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PSXE Poll Update: Fans Deadlocked On A Unity Verdict

It has caused major controversy throughout the gaming community and it's no different here.

In our latest poll, we asked the readers what they thought of the recently released Assassin's Creed Unity .

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the two extremes ("the game is awesome!" vs. "the game sucks") got the most votes, with the "just good" option right there with 'em. It's almost like a three-way tie, really, which says the community is split in several different directions. We tend to side with the more optimistic and appreciative group, as we explain in our review .

This week, what do you think about Far Cry 4 ? Is it another Game of the Year candidate, or just another disappointment in a long string of letdowns in 2014?

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9 years ago

I hereby collect my bragging rights: It looks like my predictions for Far Cry 4 holds water too! This autumn I estimated metascores on upper half for Inquisition, lower half for Far Cry 4. It must be said that FC4 is pretty darn close to the exact middle now, but still: Had there been a bet going on I'd won. 🙂

9 years ago

You were completely correct. While Far Cry has received great scores in some sites, I HIGHLY doubt that Ben will give it more than what he gave Dragon Age.

Granted, I don't care what Ben gives it because what I think about Far Cry 4 matters most to me.

In any event.. Does Far Cry 4 play, feel or look revolutionary/next generation? Certainly not. As much as I loved Far Cry 3, FC4 doesn't feel quite the same.

Of course — there's so much more in FC4 to do but so far the story is not very welcoming.

I think it's safe to say what's grabbing me from Far Cry 4 are the side missions, the interesting characters and the level of exploration.

If they worked on the graphics and the story it certainly would have given Dragon Age a run for its money for the game of the year title.

Is it one of the best titles of the year? Of course.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 11/24/2014 6:54:27 PM

9 years ago

I wouldn't know 'coz I am all into GTA5 right now (and a bit of Destiny, because of trail version).

9 years ago

I bought Unity & never opened it because my schedule at the time was too hectic. After reading all the reviews & technical problems I eventually returned it to GameStop & picked up DAI. Wow! I just can't i imagine that I would be having as much fun with Unity as I am with DAI. I'm sure I'll pick up Unity sometime in the future, but it's at the bottom of my list now.

9 years ago

I went to download the demo for far cry… and it's 23 gigs!
Why did they did they make the entire game necessary to play a demo that's most likely shorter than half an hour?
I don't really feel like leaving my ps4 on for like 12 hours just for half an hour of play time.

9 years ago

i think it worked well for some and not so for others so i kinda thought it was gunna be like this

happy gaming

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