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DmC: Definitive Edition Is Nice, But What About A Sequel?

I've got no problem with Definitive Editions or remasters. I really don't.

If you can spruce up an existing game and get people to buy it, more power to you. Even so, at what point do we ask, "How's about a sequel?"

The DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition sounds like a nicely appointed, enticing package. I really like a lot of the new additions and improvements and I'm sure it'll be a fantastic option for anyone who either loved the original or didn't play it. But with a franchise like this, I really just want another installment. As much as I appreciate what Ninja Theory did with the series, I'd like a return to the older, silver-haired Dante and the darker, more Gothic style.

I suppose the big question is this: Do these re-releases get in the way of possible sequels and follow-up efforts? I mean, are the developers using valuable time and resources that would be best utilized in an all-new game? Or, do such re-releases take very little in the way of time and money, so they don't get in the way at all…? I think it would depend on the remaster/definitive edition we're talking about but even so, I'd rather hear about a sequel than an upgrade of an existing title.

Related Game(s): DmC: Devil May Cry

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9 years ago

I would only want a sequel if it's being done by Ninja Theory, since the last DmC was, easily IMO, the best in the series, but they're working on something else right now.

9 years ago


9 years ago

What drugs are you taking?

DmC was easily the best in the series? The best in series was EASILY Devil May Cry 3 (or the first one).

I didn't play DMC 2 but I played an hour of DmC when it was going for $10 and I must say that I want that $10 back.

9 years ago

DMC is the best in the series from a pure gameplay standpoint.

DmC might have had the best story from what I have heard, but DMC is one of the best action games ever made period, ever.

9 years ago

I'm taking the kind of drug that gets rid of nostalgia glasses.

9 years ago

They could continue it just as it is and make the old fans happy.


(go away if it's a new game to you)

The new Dante made huge strides to becoming the old Dante. At the end of the game his hair progressed to the right length and color, his eyes changed color, the epic brothers battle
is set, and the world is destroyed and ready to rise again in gothic style.


I'd love that sequel, I just don't think it will happen since the game was basically a fan failure.

9 years ago

Yeah it did the job of rebooting well, and the Virgil's Downfall DLC, on top of being really good in its own right, also helped set things up.

Fans just complained way too much about superficial stuff, IMO. So what if the new style wasn't 'gothic' enough? Goth shit went out of style right around the time the first DMC came out, anyway. Ninja Theory nailed the most important aspects of the game, because Ninja Theory has never NOT made a game with fantastic melee combat. Heavenly Sword was their worst game on that front and that game was still pretty sweet.

Also, thanks (probably) in part to their extensive work with Serkis on both HS and Enslaved, they've become one of the top developers in motion capture, animation and voice acting, all of which were top notch in DmC. The mo-cap in DmC is the best I've ever seen. It puts L.A. Noire to shame.

9 years ago

Well Ben If you want sequel to the older one you'll get a chance to vote with your wallet.I'm pretty sure Capcom is testing the waters with the DMC4 Special Edition release.DmC was a good game on it's own(terrible DMC game though) and I'll probably get it when there's no chance of it ever getting a sequel.

9 years ago

DMC was a flop, no way crapcom will give u a sequel…

9 years ago

No, it was BEST

9 years ago

The best as in it flopped like a person falling stomach first in a pool? Yes it was the best flop and I can't wait till we get back to the real Dante.

9 years ago

Never cared for the urban style of DmC. If anything I want a Devil May Cry V – At the end of 4, you have Trish, Lady & Dante all in the DMC office it's just begging for a sequel where you play play as all 3 on different missions. It just seems like such a good set up for a new game and I'd rather that any day than a DmC2.

9 years ago

The anime DMC had a similar set up as you mentioned, while not perfect it probably would have been better written and set up in a future DMC game.Trish and Lady are such bad ass characters though, they need a game with Dante or on their own.

9 years ago

You know, I said the very same thing about The Last of Us remake. I said, "Having a remake of The Last of Us is nice and all, but would it not be better to make a new one?"

Got blasted by all the Naughty Dog dumbos, including mister super ND suckbutt himself, Ben Butkiss.

Gonna make a real gamer out of you yet, young padawan.

9 years ago

*blasts you*

9 years ago

If they don't get in the way or much at all, then would it really matter if these definitive editions keep popping up? Its only a matter if they've even began to make a sequel. It doesn't mean much to me to hear about a new sequel if it doesn't make them release it any faster.

9 years ago

I can't get excited about another DMC until I actually finish either DMC4 or DmC.

9 years ago

DMC4 is a slog, you can have one jet fueled intense weekend with DMC (roughly 8 hours) and then form an opinion so you can tell me it 🙂

9 years ago

I've played about 3 hours of DmC on PS3 and then determined it was worth getting on PC for dirt cheap. That way it would fix the annoying sound glitches, engine clunkiness, and the slower framerate. But like most games I hand off from console to PC they end up just sitting there unplayed.

9 years ago

yeah you gotta stop doin that lol. The 30 drove me crazy so I'm getting this edition. Even if I don't replay it for ten years I need the best one for my collection. Ninja Theory stories are so uniquely done. I wish we had a Heavenly Sword upgrade. It was so early a release it had troubles that could be perfected now.

9 years ago

I really wish I could just make more time in the day and catch up with gaming. One of my Winter courses has already begun for me early. Hardcore 3D programming stuff.

9 years ago

Wish this were coming out faster

9 years ago

i think a sequal would be a better, but if a definitive edition would fund it then by all means but if only if to fund a sequal

happy gaming

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