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Two Free TLoU Maps, But Matchmaking Issues Persist

On the plus side, you get two maps free of charge. On the downside, well…

As Naughty Dog revealed at their website , the team is still working to resolve those annoying matchmaking issues in The Last Of Us: Remastered . Said community strategist Arne Meyer:

"We are working on resolving this issue for those in our community who are still affected. We know this can be frustrating and the team here at Naughty Dog wants everyone in our community to know that working on this issue continues to be our number one priority."

They've released patches over the past two weeks, which have resulted in "significant improvements" but the matchmaking still needs help. Perhaps as an act of contrition, Naughty Dog will deliver two multiplayer maps free of charge, which is nice. But for those who want to enjoy the multiplayer action, the matchmaking issue can be quite irritating. Added Meyer:

"Believe me, the entire team at Naughty Dog completely understands how frustrating this has been for many of you in our community."

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us: Remastered

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9 years ago

There was always a problem with it that why I stop playing it long ago!

9 years ago

If it were any other developer I would be critical, but this is NAUGHTY DOG. Dudes get a free pass just on that basis. ND fanboy and proud 😀

PS. Just watched Pulp Fiction for the first time. My mind is still reeling. Should I watch the Godfather next? Why are you all looking at me like that? 0_0

9 years ago

Yes, watch all 3 Godfathers. I then suggest you to watch Insomnia and Scarface as well. Throw in Goodfellas and you'll be golden.

9 years ago

Godfather a whole different world than Pulp. Both excellent movies.

9 years ago

i have to say the match making problem isn't just a ND problem but i am sure they can fix it faster than others.

happy gaming

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