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Middle-earth Dev Unfazed By Comparisons To Assassin’s Creed

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is one of the best games of 2014.

However, perhaps unsurprisingly, the game has drawn many comparisons to Ubisoft's stellar Assassin's Creed franchise. The gameplay does boast plenty of plain similarities, after all.

However, Shadow of Mordor developer Monolith Productions was never worried about people comparing their game to Ubisoft's award-winning IP. As lead designer Bob Roberts told IGN in a recent interview, people won't care once they start playing:

"I don't know if vindicated is the right word, because we always knew what it feels like to play. Once people get their hands on it, they stop worrying about the comparisons and it totally feels like its own thing."

Earlier this year, former Ubisoft developer Charles Randall actually accused Monolith and Warner Bros. of using animations and code from Assassin's Creed II . But Roberts argues that Middle-earth goes well beyond ACII, what with its standout features like the Nemesis system:

"There's so much new going on there thanks to the Nemesis system and the way we combined all the elements to make the world come to life. So we never really got that [Assassin's Creed comparison] criticism once people had a chance to play it. As soon as we started showing it, it became clear we had nothing to worry about."

It's definitely worth playing, if you couldn't already tell by reading our review (linked above).

Related Game(s): Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

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9 years ago

Ripping off Assassin's Creed? I thought they were mostly ripping off Batman.

9 years ago

Ripping off is a bad word choice. They are running off the same engine.

Everybody is just blind and they finally see the similarities that Batman has always had to the AC games. It just took the similar setting to make people realize it.

9 years ago

yeah nah i know people are concerned but i'm keen and most of my mates are that game even though i am gunna get it late probs

happy gaming

9 years ago

The truth is Shadow of Mordor IS its own game. I had a total of two things pop out to me as SIMILAR to AC, but that's it. The experience playing the game goes far beyond any one element of it.

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