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“Be The Zombie” In Dying Light: Time To Turn The Tables

So, let's say you're not big on the whole survival concept.

You'd rather just hunt and kill at a rapid clip. Well, you should take a second look at Techland's upcoming zombie slasher, Dying Light .

The game's PvP mode lets one player-controlled zombie go after a group of co-op players and it isn't a pretty sight. Just check out the new "Be The Zombie" trailer, which showcases all the blood and gore associated with playing as such a nasty creature. Of course, if you'd rather take on the zombies, you can always team up with some friends and head out.

Dying Light is scheduled to release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on January 27 and it's one of the most promising new titles of the first quarter. Looking forward to giving it a go!

Related Game(s): Dying Light

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9 years ago

This game could be amazing!

9 years ago

Wait! This is a Pre order ONLY bonus mode? That's kind of an odd way to go about it!

9 years ago

Yeah Ben should have really mentioned this it's the biggest reason I am against getting this game even though it is tempting me I just find this complete and utter BS.

9 years ago

Yeah it's like buying a used car and finding out you only get three wheels instead of four because you didn't buy the car when it was new.

I know a lot of people that refuse to buy new games not because of price but because MOST new games come with more bugs/glitches than game play! Wait until the game is stable and basically get penalized or pre order it and when it comes time to play on day1 realize it's a complete mess and a lot of times anymore an unplayable game.

I am so glad I am older and got to enjoy games like they should be enjoyed back in the day. So maybe I had to give the game cartridge a blowie once in a while but never the game producers!

9 years ago

Adapting your analogy slightly as a car with 3 wheel (designed for 4 wheels) won't be usable.

I'd say it's more like advertising a car with a top end sound system and then finding out you only get it if you order the car for release day. Otherwise they all come without a music system at all. It's a major selling point of the car and really disappointing not to have but not a necessity.

9 years ago

wouldnt use it, good for kids sleepovers tho

9 years ago

oh yeah thats an interesting perspective to play from

happy gaming

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