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PSXE Poll Update: Non-PS4 Owners Have Their Reasons

Most PSXE readers own a PlayStation 4. We get that.

But a lot of you still don't and we wanted to know why. What's stopping you? Price? Lack of games?

Well, according to the results of the latest poll, it's a combination of both. Just about the same number of participants cited lack of money and lack of games, which sounds about right. Even though the PS4 is "only" $400, that's still pricey for some people, and let's not forget that that's just the entry fee. You still have to add the cost of games, accessories, peripherals and PlayStation Plus (if you want it). And with a lack of PS4 exclusives out there right now, we can understand the "no games I really need" argument, too.

This week, do you plan on getting Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor ? The game is getting rave reviews and it just might be one of the best titles of 2014…

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9 years ago

Still waiting on games on PS4, and not interested in Middle Earth.

9 years ago

I'm waiting on a special themed PS4. The white one was nice, but I want one that is literally specially designed via the company or something. Than I shall buy my 2nd PS4.

No more Assassins Creed for me. Shadows of Mordor reminds me way too much of Assassins creed so its out of the question. The game does look awesome however, and it certainly is pretty.

9 years ago

I have a newborn at home so i simply cant afford one… Easy

9 years ago

You get to play the Ultimate game! LIFE! Congratulations!

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Waiting for Christmas-ish. By that time PS Vita TV will be out for my region (I just like the comfort of a non-import product) and hopefully Guilty Gear Xrd which is the fight game I want.

S0 -> lack of games for meh.

9 years ago

I bought one at launch and wish there were more games, but even more wish Sony would re-add the media features the PS3 had that the PS4 should have had 10 months ago.

9 years ago

Bought one 2 months ago, and loving the purchase so far. I guess I'm not into the exclusivity-hype (yet), as I am primarily a MMO-type of player. I have FFXIV:ARR and DC Universe Online… but currently hooked on Destiny. And, yes, definitely getting LoTR:SoM for my single player needs!

9 years ago

for me it's ther price.. there are some games out and on the way for PS4 that I wanna play.. but $400 is too much for me right now.. why pay $400 for a new consoles and another $60 for a game when i can just pay $50-$60 for a great game on PS3 righ now.. i will get a PS4 at some point when the price drops but not yet.

9 years ago

Won't get LotR unfortunately. There are other games I'm saving my money for.

9 years ago

"And with a lack of PS4 exclusives out there right now, we can understand the "no games I really need" argument"

It wasn't the lack of exclusives that made me tick that box. It was the lack of games – period.

Things will be different once the stuff from BioWare, Ubisoft, CD Projekt Red and so forth starts rolling in.

9 years ago

Its not the price that bothers me ,what bothers me is a got a hell of a lot of ps3 games and i cant play them on the ps4,also yes the lack of games.i would have been more than happy to pay a little extra if would have played ps3 games as well.still waiting for ratchet n clank and gt7 to come out.

9 years ago

Ohhh and dead space 4 if it comes out!!.hey does anyone know if ea and visceral studios have any plans to do a dead space movie or even trigology that would be a wicked movie .

9 years ago

well i have had one since day oe but i haven;t used it all year really cos it not well placed in the house for one and two i have really had alot of time and the time i did have i spent going through games ont he ps3 i already have that i havent play. and that stack is pritty big so yeah and they mostly hard copies

happy gaming

9 years ago

I'm still waiting, hopefully by the first price drop or something. Oh man, u know what color PS4 I would want to see out is a silver or platinum with a blue trimming.

9 years ago

If it was backward compatible with PS3 it would've been a day one purchase. As it is right now, I have a huge backlog of games I need to finish on PS3 and there are franchises I want to play that I haven't even got into yet…
The lack of media support and forced PSN+ also keeps me away. Uncharted 4 or whatever else ND or QD comes up with might sway me finally, but not before the end of next year.

9 years ago

Owned the PS4 right out of the gate but there has been a lack of games I need to play.

Shadow of Mordor is digitally preorderd and, in my book, is one of the games I need to play this year. the First being Watchdogs but that didn't really pan out (it was ok). Second being Destiny and I'm still having fun with that one nearly 50 hrs in but it has highlighted that lack of friends I have and the fun I'm missing out in without said friends.

9 years ago

No games for me. Still don't have one because year one always sucks. Always.

9 years ago

I bought my PS4 this weekend!!

Shadow of Mordor is the reason. I do not play FPS so there was really nothing on the PS4 that made me want to bite the bullet… then I read about the nemesis system and was hooked! I was waiting for Uncharted 4 or the new batman but Shadow of Mordor looks like the game that got me on the current gen console. Gives me an excuse to get Alien Isolation now too. Reviews on that one please??

9 years ago

I agree with this article. I haven't played any games on the PS4 for almost a month now. In fact, after playing inFamous and PT I plugged in the PS3 and continued playing Skyrim. I bought a PS4 for Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XV….The same reason I bought a PS3 5 years ago…. Damn you Squeenix!

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