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Bungie: Halo Influenced By Film, Destiny Inspired By Serial TV

Artistic inspiration can come from just about anywhere. So what was the inspiration behind a hugely ambitious project like Bungie's upcoming Destiny ?

You might think it's films or sci-fi books but in fact, according to what design director Joe Staten told GameSpot , the new "shared-world shooter" was heavily influenced by TV serials such as "The Wire," "Lost," and "Battlestar Galactica." This is in contrast to Bungie's mammoth Halo franchise. Said Staten:

"I think typically, for the Halo games, we looked at movies. But really for this game, we looked at serial television; great dramas like Lost or The Wire; Battlestar Galactica.

When you're building a world and you want to evolve it over time, it really helps to have an understanding of how you build this longer-form narrative. So for us, that was a really interesting new thing we did. I think we probably spend more time watching television these days than we do movies and that's definitely influenced the way we think about building our story."

Destiny is coming to both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 and should be catnip for multiplayer aficionados. Bungie has already made some pretty bold claims so they've got to step up and deliver. Are you excited for this game, and what do you think about it being inspired by serial TV dramas?

Related Game(s): Destiny

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11 years ago

Toooooootally pumped for this game.

If I have a good enough PC, I could buy it for PC, but at this point, it is a PS4 game for me. It sounds awesome!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I could tell this was not Ben. His writing is one of a kind.

Good job nonetheless, Mr John. Excellent work as a matter of fact.

11 years ago

I regularly miss it's not Ben when John writes. He's been around for a while, just doesn't write often.

11 years ago

I am more interested in the TV show, as I am not a fan of online shooters. I love SciFi TV and movies.

11 years ago

Lets hope it doesnt have the persistent plot holes that LOST had. As a person who watched every episode, I still am disappointed in the ending of that damn show.

Last edited by wackazoa on 4/4/2013 10:35:21 AM

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
11 years ago

What the heck movie is Halo based on?

Being a Sci-Fi fan, I can't remember a movie with different (brightly)colored soldiers and equipment. Not to metion plasma swords, unless you loosely think of them as light sabers.

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