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Should The Condemned Series Return?

It was creepy and freaky and challenging. Indeed, it would qualify as true psychological horror.

Now the question is: Should they bring it back?

That's what Jason "Jace" Hall wants to know about the Condemned series he helped create. The Monolith Productions co-founder has asked on Facebook whether or not a new adventure would be appreciated by gamers. Hall owns the rights to the series but after 2008's Condemned 2: Bloodshot , we haven't seen anything. Hall says the franchise is "just sitting there" but as he's busy with other projects, he's considering letting another studio take a crack at a sequel.

"I am contemplating finding an interested and proven Indie development team and providing it to them, so that they can take over the franchise and move it forward.

As an indie, it can be very hard to get marketing/media attention for a title that you work on. This franchise is already quite known, has market demand, and is in an innovative genre/category."

If it ended up being an indie title, there's no doubt it would be different from the previous adventures. What do you think? The original game only released for Xbox 360 and PC but the sequel did show up on PS3; if you played it, you might have an opinion.

Related Game(s): Condemned

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9 years ago

I love this games the first one awesome, bloodshot was meh. But still a good game. I would love to see this series return i my opinion.

Hopfully i dont get insulted for having one, there alot of that going around…

9 years ago

Yeah, man. The first one is pure survival horror excellence! I played the hell out of it and threw in some Kameo when I got too freaked out. I loved the second one too, even though it shifted to more action, seemed like a good fit for Ethan's evolution.

Last edited by n/a on 2/4/2015 2:32:15 PM

9 years ago

The first three fourths of second game returning would really make my day. Never played the first I've but I hear good things.

9 years ago

well i will say this as i don't know much about the series it sounds like it seems like its up to the fans of the series to sound of loud enough that it would get made

happy gaming

9 years ago


9 years ago

oh hell yes condemned 2 was one of last gens most underrated games!
id love to see a new one, but why indie?
really getting sick of this massive indie movement, all it does is leave you with a stale taste in your mouth.
that yea it was nice, but i just spent 600 bucks on a 3 michelin star chefs dinner surely it should be better than just nice!

9 years ago

Condemned 2 was so scary I didn't even finish the tutorial.

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