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DoA5: Last Round Will Produce 1080p, 60FPS On PS4, Xbox One

They're the standard next-gen benchmarks: 1080p high-definition visuals and super slick 60 frames per second.

The good news is that you can expect such numbers from the new Dead or Alive installment, provided you pick it up for the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One.

According to VideoGamer , publisher Tecmo Koei has confirmed that Dead or Alive 5: Last Round will hit 1080p and 60FPS on the next-gen systems, even though it's also coming out for the PS3 and Xbox 360. This is budget-priced title; the latter version will go for $30 while the next-gen iteration will have a $40 price tag. It has a tentative release date of Spring 2015.

Said Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi:

"Dead or Alive Last Round marks an exciting step forward for the franchise, and one that fans have been asking for. Bringing the game to a new generation of consoles is allowing us to create the most graphically striking version of any Dead or Alive game ever, and we are very happy to give our fans the chance to experience our signature high energy fighting entertainment as only the latest consoles can deliver it."

Okay, so it's not entirely new but fighting aficionados will get a bunch of tweaks and improvements, along with the largest DoA roster ever: Hayabusa, Hayate, Kasumi, Ayane, Rig, Momiji, Leon, Kokoro, Tina, Lisa, Brad Wong, Jann Lee, Hitomi, Leifang, Christie, Eliot, Leon, Gen Fu, Bayman, Bass, Zack, Helena, Marie Rose, Phase 4, Nyotengu, and Akira, Pai, Jacky and Sarah Bryant from the Virtua Fighter series.

Related Game(s): Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

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9 years ago

Crap now i want it.

9 years ago

They got the prices right too. $30 for a massive version of DOA5 on PS3 is a great deal. $40 for the PS4 edition is about right too.

9 years ago

I'm hoping PS3 and PS4 gamers can fight each other online. When a base gets fragmented it can make it harder to find a match.
When DOA5 U released it really hindered finding a match in DOA5 Plus (it pooled PS3 and Vita gamers online so when DOA5 U came it left Plus desolate)

The newest more lengthy version of the trailer reveals a number of retro stages being remade. We already saw DOATEC HK from DOA3 but in the newer trailer we see more.
The Crimson rooftop stage from DOA2 HC is back. It looks like the Frozen Peaks snow stage from DOA2 is back as well. I'm personally really hoping for Aerial Gardens. That was one of DOA's best ever.

9 years ago

cant have a new generation without a fighting game cant wait. i took last generation off from fighters now i have 2 to play this generation. Mortal Kombat X & This game

9 years ago

Ugh…. Noooooo just release the stuff as 15$ DLCor something. This is so freaking annoying. I bought the original for 60$, and then the second version for 40. Why in the hell would i shell out even more for the same game with "updates" they could have "updated"through a patch?

Screw Team Ninja. DOA6 should have gone onto ps4/xbox one, not another doa5.

9 years ago

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/2/2014 3:02:47 PM

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