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More Important For PS4: New IPs Or Established Sequels?

It's always the hurdle for new IPs: "Nobody's ever heard of it; how will it sell?"

Historically, the overwhelming majority of new IPs have no hope of competing against new installments in established franchises (sales-wise).

Heavy Rain was an amazing success for PlayStation 3 but that's a definite anomaly in the world of new IPs. There's a reason why so many long-time PlayStation fans want new entries in the God of War and Gran Turismo franchises, and there's no doubt that both titles will sell exceedingly well. It also stands to reason that both would outsell any new IP PlayStation 4 can produce, including the likes of the upcoming Bloodborne and The Order: 1886 .

However, all new franchises must start out as new IPs at some point, correct? There were plenty of skeptics just before Uncharted: Drake's Fortune launched back in 2007, and now it's arguably the flagship series for the PlayStation brand. Everything has to start somewhere. At the same time, recognized names almost always fare better in the market; that's just simple economics. Therefore, is it better for Sony to keep the ball rolling with highly revered titles, or should they focus more on new IPs for the PS4?

In other words, are you more interested in projects like the one Quantic Dream is currently working on, or are you pining for those new entries in franchises that have already confirmed their awesomeness?

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9 years ago

Sony has always kept a healthy mix of new and old. 80% new and 20% established, both taking full advantage of the hardware available at the time. I'd be very satisfied with that. A lot new and great and then those few that really get the nostalgia flowing.

9 years ago

That's a good ratio. Especially for the start of a franchise.

TLOU is a good reminder that quality, well done new IP's can succeed without familiar branding… aside from Naughty Dog's reputation.

9 years ago

I will say I was happy to have received Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Infamous, Motorstorm, LBP, and Uncharted last gen. So far this gen I'm happy to have Destiny and Drive Club.

But I still want my Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear, Gran Turismo, Motorstorm, Ratchet, Tekken and DOA this gen as well.

I don't need to decide what's more important because I just want a healthy balance of both. Having not enough of either side would bother me.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/13/2015 10:44:49 PM

9 years ago

And for those who want to try some old games again Dualshockers is reporting that Ps Now is offering a free 7 day trial of their subscription service

9 years ago

and the service works like crap for me. Both DOA5 and NGS2 play and look like garbage.

Yes I'm wired from my PS4 to my router to my modem. Yes, my ping is usually under 30 ms. Yes, my speed is 6-10mb. All of these checks are done by Sony before I play a PS Now session. If Sony validates that your connection is good before you play you should expect a good playing environment. It's not. It's crap.

I'm glad they offered a free trial because otherwise I'd be writing them an email requesting a refund.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/14/2015 5:53:39 PM

9 years ago

There could also be a compromise and use established IPs but with a new cast and protagonist for games like God Of war, Last of Us and even Heavy Rain,also where the hell is Soul Calibur? don't tell me that mess that was 5 killed the franchise.

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

I personally get more excited for new IPs. I try to stay away from the over saturation of news, new IPs get. As soon as a game looks promising to me, I try to avoid all info concerning story and gameplay. I love going into a new IP, knowing practically nothing about it. Something that's getting increasingly harder to do.

That doesn't mean I don't get excited for my favorites coming back for more entries though. Every generation you need new experimentations, and returning favorites to sell systems and keep fans happy.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
9 years ago

New IPs! If there was a time to do it it would be this year while the gen is still somewhat young.

On the other hand most of the games I'm pinning for would be sequels. The Oder 1886 and No Man's Sky are the only new IPs that really sprak my interest for now. We need more developers busting out stuff we've never could have imagined with the new hardware.

9 years ago

Their old, established IPs are worn out now. They desperately need at least one, preferably two new really good ones over the next few years. And I now talk about platform defining good.

On the upside, it doesn't take more than one or two really big ones. But that's easier said than done of course.

9 years ago

I agree every platform needs new ip's but to continue to sell its established franchises that keep consoles moving. The 360 wouldn't have been as successful without the help of Halo.

9 years ago

Well, obviously they should do both. But they got their Halo: It's Uncharted.

The question here is what's *more* important at this stage and that, imo, is to create new IPs.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/14/2015 2:54:01 PM

9 years ago

Best moments of the PS3 for me were probably Heavy Rain, Demon's Souls, Journey and Uncharted 2.

PS4. I still have faith in the Sony studios to deliver top quality experiences. I love me some MGS5 and Uncharted 4 but think new IPs are very important to give you a differentiator…

9 years ago

New IPs. Fresh blood is always needed. Look at Nintendo. Too much established franchises. sure they're fun, but it's getting old. The NES had tons of new IPs. Now all we get is Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Smash Bros. It's annoying. So many good ideas in these endless games that new heroes and villains can use. Do we really need Uncharted 15? Call of Duty Hologram Warriors? God of War: Krotos Vs The IRS? Assasins' Creed: Take Down Congress (OK, maybe that one) Because that's where we're headed if we just keep making the same franchseies over and over. No new ideas. New IPS can give birth to whole new games, ways of playing, etc.

9 years ago

Sony should do both. The should release games that are established franchises and at the same time create new IP games. ^_^

9 years ago

I think we already hit a brick wall on new innovation. Expecially with the huge jump in terms of quality and possibilities in the previous generation. With the 360 and ps3, developers could almost create anything they could imagine, with the exception of vast worlds and NPC count.

This generation of hardware basically only enabled developers to expand upon graphics and world size. Storytelling already hit hollywood level last gen. So i'd like to know, what can developers do now that hasn't already been done? This situation could be compared to hollywood…almost everything has already been done in some way!

All hollywood can do now is re-hash old shit and steal whole ideas from video games. Games like No Man's Sky is refreshing, but I don't really see much else that hasn't been touched on before.

We need to adjust our way of thinking when it comes to New I.P's. Instead of expecting developers to blow us away with all-new-everything, we should be happy with new characters, worlds to explore and game play features. Games like the Order are getting bashed too hard in my opinion. Just the fact that its steam punk is fantastic and new to me. So what if it looks as if it plays like other 3rd person shooters.

As long as the story and gameplay is tight, we should embrace this new I.P. with open arms instead of being so picky and unrealistic.

Last edited by PS3_Wizard on 1/14/2015 9:45:22 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

The storytelling is definitely NOT at Hollywood level. Well, unless you're only counting mostly brainless action flicks.

9 years ago

So you mean to tell me games like TLOU, Beyond: Two Souls and Heavenly sword aren't expertly crafted storytelling masterpieces? We could even add the Uncharted series to the mix. If games can't rival hollywood by now, I don't see how they ever could.

9 years ago

I think we need equal interest, but the interest in the established ones needs to forge forward with new ideas and gameplay like DmC and Silent Hills. Sont studios have to keep take that cue and push the boundaries with new IPS while also reinventing things like God of War.

Also I'm looking for the PSN names of the following members to become PSN friends:


9 years ago


The PS4 games I want were also made available on the PS3, and those that are PS4-only aren't compelling enough for me to buy a new console.

9 years ago

More new IPs! I'm really getting bored of sequels now thanks to yearly released games that are basically the same. Hoping NG can surprise us and make another fantastic new ip after they are done with uncharted 4. (Not that I dont love uncharted, it rocks)

9 years ago

ND, please give Uncharted a rest after 4, forget about TLoU2 for at least 2 more years.
Santa Monica, please give GoW a break for now.
Quantic Dream, stop being so blind and please make a game about that female android Kara, everyone went bananas on that video! That should tell you something…
Just give the old stuff a break or at least revive something that never got a last gen outing, like Syphon Filter…

9 years ago

I agree about Kara, I was so disappointed when I saw the first video for Beyond Two Souls, not only did they not realize the potential of a game based on the Kara demo, but the ghost story of Beyond Two Souls just didn't seem interesting at all.

But I don't see any reason why you shouldn't keep some of your best AAA game franchises alive as long as you can make masterpieces like ND has done with all three Uncharted's & TLOU.

It's not like ND is like your average EA/Activision game where they just pump out a cashgrab sequel after sequel every year with just a new coat of paint, every Uncharted game has expanded on the story & characters of the game making you more involved in the overall story.

9 years ago

i'm sorta of the stand point that you need a bit of both would you guys agree as there are quite a few older series that i want more from

theres Infamous, LBP, and Uncharted,Gran Turismo, Motorstorm, Ratchet maybe some other ones but then theres always room for new stuff there always is but a good series if it keeps putting out good stuff can put more good stuff out but new stuff is always welcome like temjin said a good balance and like i said to begin with you need some of each you always do

happy gaming

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