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PS4’s Chinese Launch Delayed

A sudden snag has caused Sony to delay their launch plans for the PlayStation 4 in China.

According to a Reuters report , "various factors" have affected the January 11 release date for Sony's new console. A new release date hasn't yet been announced.

One source claims the cancellation of the launch is due to prolonged negotiations with Chinese authorities, but that's pretty vague. Last year, China ended the 14-year game console ban, so Sony and Microsoft sought to take advantage. The Xbox One is already available in the country (it released on September 29) but it looks like Chinese gamers will have to wait on the PS4.

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9 years ago

Wonder how the Xbox is fairing there. Hopefully it will be a financial boost for Sony and gaming in general. The industry needs new revenue to match the growing cost of productions. And China sorta has a few extra possible consumers in it.

9 years ago

China is a lousy market, thought.

China's ban on videogames is "temporary". How the heck are companies going to do some long term planning with that hanging over their heads? They'll also will need to meet any NEW demands of the State to keep operating there.

Every console sold there will be quickly modified to play pirate games. Consumers won't just start buying more expensive games, when they've been used to only paying a certain amount for years (since last gen, at least).

On top of that, there is absolutely no respect there for Intellectual Property Rights. Which would only make it harder for Sony to make a profit from their IP's.

Sony, like MS and Nintendo, have been blinded by the size of the consumer base in China. And are willing to take great risks to get to them. IMO, it won't be worth it. And it won't last. Again, the ban lift is temporary – as soon as the State big wigs see the industry taking off, they will quickly take it down – arguing that their youth is at risk.

Besides, it could have an adverse effect on US gamers in the West. China will demand that Sony's games be 'adapted' to their tastes. Just like is happening with Hollywood movies. Bad guys can never be Chinese. A game criticizing Communism, socialism or NK? Forget it.

9 years ago

Good points all.

9 years ago

im thinking that if consoles end up being as popular there as they are most everywhere else then we could see numbers that rival or beat the PS2 record numbers

9 years ago

i can't asy i was a little disappointed for the boys in china who won't be getting a ps4 as quickly as they might have like to have done

but sony needs to get the act together somehow

happy gaming

Last edited by Rachet_JC_FTW on 1/15/2015 10:41:19 PM

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