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Who The Hell Would Buy A Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy, Anyway?

When I saw this , I just had to laugh.

Seriously, who's going to buy the Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy if it releases? Think logically, Square Enix.

Wait, I know you're not capable of that so let me explain: There are several groups of people out there who might be interested in such a product. First, there's the long-time veteran fan, who you've long since alienated, so you can't count on any support from them. Most of them viewed FFXIII, XIII-2 and the shockingly mediocre Lightning Returns as a huge step back for the industry. A few die-hard collectors would purchase the Trilogy just as a general rule but that's about it.

Then you've got those who might be interested but haven't played all three games. Well, all they need to do is a little research, and they'll probably pass on the idea. Reviews went downhill throughout the series (as did sales) and really, they won't feel like they missed much if they only played FFXIII and part of XIII-2, for example. Lastly, there's the group that has never played any installment in the trilogy, and might find such a package enticing. But this group consists of either, A. those who have no interest in the first place, and B. those who would very likely opt to choose another game off the shelf, given the sheer amount of greats currently available.

And finally, as there's zero nostalgia behind this (as there was with Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster ), nobody is really going to care. It's just a dumb idea. But don't you worry; Square Enix will probably still do it.

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9 years ago

It's a little fresh still, and it's not a standalone franchise. There's no nostalgia… it's available mostly on steam… it's just not a good idea right now. Maybe not ever.

Lightning Returns couldn't even touch a million across both consoles last I'd seen.

9 years ago

The sales for those games got worse and worse. What… What could possibly make them think it'll be better this time around?

Actually, these are the same people who hyped FF7 PC port to ps4, so whatever. Its expected from these clowns at this point. Stop living in the past and understand that the fanbase does not like you. Change in a way where they can remember why you made games and why people bought them. Otherwise you'll die. And unlike THQ, you won't be missed.

9 years ago

They are convinced we have not figured out how great lightning is and we need to be reminded. Not enough of us bought it the first time. Ahh but now we can get the whole complete game in one package!


9 years ago


9 years ago

*Side note* please consider option for posting pics and gifs, thanks

9 years ago

I haven't even finished the first game yet not to mention I got second one as a gift and haven't even unwrapped it yet. Lol easily the biggest disappointment of last generation.

9 years ago

Ok by now you guys know that i hate FF so can someone please explain why SE is a bad company. Because and this is based on everyone comments on here, they dont wanna make a FF 7 remake? I mean come on unless any of you are the ceo of SE then really stfu about it already!

9 years ago

Not going to explain it, because frankly, I don't think you care. (Asking was just a cover up to cushion the 'stfu' comment)

And no, they aren't terrible because "they won't remake FF7".

Last edited by Underdog15 on 12/18/2014 12:13:42 AM

9 years ago

It has nothing to do with them not remaking FF7. I happen to think FF7 is the single most overrated game in history, and also think SE is a currently terrible developer. It has everything to do with them being completely out of touch when it comes to the state of the market and what people want from games today.

They constantly re-release the same 15-20+ year old FF games with little to no improvements for no real reason other than to overcharge people for games they already purchased. They've completely dropped the ball when it comes to new FF games, with the last truly great installment being XII. XIII was a great looking mess, XIV was so horribly broken at launch that they had to let people play it for free for months while they fixed it, and XV has been in development so long that the game is probably fighting perpetual obsolescence at this point.

So, basically, they're oblivious, incompetent and abusive of their customers. Even if FF7 was my all time favorite game I wouldn't want them to remake it, because at this point they'd just screw it up, anyway.

Last edited by Bio on 12/18/2014 12:32:41 AM

9 years ago

YOU might not like Final Fantasy games, but a hell of a lot of people do, including a large percentage of the people who contribute, in a positive way, to these forums.
We're all disappointed in what SE has done to one of out favourite game franchises since the start of PS3, they seem to have forgotten what made it great is the first place – Engaging characters and a great story.
SO keep your stfu comments to yourself.

9 years ago

They probably would screw up an FF7 remake. But saying it's the single most overrated game in history isn't even opinion. It's just wrong.

9 years ago

Haha! So you're in charge of telling people what to think about a franchise that you don't care about?

That's fresh. Not.

9 years ago

Given how little effort they put into most of these ports, as anyone who has bought FFVII, VIII or XIII on Steam knows, it's probably a worth it to SE. A fast, sloppy port that costs almost nothing to make doesn't need to sell millions to make money. They did nothing for the Steam re-releases other than make them playable on new hardware (which coincidentally makes 17 year old, 4:3 PS1 games look horrendous at modern resolutions), and people still bought it in the tens of thousands.

When you're a washed up, has-been hack of a developer, maybe that's the best you can do.

9 years ago

wow. more proof of garbage. this company is now officially done in my book. ff13 was good. period. they decided to destroy its "legacy" with the garbage sequels no one cared or asked for. this company is just plain old stupid.

9 years ago

FFXIII was pretty. That's it.

9 years ago

That's your opinion, Jawnee. Please don't state opinions like facts.

I thought FF XIII was good, not great like the others, but good.

9 years ago

Sorry. But it's the consensus among reviewers and fans of the franchise. Enjoy your mediocrity.

9 years ago

FFXIII was a decent game. Extremely pretty, but nothing special.

The problem isn't that it wasn't enjoyable. It was to some. The problem is that it isn't 7.3 million copies sold good, like the franchise is known for.

They're okay games in their own right, but when you are a franchise used to a certain standard, games like these damage reputation and consumer trust. Of course people bought FFXIII. By all rights, it should have been a guaranteed critical success. But clearly the brand is damaged…

They went from 7.3 million copies with the first… to 3.5 million with the second… to 1.2 million with Lightning Returns. It's even worse when you consider that across both platforms over the time between the first one's release to the third, there are nearly 100 million more consoles on the market.

If they were as great as you say they were, the decline in sales would never have been so stark. They weren't even annualized. Some people liked them. But most people saw right through the mediocrity.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 12/18/2014 2:52:25 PM

9 years ago

If it wasn't such a piss-poor trilogy I would gladly buy a trilogy pack. Hell I must own 7 different versions of FFVII.

9 years ago

Not even this SE sucker would touch that series again.

9 years ago

SE or Squaresoft? Squaresoft understandable, SE… not so sure 😉

9 years ago

Yeah, their games have been pretty crappy post merger

9 years ago

I haven't bought a Square-Enix game since Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings.

SE's latest moves with PC FFVII and now this are just too much. How much can they taunt the fanbase?

I'm hoping FFXV will be great but I'm not feeling it. The main character is cool but beyond that I'm just seeing generic guys traveling around. I hope there's more to it than just sword slashing.

9 years ago

I probably would 😛 But then I actually really like Final Fantasy XIII-1 and still regard it as one of the best PS3 experiences I had – I wasn't fond of the sequels though. XIII-2 for it's convoluted time-travel mess and having Serah as the lead character and LR for having sidequests as the main focus of the game. I'd buy it if it included all the DLC on disc and wasn't a rare release costing too much.

9 years ago

FF13 series is a failure because it can't get players to immersed into the story. There are far too few interactions in the plots to have those kind of traditional Jrpg 'feel'.

You basically don't feel the characters are alive because their interactions are not humane with emotions nor idealism. SE overemphasized on the graphics and game mechanism and lost the very essence and root of a good jrpg.

9 years ago

The only reason I got platinum in FF13 is that I loved the battle system. That's it. Story and characters were big meh. Never touched FF13-2 or LR and never will.
Give me FF7 Remastered and I wil buy 2 copies at once.

9 years ago

I bought this game yesterday named Ar Nosurge: Ode To An Unborn Star

It's a JRPG, it's turn based (me on one side them on the other), it's not a visual novel.

It's…good. Whaaaaaat? How did this happen and why did nobody tell me about it?

9 years ago

Of course FF fanboy will buy it, no matter if the game good or bad…

9 years ago

I don't picture myself going back through FFXIII again even if it's all higher res. I still have FFXIII-2 to work through. I got about 5 hours in or so with it. That was over a year ago.

I feel like I'm retired from FF as an ongoing franchise. FFXV just doesn't look like something I want to play.

9 years ago

I'm with Temjin. I'll play the old games for nostalgia sake from time to time, but there are other franchises that hold my fancy now.

9 years ago

FF has joined the franchises of times past with Castlevania, Contra, Mega Man, and Resident Evil etc. Where their best and brightest days will always remain in the past.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/18/2014 4:34:33 PM

9 years ago

The only real difference, though, is that FFXIII actually sold 7.3 million, which tells me people WANTED a good Final Fantasy. A lot of the other games had recent releases that didn't hold the same name brand attraction as the past.

9 years ago

The better question who bought any of these games? I didn't even play the demos lol

9 years ago

I'd go for it; then again I HAVE played all these games (excluding FF XIII-3).

9 years ago

Last generation already gave us the answer…

Square Enix doesn't care what their customers think or want.

9 years ago

I already have XIII (haven't played it in over a year), but if it's for $5, I'll buy the trilogy, and just skip playing that version's XIII. $5 for two pretty crappy games is fair, no?

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