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Life Is Strange Dev On Protagonist Gender And Story Quality

Does the main character's gender have any impact on the quality of a storyline?

Life is Strange developer Dontnod Entertainment thinks gender has zero impact, as co-game director Michel Koch explained during a recent Reddit AMA session .

In the game, the protagonist is a teenage girl and one poster said that while the concept seems interesting, he's not interested in high school girls as main characters, as the stories "seem to be focused more on drama and romance." Koch's response:

"To be honest we also really think that the gender of a main character is quite irrelevant when creating a good story, it really depends on how you write your characters in relation to the themes you are dealing with. Life is Strange is starring a teenage girl, you're right, but it is clearly not only a teenage girl story and we really think that both male players and female players will relate to this game and enjoy this adventure."

Of course, Dontnod encountered some resistance when pitching the game because the main character was a teenage girl. Creative Director Jean-Maxime Moris is on record saying Square Enix was "basically the only publisher who didn't want to change anything about the game."

Life is Strange launched on January 30 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Review coming soon.

Related Game(s): Life Is Strange

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9 years ago

I like the title of the game because in many ways life is truly strange.

To answer your question – no it doesn't affect the quality of the storyline but sometimes it may be easier to identify with the same sex.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 2/1/2015 10:42:44 PM

9 years ago

I felt Life is Strange was perfect the way it was intended to be. Maybe I can't personally relate to Max, the main character, but boy do I enjoy her story and look forward to seeing what happens in the next 4 episodes. Some folks need to get over having a female protagonist.

9 years ago

I hope they port this game to PS vita too, game like this play great on handheld device…

9 years ago

If it doesn't matter then let us choose gender, ffs. This is the only medium in the entire world where we can do that – let us do it!

9 years ago

A good reason why it does matter, at least for the story.

9 years ago

Not the quality, just how it performs. I'm interested in this game for sure though. Curious about how it plays, is it like a Quantic Dream game or a clicky still screen adventure?

9 years ago

well just like what was game from QD but yeah i guess your comment about choosing the gender is a fair considering what they said but i think that game will be fine regardless for who wants it

happy gaming

9 years ago

hey guys, curious, does this game feature any (very) mature content? or can it cater to teenage boys and girls? What's the rating for this one (e.g. E, A, M, etc)? xD

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