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Teslagrad Gets A Physical Copy This Year

Gotta love a good ol' physical copy.

After the success of the digital installment of Teslagrad , Norwegian developer Rain Games and Dutch multiplatform publisher Soedesco have announced a physical version of the title, which will be available during Q4 2014 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Wii U, PlayStation Vita and PC.

Said Soedesco product manager Hans van Brakel:

"We at SOEDESCO are very happy to work with Rain Games. We hope that we can share the magic of Teslagrad with everyone this year when it hits retail."

Teslagrad is an intriguing, innovative puzzle/platformer that involves magnetism and other electromagnetic abilities. You have to unlock the secrets of the mythical Tesla Tower and as you progress, you will earn special skills that help you discover more of the Tower. It's a non-linear progression and there are over 100 beautiful hand-drawn environments. Your Teslamancer technology is like nothing you've ever wielded, but the puzzles aren't for the faint of heart…

Come this holiday season, it should make for a nice addition to your library.

Related Game(s): Teslagrad

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9 years ago

i might get the physical copy on vita cos i don't always like downloading everything, unless it's PC i don't mind downloading stuff on there so much usually have more space and its more easily expanable i have 1.5T of external space between to HDD's.

happy gaming

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