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Sony Hopes PlayStation 4 Will Deliver Greater Profits

Sony needs to increase their margins and the PlayStation 4 is the answer.

According to a new Reuters report , the electronics giant aims to boost sales in its gaming division by 25 percent over the next 3 years, which would yield "as much as 1.6 trillion yen ($13.6 billion)."

Sony intends to cut back on its TV and mobile phone products in order to reduce costs, and they anticipate leaning on the PS4 to generate that revenue surge. This will be helped by consumers purchasing personalized TV, video, and music distribution services. Thus far, the PS4 has managed to move 13.5 million units worldwide and although the company reported a loss of $806 million last quarter, it was better than most analysts feared.

Can the PS4 bring Sony to new heights? Sure. Just give us the games .

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9 years ago

The newest Xperia is supposed to be the strongest android phone on the market. Being better than the Samsung android phones.

I know that the cellphone 'game' is the most unbalanced one to be in, so its a good move on Sony's part to not delve too deep into it. Same with TVs. With Samsung leading both of those markets, its hard to try and squeeze into it. And with the Japanese currency going up, Sony won't be bleeding money as much anymore.

All in all, the future looks bright for Sony.

9 years ago

True about the Z3, and the interesting fact is that Sony now for several years have come out on top, or at least top 3, in most tests and reviews for all their flagship models.

It's a mystery, no less, why this is not reflected in the sales charts. I flat out am clueless as to why it is like this.

9 years ago

Son's biggest problem in the mobile department is the lack of deals they have… Most ppl buy phones with 2 year contracts and pay off the phone slowly… And the few phones that have had this option are usually available to one carrier…Sony mobile usually have to be bought at full price with no contract and few ppl purchase these phones at full price and it's what's killing them in the sales department…
The Sony tvs main problem is the prices they have are too high compared to their competition… An example is I was looking up a Sony 55" LED 240Hz 3D Smart HDTV and it was priced at $1800 while you can find a bigger Samsung 60" LED 240Hz 3D Smart HDTV for $1200 in… They both pretty much do the same except Sonys tv is much more expensive

9 years ago

I bought the Z3. The phone is good looking, has unbelievable battery and is just a pleasure to use. The only downside is that the camera isn't THAT good.

9 years ago

@Deathb4: That may be the case for your country, but it really isn't in mine. Simply put *all* mobiles on the market have at least two alternative deals to choose from, from various phone companies. It varies a bit from week to week but overall it evens out across all phones.

So I can just as well go and get me a Z3 than a Samsung or iPhone. Still, the sales charts are the same here in Norway: Sonys models very rarely hit any top 5 on any lists.

It's *so* weird.

9 years ago

It's all about the stuff near the register.

9 years ago

that's so 80 and 90's. In America it's all about 2 year contracts and "free" hardware now.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/28/2014 11:32:49 AM

9 years ago

Seriously though, the discounts are right there while you're looking for something else, there are "suggestions" and when you see a big game you didn't play for $7-$15 you go "Eh I can spare that"

I did that with Thief, and I didn't play it long. But sometime you hit a gem like Arcania

9 years ago

ah, come on. they should play it MS's way. Who cares about profits? Let's just sell at a loss so we can say we won something.

9 years ago

That mystifies me, they are trying to "win" but it digs their gaming division into a hole that can never be exited.

9 years ago

Isn't that what they did almost the entire last generation?

9 years ago

yeah but not on this level

9 years ago

it's what makes MS a crappy competitor. They're willing to accept losses that few other companies in a similar market would be willing to make.
Last night when watching the Seahawks game with my father in law I saw millions of dollars of MS Surface advertising. Everything from the sports casters with Surface's to regular commercials pushing them.

Yet in August reports hit the scene that the Surface segment of MS has added up to 1.7billion dollars of losses since the tablets made their debut in 2012. It's like a big black hole of death for money.

Sure, MS can claim so many millions of sales etc., but it comes at massive losses. MS has got to be eating a lot this holiday season by offering the XO at $350 with third party bundled games, as companies like Ubisoft and EA take a chunk of that money for themselves. It's extraordinary. Insane. But extraordinary. Gamers win I suppose. I would have a hard time claiming the PS4 to be a better value at the present moment. There's no denying the value when I see an XO at Target for $329.99 that comes bundled with AC UNity and Blackflag AND a $50 Target instant gift card.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/28/2014 7:30:49 PM

9 years ago

But Temjin, again, Isn't that what Sony did with their hardware almost the entire last generation?

9 years ago

Sony reap more profit from PS4 means consumers has to pay more for its hardware. Bad news for us.

I don't buy Sony's share so I do not give a damn as long as they produce good quality game titles.

9 years ago

yeah bring the games and we'l bring you the profits from buying all your games and stuff, but its nice to know they are making money and still in business cos the last thing i want is the playstation to go belly up

happy gaming

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