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PSXE Poll Update: No Love For Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition

Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition comes out this week for the PlayStation 4.

But evidently, not many of our readers care.

According to our latest poll results, the majority of PSXE fans have no interest in ever getting the PS4 version of Diablo III . That being said, a fair percentage said they're definitely getting it; there's just not much in-between: Either they're gonna grab it day one or they're simply not interested at all. That's not entirely unexpected, though. If you know what Diablo is, you made up your mind long ago. Either you're a fan or you're not.

This week, everyone's talking about Microsoft securing the timed exclusive rights to Rise of the Tomb Raider . Well, what's your take? Are you angry? Indifferent? Or do you actually think it's a good thing (for some unknown reason)?

Related Game(s): Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition

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9 years ago

i' going to get this later its amoung a selection of games i'm going to get over time.

happy gaming

9 years ago

Picking this up tomorrow. Wooooo!

9 years ago

Definitely interested in Diablo 3. It's probably not going to change my mind but I'm interested in your review of it.

9 years ago

No suprise here. The game is 2,5 years old and can be played on low-end PC so everyone who wanted to play it, already had.

9 years ago

Not true at all.

I have a low end PC, have been interested in D3 since it's release, but have waited for the console release.

9 years ago

Plenty of love coming from me for the DIIIRoSUEE on PS4. I have it already downloaded and waiting for it to unlock at 2am on Tuesday CT!! I also have CounterSpy downloaded and ready to go. This preloading it exciting and such a nice perk. It's going to be an unbelievable week! Still undecided what class I and going to choose. It may end up being the new Crusader class since I don't own Diablo III anymore and won't be able to import my Demon Hunter. However, the Demon Hunter was AMAZING so I may just start over with a new Demon Hunter. Going to be awesome! Also, kudos to Blizzard for taking what DF found, researching and finding the FPS bug and fixing in a day one patch!! So we are back to the PS4 version being the definitive edition with post launch support! Nephalem Rift here I come!

9 years ago

I am too busy enjoying TLoU Remastered. Playing it on normal and then jumping straight to Grounded.

9 years ago

Option 3. Don't much care about the issue. Chances are, the definitive edition will be out by the time I even get a PS4 anyways.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
9 years ago

Regarding TR, I'm a mix of 2 and 3. It annoys me a tad because this third-party exclusivity stuff is for the birds but since I have an X1, too, it has lowered my irritation quite a bit.

9 years ago

Maybe I'm a purist. Call me old-fashioned. But playing Diablo on PC is something of a passion. On a controller it always felt awkward, no matter how I tried. But with a mouse and keyboard, I just click and yell "DIE! DIE! DIE!"

9 years ago

Never played it so i'm looking forward to this

9 years ago

I liked Diablo 3. But Im not paying 60 bucks again for an expansion. Sorry. I will wait for some bargain bin prices. Maybe. Until then ….. I am awaiting my DESTINY! MUAHAHAHA!

9 years ago

That's not the case?

You are paying $60 for the full Diablo 3 game, with the RoS expansion included.

So you are getting both. Which is a much better deal than PC and PS3/360 owners got.

9 years ago

I should be picking up D3 today, but I'm cramming for a painting competition on Saturday, so I don't have the time for it at the moment.
I'm also making my way through Risen 3. I wish it came out on PS4 so I could have the PC graphics while still being able to play it on my TV.

9 years ago

Playing D3 now. Gotta say, I'm pretty impressed.

The game is smooth, gameplay simple and fun, graphics didn't really impress me, but they rarely do these days.

Glad I waited for the console version, don't think I would have enjoyed it as much on PC.

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