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Sony Admits Xbox One Price Drop Makes Things “Tough” For PS4

November marked the first month since December 2013 that saw Xbox One top PlayStation 4 in the US sales department.

Microsoft's console was #1 in the UK as well and now, Sony has commented on the shift. In speaking to Reuters , SCE president and CEO Andrew House said sales conditions in November were indeed "tougher" due to Microsoft's aggressive pricing actions.

As you probably know, the Xbox One now starts at $350 (PS4's lowest price is still $400) and MS also offered some holiday bundles for $350. However, that Xbox One markdown is only good through January 3, 2015, so it'll be interesting to see what happens when the price goes back to the standard $400. As for PS4 sales in December, House says they're "in line" with previous estimates but he didn't provide any exact numbers.

However, he did say that increased demand for the system in Europe has resulted in limited inventory. You should be able to find a PS4 if you look hard enough, though.

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9 years ago

I, for one, am glad that Sony hasn't reduced the price of the ps4 by $150 in less than a year later. I did purchase the PS4 within the first 3 months of its release and couldn't imagine how pissed off I'd be if that was the case… Especially with the game selection.

On that note, I don't think Sony has to sweat over any of this. While most of my friends haven't adopted the next gen systems yet, none are convinced that the XB1 would be the ideal choice.

9 years ago

At least the gaming division. Movie division on the other hand…

9 years ago


9 years ago

Sony was planning on doing that, making it $249?.. Haha, we wish that.

9 years ago

It was a reference to Sony not worrying about it. North Korea targeted Sony Pictures via cyber attacks over the a fictionalized movie about a N. Korean President assassination.

9 years ago

You sell your product for what it's worth, Sony shouldn't buckle because the dying competitor dropped their price to try to recoup huge losses.

9 years ago

Like when Sony dropped the price of the PS3 by $200 in 12 months?

9 years ago

Not without the removal of features. You look at the history of price drops vs. feature changes, and it's brilliantly stuck to the business 101 concept.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 12/19/2014 10:12:55 PM

9 years ago

Sony picture's surrender to North Korean Hackers over 'The interview' screening is a huge blow to its brand and thus is going to have more sales decline as some consumers have lost confidence over their actions.

Sony really needs to rebuild its brand to regain the public confidence. Don't worry, Xbone is just picking up the bones that is left over by Sony at the moment.

9 years ago

lol Why do Americans think Sony needs to make a political stand against terrorists? If they get threats like that, show the movie anyways, and then something happens, they are done. That's one huge legal disaster that would end the entire division as well as any decision maker found to be in neglect.

9 years ago

It's completely incomprehensible that they dropped that movie because of that attack. It only fuels the fire, and shows the world that those kind of activities works.

There must be more to that story than we know, cause as it stands today it's just completely incomprehensible.

9 years ago

Easily said that done. If Sony was a one man show and had nothing to lose, then that's one option. It's already jeopardizing business, but the elephant in the room is the employee's exploited information… Aka lawsuits. That's far more damaging than anything else. Having maintained the mindset of releasing it now, there wouldn't be an end to the threats.

Japan doesn't need a war with N. Korea based on something Sony is releasing. It seems to be that bad.

9 years ago

Those kinds of activities do work, though. The proper reaction is to take counter measures to stop it. Not invite further attacks you aren't prepared for.

If you aren't ready to face potential consequences, no matter how big or small, you don't take those risks. This tells me that Sony (after numerous movie companies refused to show it) decided the best plan of action is to put in on hold for now, let things die down a bit, then release it later.

Makes complete business sense, too. Already, some of the largest theatre companies weren't going to show it anyways. Why not wait until you can post more of a profit?

9 years ago

Number one rule of business… don't slash prices. Add value.

9 years ago

Don't slash the price Sony, coz your parent company already loss 1 billion this year, the interview will make u lost money too…

9 years ago

I am glad that Microsoft's price cut is making it tough on Sony. The competition is really energizing the industry.

I say buy a PS4, then wait and buy a used Xbox One. So you won't miss out on any game.

9 years ago

tougher yeah, but the price point of the competition is $onys least concern!
the content available is what they should be worried about.
if price point is so important then why is the iPhone always the biggest best selling phone even though its considerably more expensive, and also always offers the most disappointing lowest powered device as well.
6+ is smashing the note 4 in sales even though the note is significantly cheaper, has twice the resolution screen, far better screen with AMOLED rather than ancient LCD, far lower powered processor and GPU, not to mention the notes battery life is so much better and also removable rather than fixed.
oh and not to mention expandable memory rather than fixed.
note 4 is better in EVERY way, yet its selling significantly worse than the 6+.
and thats because of content, you want a screen protector you have 100000000000 to choose from for the 6+.
you want a leather case, hard case, car holder, portable battery case, headphones designed for IOS, anything you could possibly want for the 6+ phone you can find.
every other device, be it android, or even windows phone, is quite a different story.
people don't care about what a product costs, nor do they care the value for money a product offers.
they care about the whole picture of what that device offers, that means what am i going to be able to do with it.
not only how powerful it is, or how good it looks, or how much it costs, but what am i going to be able to do with it on the full picture.
note 4 may be the most technically advanced phone available, at a reasonable price, but whats the point when it slips out of your pocket and shatters costing you $400 to replace just the screen because there are barely any screen protectors and cases available for it?

9 years ago

Hopefully a 1TB PS4 will change this.

9 years ago

Now Sony needs to add a bigger HDD and allow us to store and play MP3/4 and cd's.

9 years ago

Well duh no name guy ur a true idiot of course all u see is the 6 plus is more than the note 4 w no contract but many providers in the US r providing deals w a contract that end up making it cheaper and w SPRINT offering unfedered unlimited data w the iPhone 6 n not w any other phone it would seem to be obvious 4 ppl buy the iPhone although the 6plus is a total piece of garbage that bends way to easily among other things

9 years ago

Well its gettn hell a extra discounts from stores to like best buy u can get the unity bundle plus destiny and a $50 gift card I mean if one of the ps4 bundles had an extra game and a $50 gift card lol but its more like one or the other

9 years ago

yeah no duh i think well all saw that coming, not surprising at all, but sony could drop their price 50 to 100 bucks to compete and gain more market share they could out compete M$ if they wanted to

happy gaming

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