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Thief Producer: We’ll Bring You The Best Single-Player Experience

Not every game needs multiplayer. Let me say that again- Not every game needs multiplayer . Truth.

One can use 2013 as an example: Many would agree that the four best games of the year so far are Bioshock Infinite , Tomb Raider , DmC: Devil May Cry , and God of War: Ascension . Two of those games don't even have a multiplayer option (and nobody complained) and the multiplayer in the other two were basically unnecessary. Nobody bought them for multiplayer, that's for sure.

So when Eidos Montreal producer Stephane Roy told Eurogamer that there are currently no plans to add competitive multiplayer to the upcoming Thief reboot, I was actually happy. Awesome; another team that will focus on the single-player experience! Said Roy:

"Right now, let's say competitive multiplayer, like the example you just gave us – Tomb Raider – there is no plan for that."

He did say they were examining some possible multiplayer options, such as a challenge mode of some kind, but he maintained that the primary emphasis would be on the campaign. My favorite set of quotes is as follows:

"…but I'm going to be very honest with you – our main goal with this team is to give you the best single-player experience, just to bring back this franchise, to convince you we're part of the future and not something holding onto the past. It's really demanding, so I don't want to see my team wasting any energy… I want to see them focusing on that."

Thank you. Thief and multiplayer don't mix and there's no need to make them mix. The reboot in question is coming to next-generation consoles in 2014 and as of now, it's one of my most anticipated titles.

Related Game(s): Thief

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11 years ago

Never played any of the previous titles, but I am excited for this one, especially after reading this. SP rules.

11 years ago

same here.

11 years ago

So addicted to the Thief(gold). Don't think any stealth game has been as good as it is. Really, top notch. Heavily looking foward to this one.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
11 years ago

Thank You. A solid single player game is all I crave. I never have played Thief on PC but I hear its pretty good. Definitely keep this one on my radar.

11 years ago

developers should really look towards a challange or create your own missions mode for a substitute for MP.
whole point of MP is to get people coming back for months after release, and a avenue for you to release DLC.
some games just do not suit the conventional MP experience, so why not replace these with a challenge mode?
like what eidos did with hitman absolution, the contracts mode was such a brilliant idea!
i wish they would update the sniper challenge as well and bring new missions to it, that was probably the best part of absolution and it even wasent part of the game!

perfect example why i love eidos.
1 they always put out really high quality games.
2 they always release something a bit different and quirky.
3 they refuse to compromise a game for the sake of hopefully gaining a few sales in the part of a MP mode.
well mostly, so stupid tomb raider received it, what a waste!

11 years ago

Hope they gonna recheck their engine cause it don t look impressive based on the pics for a next gen title .

Don t mean i m not excited to play the game tho .

11 years ago

This is welcome news especially since I rarely play multiplayer. Looking forward to this.

11 years ago

Stealth, single-player campaign emphasis, and a producer that recognises that multi-player is unnecessary? Count me in!

I haven't played any of the Thief games. I wasn't gaming then. But I'm already excited for this one.

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