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Assassin’s Creed Unity’s Biggest Patch Has Been Pushed Back

If you were looking for the fourth Assassin's Creed Unity patch this week, prepare to be disappointed.

Unfortunately, Ubisoft has confirmed that the patch has been delayed. It was supposed to drop on December 15.

Ubisoft says "rigorous quality control is of paramount importance to us" and therefore, they're holding off until they can deliver on what they promised:

"As stated last week, we'd expected to release the patch today (and we know that many are anticipating its release), but we are choosing to hold off until we can give you the improvements we've promised. We are committed to delivering major performance improvements, which requires that we refurbish the Paris map and that will take a few more days to hit the high level of quality our players deserve."

Simply dubbed "Patch 4," this update will address a long list of problems, and should greatly improve performance, online matchmaking, connectivity and general stability. It's the patch that could ultimately turn Unity into the game it probably should've been at launch. The technical problems are why the title really won't be considered for many Game of the Year awards, which is sad, because the foundation was absolutely revolutionary.

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9 years ago

It's official. They're now delaying patches. Pretty soon they'll be delaying delays.

9 years ago

haha this comment made my day

9 years ago

Might pick this up for Christmas, love the series but wanted a stable game with a few tech problems as poss, – and inquisition has taken up all my gaming time of late!

9 years ago

final straw, no more ubisoft purchases till they have hit the bargain bin months later and i can actually play the game i paid for!
i haven't played a game so poorly optimised since freaking fallout 3!
and at least that was only when people signed in, otherwise it ran fairly smoothly.
this randomly drops left right and centre, its like a freaking toddler group programmed the game!

9 years ago

This was all their fault to annualize the assassin's creed franchise. On top of that they are pumping two games out this year?! Obviously it was a bad choice. Not even done with patching unity, they had started assassin's in England already. Sigh

Last edited by godsman on 12/16/2014 7:41:33 AM

9 years ago

I think it has more to do with the fact that Unity was handled by a different development group. Normally it's done by Ubisoft Montreal, but Unity was made by Ubisoft Toronto, which is pretty new.

9 years ago

I wished Ubisoft has delayed the game instead until it was ready instead of releasing a disaster.

9 years ago

That sucks. I hope the patch also fixes the Co op play bc I can't even play that without the game freezing or crashing

9 years ago

Patch is live. All 6.7gb of it! They had to fix chunks of Paris.

9 years ago

People need to stop throwing money at Assassin's Creed games as soon as they launch. They'll never change so long as people keep buying broken shit.

9 years ago

well i'm sorry for being a bit mean but ubisoft you should have had this sorted out before now and gave us what u promised day 1 or atleast week 1 at the latest this is just play stupid

happy gaming

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