *will* be lower.

But sure, we can do a gentlemans agreement on just a congratulation at the end of the year. It's just so darn much more fun if you TOO point at a specific title. It makes the bet more entertaining.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/11/2015 3:39:48 AM

9 years ago

I'm going with Arkham. Rocksteady set a few of standards last gen. i expect the same from them with Knight.

Persona 5 and Xenoblade Chronicles X are my wild cards.

9 years ago

Mgs5 hands down!

I am surprised though that no one said uncharted, not saying that I don't want uncharted but like someone else said, nothing on the list can compare to mgs5..

slow and smart
slow and smart
9 years ago

Fallout 4,prepare yourself

9 years ago

Don't make us cry

9 years ago

I like the picture, just needs to pan down a little.

Ummmmm best? It probably will be MGS5 but I can never seem to play more than a few hours of those games so it will likely be Uncharted for me.

Now that you mention it, there aren't enough franchise sequels coming this year (that matter).

9 years ago

I know this may be sound far-fetched but I'm gonna give Final Fantasy XV the benefit of the doubt that it may actually surprise a lot of people this year. It may not be turned based but it still looks like fun. If it turns out, that's it not worth my time then I'm gonna go back to Final Fantasy XIV, :).

Last edited by flamefury42 on 2/9/2015 12:53:44 PM

9 years ago

It definitely doesn't need to be turn based to be a great Final Fantasy game. I read some comments on a couple news sites about Sakaguchi's lifetime achievement award saying that he is probably upset with what FF in its current form, but I find that doubtful, since his attitude seems to be pushing to try new things, also he wrote and directed Spirits Within, and we all know how close that was to the series. it's more the 'fans' projecting their thoughts because they feel that because they bought a few games and enjoyed them, they also have as much right to the franchise as the actual creator. To me, to be a fan, be it games, TV, or music, is to be loyal, not cry and complain over every change.

9 years ago

I actually didn't mind final Fantasy XIII's gameplay, the story is what made the game very confusing. Thing is, I got enough final fantasy games to go around another few years so it's not a big problem for me. For me, it's adapting. As long as I can adapt to how the game is played, I'll enjoy it. Going from Final Fantasy X (I didn't get a chance to play XII as much..) to Final Fantasy XIII was a bit of a change because I was not used to it but I adapted the more I kept playing. Like I said, Final Fantasy XIV is an amazing game so knowing that, there's still good things happening to the series.

Last edited by flamefury42 on 2/9/2015 2:31:45 PM

9 years ago

I say Arkham and Persona 5 since those are the ones I'm most interested in.I found U3 to be really boring so not too hyped for the new one and never played a MGS game so not interested in that either.

9 years ago

i think its gunna be a great year full of great games. i think MGSV will be good as with Bloodborne, Evolve, The Order: 1886, No Man's Sky and FFXV and We get Batman: Arkham Knight, Battlefield: Hardline, Halo: Guardians, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt as well. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Mortal Kombat X and COD and AC i think most of them should be good but i am also expecting to be some that will be just average cos there always is a couple or a few, but on the whole it should be pritty darn good

happy gaming

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