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Which 2015 Game Will Make Good On Its Own Crazy Hype?

One could make the argument that few games truly make good on all their promises.

Many will blame the hype trains for good titles supposedly falling shy of expectations, but that's not the point here. Instead, we want to know which 2015 game has the best chance of meeting or even exceeding the accumulated hype?

Will it be Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain ? Any official new entry in the legendary series has a chance to blow everyone away; we know this. The new style and structure might turn off some long-time old-school followers but for the most part, people really like what they see. Provided the game maintains its stealth focus and it remains a quintessential MGS adventure, the rest should fall into place, right?

But there are other options out there. For instance, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , which could redefine how we view role-playing games. Final Fantasy XV might do the same (even if I have to laugh at such a concept). You can't forget about Batman: Arkham Knight or Battlefield: Hardline , either. We also have to consider the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusives; The Order: 1886 , Bloodborne and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End . One or all of these could end up being absolutely amazing.

Which game do you think will please just about everyone when it finally launches?

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9 years ago

I truly hope all the hyped games deliver this year. We as gamers definitely deserve it. We get hyped for games for two years or more, with snippets from Twitter, interviews, teasers and trailers only to come away with something that still leaves us wanting. Fingers crossed for 2015 being the best year in my 35 years of gaming.

9 years ago

It'll be hard to compete with 1995. So many great games that year…

9 years ago

The Order I reckon. The Witcher probably won't but should be better than Inquisition, not a far bar to clear though.

Uncharted has too high a bar to clear and MGS put all its effort into this massive pointless empty world I can't help but think it will make something suffer somewhere. How can it be so huge and still be as good as MGS4, a compressed linear adventure?

9 years ago

MGS5 looks to be superior to MGS4 in every conceivable way, man. Online, controls, graphics, IMMENSE depth in gameplay. Ground Zeroes is a pretty good barometer of how everything has been improved but if you haven't played that, look at the three big 20 minute playthroughs they have on Youtube. And that's just a taste. We still don't know what kind of awesomeness we will get when we take an Ocelot trained D.D. out on a mission yet. As far as story, it's a no brainer it will be superior to 4. 4 spent most of the time trying to untangle and tie up the hundreds of loose ends of MGS2.

Last edited by n/a on 1/28/2015 12:34:11 AM

9 years ago

You might be right except for the voice actor who plays Big Boss. As a die hard MGS fan, I hope the story in Phantom Pain is great.

Comparing Biss Boss to Solid Snake, I think Big Boss handles things on a more emotional level than SS. Perhaps the things BB went through in Phantom Pain will help SS handle things as he got older.

We shall see.

9 years ago

mission intensity/awesomeness tends to get lost in a huge world where time doesn't matter. They are more like isolated exercises since they don't bleed into the next events. So story suffers.

Just sayin

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/28/2015 8:58:06 AM

9 years ago

2015 looks like its goona be a boring year for you world, MGS5 is all i need eveything is 2nd on my list

9 years ago

I'm hoping Raven's Cry and The Order make me happy enough being blown out along with Witcher FF Type 0, and Uncharted being satisfaction.

Hoping for Persona 5 and FFXV for two more must plays. Not too bad.

9 years ago

Kojima and team know what they are doing other devs could learn from the masters, if anyone can make a great story while making a great open world experience its kojima and team.

9 years ago

World, if I recall correctly you haven't played through the MGS games. MGS games are often one big connected area. The original MGS lets you go back to the beginning form the end if you so desire. Heck, after the first 1/4 of MGS2 the game turns into an "open world."

The problem with open maps isn't as much about openness as it is games that use open maps as an excuse to populate their game world with tons of secondary quests that don't do anything to progress the story. And there's nothing stopping these MGS games from having missions that go inside a building or do something in a strictly narrative context when it needs to.

MGS is not an RPG so it likely won't be loaded with tons of directionless crap to do, fetch quests and exp. point hording for buffing out your character. I don't doubt the game will offer lots of stuff a player could do but it likely won't have any bearing on the success of playing it in a narrative driven approach. MGS games have always allowed the player to find things and do things that don't necessarily have to drive the narrative forward at every instance.

Kojima knows how to please both camps. MGS4 managed to bring appeal to the more shooter centric, less stealthy people, while still pleasing their core.

EDIT: Also. we're in a huge amount of RAM gaming world now. Games like AC Unity seamlessly blend indoors with the outdoors. Loading each and every section of a map piece by piece isn't as necessary these days because we have less constraints on memory. It's incredible really.

EDIT2: I think many are confused that narrative driven means necessarily that the game must NOT have open maps. I think that's a fallacy and it's about to be debunked this gen.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/28/2015 1:26:41 PM

9 years ago

MGS4 is a "compressed linear adventure"? I think the levels in that game were pretty open and flexible gameplay wise. The Phantom Pain seems to be an expansion of that.

9 years ago

They were as open as Uncharted. And yeah the stories went in one direction.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/28/2015 5:45:54 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
9 years ago

Probably The Witched 3. With all its free dlc and stuff.

BTW, I'm not sure if I missed it or what, but who was the user that won the free games from PSX's goty, thing?

9 years ago

Mr. Success

9 years ago

The hype is too much, can't handle it anymore. I hope all the game deliver what they promise…

9 years ago

Kojima is one of the few devs who could keep their stuff at the fore for several generations of Playstation. They just know how to adapt and do great things every time.

Many devs stumble a bit, usually from one gen to the next. Kojima has somehow been immune to this.

I don't really know what to expect this year overall though. The Wild Hunt guys seem to be rising stars. I don't believe they'll change any genres though. I'm sure it'll be a welcome addition to action RPG gaming one way or the other. Uncharted will be great but I expect some level of mixed criticisms.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/28/2015 12:39:29 AM

9 years ago

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will deliver. I have absolutely no doubt of that. Yes the maps are far bigger before but it is not structured like a sandbox game. You won't just be strolling around the map with nothing to do as you will always have a main mission planed from your time at motherbase. I really believe Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has the potential to be one of the best games ever made – A bold claim I know, but the sheer diversity of gameplay is really setting the bar, it looks as big of a leap from MGS1 to MGS2 & playing MGS2 for the first time was just one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.

Also, what's this giggling at Final Fantasy XV's concept? I think the structure of the roadtrip style is setting up for a great adventure. We have the Taipei Game Show this month (even today?) where we will see more and I still feel ever since the game has been deemed as 'XV' the production has regained hope.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 1/28/2015 1:48:18 AM

9 years ago

I think MGSV will hit gamers off guard with how great it is when they play it. I think it'll be the year's best game. A lot, like a ton of work has gone into it.

9 years ago

I just hope No Mans Sky deliver.

The rest I expect to rougly as assumed. Witcher 3 will be good, no doubt. But will No Mans Sky deliver?! That's the huge question for me atm.

9 years ago

worried about that game being S.S.D.D.

9 years ago

MGSV & Uncharted 4 will definitely deliver, hoping FFXV will be a great game but that's just wishful thinking.
The witcher games have been good throughout the series so looking forward to that as well.

9 years ago

I've been playing Dying Light, and that one is delivering. It's basically what we all hoped dead island would be.

9 years ago

I concur

9 years ago

im going to say batman will be the most pleasing game all bc of the batmobile. people will prolly want to replay the game just to drive around and mess things up (assuming that you can replay the game where it left off when you complete it)

think gta.

9 years ago

Hands down, MGS5 will deliver!
I don't have much faith in much else coming out in 2015… least of all The Division. I was so pumped for that game back in late 2013, but my excitement has all but disappeared.

9 years ago

I think one game everyone seems to be overlooking is evolve. While the lack of a typical story mode could hurt it, the success Left 4 Dead had is evident this could be the next big thing in that genre. It looks amazing, they are doing a lot of things right as far as new maps, characters and the like go (aside from the atrocious single item prices) and it looks like they've made a very balanced game from what I can tell. The AI seems to be spectacular. It could be a huge sleeper, for a game that was getting some attention last year but kind of fell off after its delay.

9 years ago

They have to work on the balancing a bit first. Playing as the monster was a horrible experience. The monster is so underpowered compared to the shooters its rediculous. Don't remember a time playing the beta that I've see the monster win.

If they can adjust that a bit, it might have a chance of being a sleeper hit.

9 years ago

I think it will be fine. If the monster player can play well enough to "evolve" then it's almost unfair the other way. Balancing won't be the issue but it will take the blame. It will really come down to how well the players know what they are doing, that goes for both sides.

9 years ago

Mortal Kombat X

slow and smart
slow and smart
9 years ago

Fallout 4
[i still believe that it will be released about oct this year]

Last edited by slow and smart on 1/28/2015 11:03:17 AM

9 years ago

H-Hour World's Elite

9 years ago

Having played the Bloodborne Alpha I've no doubt in my mind that it will live up to its hype. It's really good.

9 years ago

Honestly? I absolutely hope everything delivers. Even Halo 5 Guardians. This needs to be a good year for consoles.

9 years ago

yeah it does need to be a good year and one that delivers cos last year was quite mixed and disappointing across the board minus a couple of things

9 years ago

i think the ones that are hyped alot will be good be most of them have mixed hype so i think we will be fine in the regard

happy gaming

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