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Rumor: PS4 Overall Sales And Black Friday Haul Rumored

It's always questionable when the source isn't official, but it's an update on Black Friday sales and the current console war, so it's worth discussing.

According to VGChartz , the PlayStation 4 hit a couple new milestones during Black Friday week.

Firstly, they claim that Sony's new console has sold over 16 million units worldwide and over 60 million games since the system's launch last year. Furthermore, sales for the week ending November 29, 2014 came in at 1,193,346, which isn't bad. Given the holiday rush, it's not impossible that PS4 will hit 20 million before the year is out, although it won't have the benefit of any super hot exclusive software.

Now, there may be some problems with these figures. Many argue that the overall global total is higher (perhaps already closing in on 19 million) but we need the official word from Sony before we condemn. It'll be interesting to see how much Xbox One can cut into PS4's lead after Microsoft finally won a month at retail (November).

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9 years ago

well it will certainly be interestong to see some updated offical numbers exactly where the ps4 sits

happy gaming

9 years ago

If they play their cards right this could be a PS2 repeat…

9 years ago

Unless I start seeing better games I really doubt it.

9 years ago

They will come soon enough, but seeing how the 3rd party games run usually better on it, that alone might be enough.
People make such a big deal about exclusives but sales of Sony exclusives have not been that great and I'm not even sure if it really moves that many more consoles.
They need to concentrate on bringing the price down ASAP and fixing the stinking network they have and it will be smooth sailing from there on.
It's selling 20 mil without any great games, if they get it going next year with a price drop it will fly off the shelves…

Last edited by Karosso on 12/16/2014 11:12:37 PM

9 years ago

Karosso is right. This gen has been especially bad because the games that have come out have often been quite buggy.

The PS2's first full year didn't have much either, though. However, I don't know how helpful it would be for PS4/XB1 to go another year like this.

If history serves us well enough that we can predict the future, we should start hearing and seeing some great games after the 15 month mark. So finger's crossed, I guess.

9 years ago

Giving the PS4 a $50 price cut and throwing in 3 months of Plus and a free game would make the PS4 Golden for Christmas.

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