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Sony: All PlayStation 4 Beta Testing Opportunities Are Scams

This is an official PSA from Sony, although we're hoping most savvy and intelligent gamers didn't need it.

There have been several websites advertising ways to get into PlayStation 4 beta testing, which sounds a little fishy, yes? Well, of course it does. It's just a scam, as you might expect.

And Sony wanted to make that obvious fact abundantly clear with a recent Tweet :

"Just a reminder: Any sites asking you to enter details to sign up for PS4 beta testing are scams."

While the PS4 is indeed slated to launch this holiday season, there are certainly no public beta testing opportunities right now. We don't even have a date or price, although we expect to get both at Sony's E3 presentation in June. Microsoft has yet to announce their new Xbox console, but that has been rumored to take place in April at some point. It will very interesting if both impending systems launch at about the same time.

But for the time being, don't be taken in by obviously pathetic scam attempts. Wait for official updates.

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11 years ago

To paraphrase a giant tree "Hmmmmmm, smells like Microsoft mischief!"


Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/26/2013 10:53:53 PM

11 years ago

Nice LotR reference!

11 years ago

Gotta represent >:)

11 years ago

Has there ever been public testing for a new console before? I don't see how a console would need public opinions. It's all technical stuff.

For games, it's understandable because it involves factors like gameplay and glitches that may not be so obvious to in-house testers.

11 years ago

unbelievable how stupid people are these days!
you wont believe how many people ring me up at work bitching that the bluray they rented does not work in their DVD player!
i mean come on for f*cks sake, how can you be alive in 2013 and not know the difference between BR and DVD!?
its like whinging your car stereo wont play reccords, whats up with that!?
dam fangled new CD players you just cant get the needle to stay on them!

11 years ago

Has anyone seen the "Games Tm" Magazine covering "displaying" the PS4 and Next Xbox? I had a friend telling me it showed the consoles themselves, the pricing (Of course the PS4 was $600 and the Xbox was $400). Also said to have all the specs for BOTH systems.

He swears this is all legit because "if it wasn't, why would they put it in a magazine?"

Please tell me I'm not crazy by saying they have NOT release any pics of the consoles or prices.

11 years ago

You're NOT crazy… At least not on this perticular topic…

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

So many people were falling for it. lol idiots. I mean it was so damn obviously fake yet I saw one of the pages have over 5,000 likes and over 4,000 shares.

11 years ago

I'm not surprised by any number of people falling for these scams, I see it on a pretty much daily basis at where I work, a liqour store. In fact just a few days ago I had a college age lady ask me why the 6 pack of 7oz bottles was so much lower in price than the 6 pack of 12oz cans… Sad to say that that isn't the worst I've seen in the 2 years I've worked there.

Oh, one of my co-workers actually thought one of these scams was real, I had to look into it and tell him that it was a scam, especiallys since you know, THERE ARE NO GAMES TO TEST ON THE SYSTEM, especially since the PS4 won't be inherently b/c…

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