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Could 2015 End Up Being The Year 2014 Should’ve Been?

Many will agree that overall, 2014 was a relatively disappointing year.

A bunch of huge games got delayed and many others just didn't blow us away, as we expected them to do.

Personally, I'm not complaining. I never have any shortage of games to play, so delays and a few minor letdowns aren't enough to disappoint me. But there are plenty of gamers out there who disagree and so, that being the case, I'm wondering if 2015 will be the year 2014 probably should've been.

Not only will some of 2014's original high-profile productions like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , Battlefield: Hardline and Batman: Arkham Knight arrive in the first quarter, but other major titles could be truly "next-gen." Sony's PlayStation 4 might finally enforce its powerful will with exclusives like Uncharted 4: A Thief's End , Bloodborne , and The Order: 1886 , while other major third-party games are scheduled as well. Besides, now that developers are starting to focus entirely on the new consoles (and they're not forced to make a game work on two different generations of hardware), the experiences should, by default, get better.

Do you have high expectations for next year? Will it easily outstrip this year?

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9 years ago

Being an older gamer I embraced the delays that we experienced during 2014 to play catch up on the many games I missed out from previous years. 2015 will be epic. Sooooooooooo many awesome games coming out. I'm glad I waited to get a PS4 till now.

9 years ago

I suppose so, especially if Uncharted magically makes it next year. The pickings are so slim I may actually Day 1 that game. The Order looks great but is still kind of a toss up. We will need to see something concrete coming soon from the PS Experience.

Right now I can't say I saw anything good from 2014 except that tomorrow I'll have Dragon Age to say is good.

It's a low bar to clear.

9 years ago

I've had a pre-order on the collectors of the order. On the fence for canceling it. Not sure about it yet.

9 years ago

I think I'm going to gamble on it being great and put in an order for the normal edition.

9 years ago

$20 more for a steel case. I'm a sucker for those

9 years ago

I don't have any so I don't know their greatness.

9 years ago

Well….Bloodborne comes out next year. So thats an automatic yes 😉

In general, remakes were what 2014 great. Most new games weren't as good as the old ones. Ubisoft shoulda just remade AC1 and 2 and threw them onto next gen.

Either way, it was definitely an interesting year. Destiny is a lot of fun. Driveclub (when it works) is a fantastic raving game. The Evil Within is my favorite game so far this year. Infamous Second son was extremely fun to play, but lacking in the story. (although I did like the story, it just felt tacked on last minute, like any real comic book superhero)
Choices in Second Son and the results felt better than ! or 2 in my opinion.

The rest were pretty much remakes and ports. Next year is when we see what everyone, and that includes Nintendo, are really made of. SSB is definitely awesome, but X and Fatal Frame are what will make me play the Wii u. MS has nothing at the moment that interests me. It's nice seeing all 3 big companies have something that is exclusive and what they bring to the table. MS honestly has nothing other than FPS's that are last generations leftovers and Phantom Dust. Which is going to tank as the original was bad too.

So 2015 will be an interesting year. I can say for next gen consoles, yes it will easily outstrip this year. No doubt. Unless we have a bunch of Unities release and they're all bad games.

9 years ago

I got some buddies that would get down on a raving game

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
9 years ago

Haven't been very involved in gaming this year; life's gotten in the way of that. But from everything that I've seen and read, absolutely. 2014 was a fizzle, but the delays have really pumped up the front end of next year, and that will be followed up by the usual glut of end-year releases. And some of the games on the slate are going to be very impressive indeed.

Most importantly, though, I think that we're finally going to get some games that make us sit up, take notice, and really say that *this* is what a new generation is all about. It seems almost as though every second year is the one to watch out for: 2012 was fairly weak, after 2011 saw the release of UC3 and Skyrim. 2013 was fantastic. This year has been bland, and 2015 is shaping up to be great.

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

I hope so. Finally gettin a PS4 on black friday.

9 years ago

Yeah, My ps4 is still more for movies right now than gaming, but there have been some good moments on it. Thanks to some ridiculous sales, my ps3 still has a lot of life left in it.

9 years ago

Uncharted my ass. Bring back the original master …. Indiana Jones!!!

9 years ago

It's ok, Yoda. Someday you'll meet someone.

9 years ago

My prediction: Bloodbourne will be decent (around 77-81 metascore), The order will land somewhere between 69-73 and Uncharted will be Uncharted. Ergo 90+ but not the highest rated Uncharted. Such are my predictions. 🙂

I just wait for news of an exciting release for me sometime before summer next year. That'd give an awesome flow from now on until summer: Inquisition soon, then GTA in january (for PC), Witcher in february, throw in some Borderlands presequel inbetween there and those will easily keep me busy until at least around may.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/18/2014 3:35:50 AM

9 years ago

Bloodborne will most likely score a bit higher if it can somehow hold its own against the tsunami known as Witcher 3 but, yeah, The Order is going to be a bust. Looks like a poor man's Gears, without the co-op multiplayer to make it a complete package. And, of course, I'm right. I called Destiny and DriveClub (best game of October?? HA!) to be diappointments and that CoD would outsell Destiny ( which it did in its first week as far as physical sales)

9 years ago

Maybe that news you're waiting for will be Fallout 4 🙂

"I don't want to set the wooooorld on fiiiiiire, I just want to staaart a flame in your heeearrrt… bum bum…"

9 years ago

World; We've waited for Fallout 4 for a long time already, bro'. But it's not gonna happen in 2015.

I can't wait just to hear what great music they have come up with this time! Man that "Set the world on fire" track was fantastic.

Kid; yeah I may – *may* – have been a bit harsh on Bloodborne. It's the title I'm most unsure about. I should perhaps stretch the range up a couple of points. But to stay within a 5 point range I didn't want to rule out the top 70s. 🙂

9 years ago

CoD will almost certainly outsell Destiny at this point, but it's not true that it has in it's first week.

Combined with digital sales, CoD has sold an estimated 8.3 million across all consoles while Destiny has sold an estimated 8.5.

I'm interested to see if Destiny will succeed the same way most MMO's do or if it's already a write-off (If you can call over 8 million a write off). Most MMO's have big initial sales, then taper off to nothing until it gets spruced up. (it seems all MMOs go through this experience) Then sales pick up again over time and continue through the years.

But I wonder if people see it as an MMO or just an online shooter? I can't figure out what the market thinks of it yet. If they see it as a shooter, this is likely all we can expect long term. But if they see it as an MMO, long term it wouldn't be an unwise bet to say it lifetime outsells CoD Advanced Warfare.

9 years ago

Well I did add it was as far as physical copies only because I am not sure what AW's digital sales were. Where'd you get your numbers to come up with the estimate?

9 years ago

Despite everything that was promised, I didn't walk into early adoption thinking 2014 would be a memorable year. It wasn't entirely shocking to see all of the delays, either. There's been a lot of hype behind pretty much everything announced and it worries me that the bar of expectations has been set too high.

The Order and Bloodborne look pretty gnarly, yet I'm not sure if The Order will be my kind of game. Will still try it out due to the sheer amount of awesomeness. Tesla AND Edison? Two of the greatest inventors in "modern" history! I think it opens up quite a story to unfold. Bloodborne just looks sick. I've enjoyed From Software's offerings and this one seems to have what the others fell short on – quality. Not that I'm disappointed with FS games. Expecting this new IP to be the evolution in its arsenal compared to previous offerings.

9 years ago

2014 has actually gotten far better this fall, there aren't really any titles I am interested in but I can certainly appreciate the rise in quality in the last few months.

As for 2015… Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.. Why am I the only person who mentions it? The game looks far beyond any other title in the making at the moment in pure scale and in offering a sheer diversity of things to do. It's the game that I will be buying a PS4 for in 2015 and I'll be buying Final Fantasy Type-0 along with it.

9 years ago

MGS V is all I'm looking forward to in 2015. Oh, unless Uncharted 4 comes out as well. =)

9 years ago

Thank you!

slow and smart
slow and smart
9 years ago

For me there will be enough games untill the end of 2015 for sure;
The witcher 3/uncharted4/the order 1886[day 1]/batman arkham knight/metal gear solid/bloodborne[guess it will be great but not for me]/no man's sky

also:Rim/res evil remastered/untill dawn/doom[?]/the witness

And from this year:TLOU remastered/metro redux/outlast/new tomb raider [psn]

9 years ago

If Batman Arkham Knight is as awesome as City was and you add Uncharted 4, that's all I need for a great 2015, anything else is a plus.

9 years ago

2015 is what 2014 should have been.I expected more from Sony exclusively.

9 years ago

2015 is looking like the year to beat: Uncharted 4, Silent Hills, Hellblade, Bloodborne, The Order 1886, MGSV and hopefully Tekken 7. All of those (not sure about Hellblade or The order yet) are looking like must buys imo.

9 years ago

yeah 2014 could have been better and 2015 may well be that year we will never know for sure but i think it was probably for the better and i think we could have used more details with all the debacles we've had

happy gaming

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