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Would Final Fantasy Versus XIII Actually Help To Sell PS4s?

So with the recent rumor that Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be exclusive to the PlayStation 4, this question is worth asking.

Chances are, nothing Square Enix does in the future will be totally exclusive so I wouldn't put much stock in that rumor. But whether it's exclusive or not doesn't matter; we want to know how big of an impact the game would have on the PS4 launch. Imagine if Versus XIII was available this year, right around the time Sony's new console hit store shelves…

Of course, that's not likely to happen but I'm wondering what kind of effect such a launch would have. I'm thinking Final Fantasy has lost much of its punching power this past generation, and I really don't think it holds the same "system-selling" potential it once had. Furthermore, as we still know virtually nothing about this particular piece of vaporware, we don't know what the gameplay will be like. If it was anything even remotely like the traditional FF mechanics, perhaps it would actually hit the gaming world like a ton of bricks and be a true-blue PS4-seller. If, on the other hand, it was just another example of how far the iconic franchise has fallen, I don't see how Versus XIII for the PS4 would help much.

If it was exclusive, I'm sure it would help a little. I still don't think that's going to happen but I imagine it has given loyal PlayStation fans something to smile about. Well, at least until the rumor gets shot down.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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11 years ago

I think it could be a system seller if the reviews are good, it doesn't even have to be traditional but gamers who understand it is a spinoff and have made their peace with the demise of turn-based still think it looks very promising. So if the reviews signal a return to quality instead of insulting content I believe fans would once again rush to get a new console to experience something amazing.

All of us who got a PS3 for FFXIII want to believe again.

11 years ago

You said everything I came on here to say. So I'll pretty much just agree with your comment. Well said.

I bought a PS3 because logically it was the system to keep playing Final Fantasy games. When in actuality I played just about everything else.

I also say if FFvsXIII is a "good" game, and gets positive reviews, it'll sell well.

11 years ago

I am one of those people who, for 4-6 months leading up to the launch of the PS3 was stashing away tip money while watching the FFXIII trailer every morning as I put my kilt on.

Yeah… at the time I was a waiter at a Scottish pub and grill… we even brewed our own beer. I had to wear a kilt to work every day. Had to wear shorts underneath, though. Drunk middleaged women would try to flip up a peek, ya know?

Point is, FFXIII trailer made me stash away hard earned money, and the PS3 was mine on launch… and 3-4 years later, the game finally released and versus still has not.

On the flip side, I'm was an alpha tester for FFXIV and am currently an early phase beta tester… it's actually feeling very good. Too bad it's an MMO… Still… I'm not as excited for FF as I was prior to the FFXIII release.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/22/2013 7:24:56 AM

11 years ago

drunk women and a kilt? There's trouble en't it?

11 years ago

Even though many hardcore fans know FF is pretty much dead, I think the name still carries weight with more casual fans of the series, or RPGs in general (sales figures of Lightning Returns will be the test of this.) As for me, I once looked at this game as the potential redemption for the series, and the one I remained truly interested in over XIII, even before the latter was released. Given SEs state of affairs, as well as the fact this game has been MIA for a long time now, I have my doubts as to how good it will actually be, if it is indeed released.

However, that said, should the game be released for PS4, exclusive or not, it should still be a system seller, as the reviews will likely be positive enough to make people want to buy into the new generation. For me, it wouldn't be a system seller, as I'm already interested in the likes of Watch Dogs and inFamous. If the reviews are good enough, however, I imagine it would make an excellent addition to my early collection.

11 years ago

I went through middle school AND high school waiting for this game. If it ends up being exclusive to the ps4 im going to have some rage issues. Sure, im going to buy a ps4 regardless, but the point is this was announced 7 years ago. Done enough waiting, during the intro of the ps3. It would be a crime to make a jump like that, because they spent the first few years of this gen accepting bribes.

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
11 years ago

It's vaporware now. The overwhelming majority of people who once cared simply don't anymore. At best, if it ever comes out, I might consider it in a bargain bin. It's very sad to see how far Square Enix, as a developer, has fallen. They've been on a roll publishing games though. Maybe they ought to stick to that next generation…

11 years ago

They should hand FF off to a developer that knows what it's doing and then just publish it. Then the franchise could go back to being great.

11 years ago

I think SE might have a little too much to prove with Versus. Reviewers typically give franchises a certain amount of wiggle room when trying a new direction but eventually they become hostile to a franchise headed in the wrong direction consistently. XIII and XIII-2 got very fair reviews and were basically judged on their own merits but I foresee reviewers getting fed up with the weird direction in Lightning Returns and then demanding that Versus prove itself in an almost unrealistic way. So it will have the huge hurdle of the whole XIII debacle to overcome.

11 years ago

I hate to be brining up a rumog, but VGLeaks said that FF Versus XIII has been renamed to FF XV and is making the generation jump. Apparently, it will be exclusive to the PS4 and that Sony is even assisiting in developing the game. While it sounds intriguing, it's still a rumor and shouldb be taken with plenty of salt. LOL

Anyway, if Versus XIII does end up on the PS4, I think it will still push some hardware. The name ahs been severely tarninshed this generation but it still carries some weight. If it ends up to be a good game, then I hope it does. And if it is a return to form for the game, then I'd like to beat all the FF XIII games sales-wise, too!

11 years ago

I must've missed something. I didn't know about this recent rumor.

11 years ago

I believe any game with a very high rating could be a potential system seller, but especially those games who obtain a wide media coverage.

Cause the real task of a "system seller" is to sell the system to others than those who would buy the system anyway, right? And for that to happen, it needs to be a title that catch attention outside the hardcore Playstation sphere. And is a Final Fantasy the right franchise for that?
A leading question but a valid one, imo.

(disclaimer: I am now of course talking about the western market)

11 years ago

Personally, I don't think it will. Last generation had nothing of 9+ scoring quality in the genre to maintain the current and build a new fanbase for the genre. Not just the Final Fantasy series, though. The whole jrpg one. There was a 9+ title on XBOX, but that was early and lets be honest… not the most diverse system for genre. And really, the only amazing title for PS3 in the genre was Ni no Kuni, and the art style isn't something that would pull in new fans. Plus, one title late in the generation isn't enough to rekindle much.

So no… I don't believe Final Fantasy is the right game anymore to be a system seller. It used to be. FF7 was a system seller for sure. FFX was for early PS2 adopters as well. I was all Nintendo when PS1 came out. It wasn't until I saw FF7 that I finally got a playstation.

11 years ago

For me and i assume for most others out there, Final Fantasy versus, since the release of ff13 was a small bright spot of hope that versus will bring back the Final Fantasy back where it belongs.

And also the latest rumors that when SE had halted the development in midway Sony development studios got involved and moved it onto PS4, and this was also the reason why Last guardian was delayed, as resources were moved on to versus development, but still just a rumor

11 years ago

its FF!
would spitting in my bosses face, sleeping with his wife, framing his son getting him 20 years in jail, and totaling his 500K ferrari, get him pissed off with me?

11 years ago

Possibly. I'm scared to admit probably not.

Essentially, Versus XIII was the game that everyone was clamoring for….FF XIII released, and proved to be a disappointment. Then SE "graced" us with XIII-2 and the upcoming Lightning Returns, but a lot of people don't want that.

Versus XIII was already accepted to be a spin-off, an action-rpg. XIII on the other hand is clearly suffering an identity-crisis.

From what (little) we had seen, Versus looked to be the quality game, and in all fairness, I'm not afraid to admit that my PS4 will be a day-1 purchase if Versus is a launch-title and reviews are good…

However, the same most assuredly cannot be said for the majority of people, and I honestly can't blame them :/
SE has really messed up this gen…

11 years ago

I think an important angle here to consider is that if FFVsXIII (or FFXV, going with the latest rumours) is sufficiently spectacular and has stellar sales, it will help cement PS4's position in Japan. That -should- lead to more JPN developers making JRPGs for the system, and not have the 3DS have a monopoly on them.

Then again, maybe not. The console market in JPN seems grim. But hey, at least with PS4's success, that should bolster Vita's success, and the Vita can take over PSP's spot as being fantastic for JRPGs.

11 years ago

I will be kind of pissed if this rumour is true. I actually bought a PS3 BECAUSE of vs13. So if this is the case I will be very upset. Not to mention the whole reason we haven't had a KH3 is because this game has been in development for the better part of a decade.

What I wouldn't mind if it was Sony exclusive, and they did something like the Twightlight princess on the Wii. Maybe have it out first for the PS4 but then also have a version on the PS3?

I dont know but this seriously bugs me. I want this game more than pretty much any PS3 title right now and it sucks that it might be a PS4 exclusive.

On the flip side I guess it would be better for it to come out at all instead of it becoming vapourware like many people were predicting. So in a way I'm pissed that I wont get it, but glad that it will at least be released and eventually down the road WAY WAY down the road when I get a PS4 it will be waiting for me.

11 years ago

Same here, I'm not planning on getting the ps4 at launch.

11 years ago

Glad I'm not alone, did anyone else get a PS3 because vs13 looked really good?

11 years ago

I got overly excited about Final Fantasy XIII when it was first announced. FF in high definition was what I wanted to play more than any other game. It turned out be my biggest disappointment of the entire generation.

Final Fantasy is no longer a system seller for me, but I will buy any and all, real, rpg's they might make in the future.

11 years ago

Unless it reviewed poorly, I think Versus would still be a system seller. If the game pulled in good reviews it would surely be enough to push many 'on the fence' FF fans over to a purchase. We may piss and moan about it, but we all know we want to give FF another chance.

To be fair though, this could be said for just about any game. If a launch title pulls in 9+ review scores, it will be a system seller.

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

I do not think it will be a system seller. The gaming world has moved on and final fantasy is a relic that only the hardcore rpg gamers want back (dont get me wrong, i would buy an xbox if FF vs 13 was a microsoft exclusive).

Final Fantasy is kind of like the Tv show Heroes; The first season was amazing, then the show got a god complex and it was all downhill from there. Final fantasy 13 was the Heroes season 2 premiere.

Ever since i found out that Tomb Raider was an Xbox game ported to the ps3 ive given up on Square Enix. I believe there are no more exclusives coming from the company.

Last edited by karneli lll on 3/22/2013 11:55:15 AM

11 years ago

of course a FF exclusive would be a system seller just like a metal gear exclusive would be.. I mean just look at the high increase in PS3 sells when MGS4 hit

11 years ago

I would have to no as I do not think FF fans make up the majority of the gamers out there. Its not going to make the PS4. Now that I say that I am no saying the FF games are not popular or good games. I can't say that because I have never played them. The look and gameplay alone is not my thing.

When it comes down to it I think it will take a good line of well produced and various genre of games to sell the PS4. The news of the architecture alone has people excited so there are already a good portion, my guess, of day one buyers. The game lineup, not just one series, is the key now for Sony andits devs/publishers.

The features, capabilities, game genre lineups will be its selling point. Focussing on one series to make the system is ridiculous in this day and age. Those days are gone I think. Especially with the expense the PS4 is going to be.

Keep Playing!

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